RE: [css-transitions] style change terminology

> When I was writing prose a while ago to define more precisely how
> transitions start:
> I needed a term for the process of recomputing all of the batched up style
> changes.  I thought this term was going to remain pretty internal to the
> specification, so I wasn't that careful in picking what to call it, and I chose
> "style change event", which is a bad name since it's not a DOM event.
> I've now become aware that people are starting to refer to this term based
> on the spec's use of it, so I'd rather come up with a better term.
> Some ideas I've come up with:
>   style change batch - This isn't great because it sounds more like
>   the set of changes that are batched up rather than the process of
>   recomputing style for all of them
>   style change execution - Maybe better, but perhaps a little too
>   verbose, and execution still isn't good at referring to one batch
>   of recomputation
>   style recomputation - Perhaps less precise, but also shorter.  I
>   don't see any obviously incorrect implications from this term,
>   which is a plus.
> I'm inclined to go with the last one (style recomputation), though I'm open to
> other suggestions.
> -David

Just brainstorming here (I'm fine with whichever name you prefer) but here are other ideas:
- style update task
- style sync task
- style sync checkpoint

Received on Friday, 16 October 2015 01:25:57 UTC