Re: [css-writing-modes] Computed values of obsolete writing-mode values

Le 2015-09-30 18:42, fantasai a écrit :
> On 09/23/2015 09:18 AM, Koji Ishii wrote:
>> So this should go to SVG spec rather than CSS spec I guess?
> The computation behavior needs to go into the CSS spec,
> but the SVGWG needs to resolve on what they want and to
> clarify their spec accordingly. (There's currently a
> lot of text in the SVG spec about how the 'rl' and 'lr'
> values should behave differently.)
> p.s. Gérard, we should probably turn this SVG into a test.
> ~fantasai

The 6 obsolete writing-modes values are: lr, lr-tb, rl, rl-tb, tb, and 
   SVG 1.1, section 10.7.2 Setting the inline-progression-direction

The 'writing-mode' property in SVG specifies exclusively the 
inline-progression-direction for a 'text' element; so block flow 
direction should *not* be affected ...

lr and lr-tb are equivalent to CSS 'direction: ltr' and 'writing-mode: 

rl and rl-tb are equivalent to CSS 'direction: rtl' and 'writing-mode: 

tb, and tb-rl are the equivalent of CSS 'writing-mode: vertical-rl' but 
for only the inline-progression-direction.

- - - - -

As far as checking computed values of the 6 obsolete writing-mode values 
are involved, aren't the 2 following tests from Koji sufficient? Just 
asking ...

computed values of all/each of the 6 obsolete writing-mode values are 
tested in those 2 tests.

- - - - -

I looked at your attached SVG...

If the 3 <text>s have the same x and y values, then aren't they going to 
overlap each other? Shouldn't they overlap?

What's the expected result of

<g style="direction: rtl">
   <text x="300" y="100" style="writing-mode: lr; fill: blue;">1 2 

What's the expected result of

<g style="direction: rtl">
   <text x="500" y="100" style="writing-mode: rl; fill: orange;">1 2 

What's the difference of meaning between "shift the text string" and 
"reverse the order of all glyphs in the text."? I ask because I sincerly 
do not know, do not understand the difference of meaning in terms of 

These expressions are coming from this sentence:
There are varying interpretations on whether this process causes 
"writing-mode: rl" to merely shift the text string or reverse the order 
of all glyphs in the text.
3.1.1. Obsolete SVG1.1 writing-mode Values


Received on Thursday, 1 October 2015 01:05:42 UTC