Re: Test content guidelines

Hi Brian,

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Brian Birtles <>wrote:

> Dear all,
> It's good to see we now have a SVG 2 Test repository set up (thanks Tav!)
> and some concrete proposals for the document structure of the tests.

+1 - thanks Tav!

> I'd like to raise the issue of the actual test content. In writing test
> cases for Gecko we've often found ourselves writing tests that, on success,
> fill the whole viewport with green (failure cases often fill it with red
> but that is less important).

This is a good idea. At least consistency in pass/fail colour indication
would be great.

> This has the advantage of being really easy to determine if a test passed
> (unlike some of the tests in the SVG 1.1 test suite as I'm sure we're all
> aware, animate-elem-61-t being just one of many examples). It can also save
> resources as you can re-use the same reference file.
> Well, some reference files. I'd expect test output to contain a variation
in graphics for many cases...

> Unfortunately, we haven't done this very consistently in Gecko. Some tests
> fill the viewport with lime, others with green, and others just use a big
> blue rectangle. That's why I'm bringing this up now. Could we make it a
> guideline that new tests should, as far as possible, fill the viewport with
> "green" on success (i.e. rgb(0, 128, 0), "lime" is a little distressing)?
> There are some tests where this is impractical and I definitely don't
> think we should make this a rule, just a guideline.
> For those cases where it's not practical (e.g. sometimes text can be
> difficult--but even then you can get quite a way with box-shaped glyphs,
> see [1]) we might even be able to create other shared reference files to
> make inspecting test results easier.

SVG Tiny fonts would ease the pain here:-)

> For animated tests, in order to support user agents that don't support
> script, we could perhaps have a guideline that after 1s all animations
> should be finished/frozen and on success should fill the viewport with
> green. Scripted agents would run a script that does a seek to t=1s.

I think 1s may be too quick. It's OK for automated tests, but people may
actually want to watch the animation and 1s doesn't seem to be very long
for complex/chained animations, etc.

But in principle it makes sense.

> On a related note, I wonder how useful "mismatch" reference files are in
> the proposed test structure? In the above approach, anything other than a
> viewport full of green is a failure. (If there are a number of known
> reasons a test might fail, you can still make the test produce, e.g.
> different colours for each failure case to aid debugging, but I don't know
> that that really needs to be codified as separate mismatch files.)
> Best regards,
> Brian Birtles
> [1] Example test case: https://bug376027.bugzilla.**

That's html with embedded SVG, poor SVG only UAs!


Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 02:46:07 UTC