Re: [css-round-display] Suggest 'polar-anchor' property for positioning elements without overflowing

On 10/13/15, 4:42 AM, "Jihye Hong" <> wrote:

>If 'polar-anchor: auto' would work like method2, 'auto' value has the
>following meanings:
> i) the objects are positioned as even around the edge of the circle
>shape of the containing block
> ii) the objects are positioned without overflowing within the circle
>shape of the containing block
>Is this definition of 'auto' value appropriate?

I think that captures the intent I have in mind - don’t change how the item is aligned to its polar-angle, but adjust the polar-distance to avoid overflow.

>It seems like the meaning of 'auto' value is complicated, while definitions
>of 'auto' in 'background-position' or 'motion-direction' look intrinsic and

I agree, but that may be unavoidable as polar positioning is a bit more complicated than positioning within a rectangle.

>Also I'm not sure that 'auto' value is needed for 'polar-anchor'.
>Do you think 'auto' is necessary for 'polar-anchor'?

My understanding is that polar-anchor was originally proposed as a solution to the problem of overflow. I’m not aware of a use case any other value of polar-anchor than ‘auto’. So if polar-anchor exists I do think the ‘auto’ value is necessary. But there might be other solutions for avoiding overflow, such as adding a keyword to polar-distance:

Will overflow:
  polar-distance: 100%;
Will use method 2:
  polar-distance: 100% no-overflow;



Received on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 14:21:51 UTC