Re: [css-grid] Containing block for abs.pos. grid items when the grid overflows


On 10/08/15 01:43, fantasai wrote:
> I believe this was resolved at the New York F2F
> and edited into the latest draft

Just one more question about this topic.

So, if I got it right, it should be possible to have something like this:
<div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: 100px; width: 200px;
padding: 50px; position: relative;">
  <div style="position: absolute; grid-column: auto / 1;">item1</div>

And item1 should be placed inside the left padding itself, from 0px to
50px [*].

Also, if we've another abspos item:
  <div style="position: absolute; grid-column: 2 / auto;">item2</div>

Item2 should be placed using the right padding (from 150px to 300px).

Am I right or am I missing something else?


[*] ASCII diagram:

Pixels:  0px ---  50px --- 100px --- 150px --- 200px --- 250px --- 300px
         |         |                   |                            |
Lines:   0         1                   2                           -0
         |         |                   |                            |
Items:   | item1   |                   | item2                      |

* item1 => grid-column: auto / 1; => 0 / 1;
* item2 => grid-column: 2 / auto; => 2 / -0;

Received on Monday, 5 October 2015 12:19:52 UTC