www-style@w3.org from October 2015 by subject

[bikeshed] Missing line break in code samples?

[CSS Abstract] What kind of lenguage is CSS?

[CSS-2015] Two minor comments on CSS Snapshot 2015

[css-align] computed value of 'align-self: auto'

[css-align] definition of 'align-content'/'justify-content' should define computed value for 'auto'

[css-align] implementability of computed value rules for align/justify-self/items

[css-align] in which cases does 'left'/'right' compute to 'start' exactly?

[css-align] Two editorial nits

[css-align][css-grid] Baseline Content-Alignment subjects in Grid Layout

[css-animations] Initial summary of outstanding issues

[css-animations] Multiple identifiers per @keyframes rule

[css-animations][css-transitions] What is the intended use of elapsedTime?

[css-backgrounds][css-grid][css-logical] 2-axis positions vs. 4-direction shorthands

[css-break] Breaking inside an inline-block element?

[css-break][css-masking][css-shapes] fragmentation

[css-color-4] "color adjuster" vs color-adjust

[css-color] L4 spec changes don't mention device-cmyk()

[css-content] Request for note regarding selection, search, and accessibility of generated content

[css-device-adapt] New WD

[css-flexbox] available space and max-height

[css-flexbox] Textarea as a flex container

[css-fonts] font-weight-adjust

[css-fonts] ready attribute vs function

[css-fonts] Shape of the CSSFontFaceRule interface

[css-fonts] updated wording for subscript/superscript glyph synthesis

[css-grid] A few questions on Grid gutters (grid-column-gap, grid-row-gap, and grid-gap properties)

[css-grid] About the meaning of being "sized under min|max-content constraint"

[css-grid] Clamping Overlarge Grids - error in example and typos

[css-grid] Containing block for abs.pos. grid items when the grid overflows

[css-grid] Grid Placement Conflict Handling is now missing the equal start/end line case

[css-grid] How to resolve lines for absolutely positioned grid items

[css-grid] Implicit Named Areas

[css-grid][css-align] Default alignment of grid tracks

[css-images] API for authors to request concrete object size & position, for replaced element w/ "object-fit"/"object-position"

[css-images] Contradiction in definition of <color-stop-list>

[css-line-grid] line-grid:match-parent and orthogonal flows

[css-logical-properties] the 'inline-{start,end}' values for 'float' and 'clear'

[css-overflow] overflow-x, overflow-y and tables

[css-page-floats] Re: [css-logical-properties] the 'inline-{start,end}' values for 'float' and 'clear'

[css-round-display] device-radius media query replacement

[css-round-display] Miscellaneous suggestions

[css-round-display] part of abs-pos (was: Suggest 'polar-anchor' property for positioning elements without overflowing)

[css-round-display] Propose 'polar-orientation' property for aligning elements

[css-round-display] Suggest 'polar-anchor' property for positioning elements without overflowing

[css-round-display] Suggest ‘polar-anchor’ property for positioning elements without overflowing

[css-round-display] What is the % in device-radius relative to?

[css-scroll-snap] "single mandatory"

[css-shapes] Shapes, margin clipping, and misleading examples

[css-sizing][css-grid] Doubt about definite/indefinite size

[css-snappoints] Befine behaviour when content is larger than scroll container

[css-snappoints] feedback on alternate model draft

[css-snappoints] repeat(calc(<value>)) clamping behaviour

[css-snappoints] Various issues

[css-snappoints][css-scroll-snap] 1D vs. 2D (diagonal) snapping

[css-snappoints][css-scroll-snap] Fragment ID and scroll-snapping

[css-snappoints][css-scroll-snap] Trapping snap coordinates from bubbling up to ancestor scrollers

[css-text-3] word-break: break-all

[css-text-decor] Value syntax of text-emphasis shorthand

[css-text] animatibility of 'tab-size'

[css-text] computed value for word-spacing:<percentage>

[css-text] CSS Text Module Level 4

[css-transforms] How should scrollbars react to a scaled-down element?

[css-transitions] style change terminology

[css-values] Line-height relative length units 'lh' and 'rlh'

[css-writing-modes] computed value for text-orientation: sideways or sideways-right

[css-writing-modes] Computed values of obsolete writing-mode values

[css-writing-modes] float interaction when line-left and line-right swap

[css-writing-modes] Propose to weaken upright rendering of horizontal-only scripts

[CSS21][CSS22] Request to clarify the section 6.4.3.

[css3-page] Additional page sizes

[cssom-view] Propose to add attrs for getting max/min value of scroll coordinate attrs

[cssom-view][css-writing-modes] Behavior of scrollLeft in RTL or vertical-rl mode

[csswg] Agenda conf call 07-Oct-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 21-Oct-2015

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-09-30 [css-round-display] [css-animations] [css-transforms] [css-selectors] [css-ruby]

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-10-07 [css-2015] [css-text] [cssom-view] [css-writing-modes] [css-logical-properties] [css-grid] [css-flexbox] [css-break]

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-10-21 [css-round-display] [css-writing-modes] [css-text-3] [css-will-change] [css-variables] [css-cascade]

[csswg][css-2015] Updated CSS Snapshot and Prefix Policy

[mediaqueries] CSS "prefers-" media features (from TPAC discussion)

[transitions] unfinished transitions v. elapsedTime

[web compat] max-width and intrinsic sizes in a table scenario

[web-animations] Should computedTiming return a live object?

[will-change] Editorial: will-change: all example is invalid

An invitation from PF


i18n-ISSUE-359: [css-ruby] Drop ruby-merge in favour of a specific jukugo value

Proposing ::contents pseudo-element‏‏

range of non-overflown content

Styling <input type=text>

Last message date: Saturday, 31 October 2015 15:01:34 UTC