Re: [css-transforms] How should scrollbars react to a scaled-down element?

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. <>

> I presume that the spec should be corrected to say that the effects of
> the transform must be taken into account *in addition to* the
> original, pre-transform, geometry.  Correct?

Probably not. I think what's happening there, in Firefox at least, is that
the anonymous box child of .outer representing the "scrolled content" is a
block, and its height is 400px (since the transform does not affect
layout). And it's that anonymous box child that's triggering the overflow.
You'll notice that the same issue does not occur in the horizontal
direction, since block widths do not expand to contain their children, but
(anonymous) block heights do.

I'd consider this a Firefox bug.

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Received on Thursday, 8 October 2015 00:29:15 UTC