New SVG Test Suite Repository


 I have set up the structure of the new SVG Test Suite repository
following the CSS example. At the moment you can only see the repository

The forwarding of the changes to the W3C repository is at the moment not

 The structure of the repository is as follows:

     |--- approved  (For approved tests, directory per module)
     |        |--- css3-transforms
     |        |        |--- src  (actual tests)
     |        |        |--- other directories as needed
     |        |
     |        |--- support (shared files, e.g. images)
     |        |--- svg2
     |        | etc. 
     |--- contributors  (Contributor managed area)
     |        |
     |        |--- tavmjong
     |        |        |--- submitted (ready for review)
     |        |        |--- incoming  (scratch area)
     |        | etc.
     |--- tools  (Scripts, etc.)

There are README files in each directory with more details (with
Mercurial you cannot have empty directories).

There is an example template file with corresponding ref file in
tavmjong/submitted using a slightly modified template from what we agree
on at the last WG meeting (in response to Peter Linss' feedback).
Waiting on Chris for link to copyright page.

There are a few simple css3-transform ref tests in tavmjong/incoming.


Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2012 14:11:33 UTC