Re: [css-backgrounds][css-grid][css-logical] 2-axis positions vs. 4-direction shorthands

> On 24 Oct 2015, at 22:48, fantasai < <>> wrote:
> B. Or making logical coordinates always block, then inline, even though
> physical coordinates in background-position are horizontal, vertical?
>  background-position: start end; /* block, inline */
>  margin: 1em 2em relative;       /* block, inline */
> [Personally, I think I prefer the second solution, because it's easier
> for me to remember whether I'm in logical space or physical space than
> to remember that certain 2-value declarations are inline/block while
> others are block/inline. But I'm not sure what other people might think.]

I’d lean towards B as well, for the same reason. It’s easier to teach people that something is so if there appears to be a logical reason for it, rather than just “this is how it is”.


Received on Sunday, 25 October 2015 14:01:50 UTC