from October 2018 by subject

[dxwg] (minimal) Profile metadata extensions for DCAT

[dxwg] 2pwd internal review [do not merge]

[dxwg] A client should be able to determine which profiles are supported by a server, and with which content types or other properties, in order to receive the one most appropriate for their use.

[dxwg] A client should be able to discover which profiles are supported by a server, and with which content types or other properties, in order to receive the representation most appropriate for their use.

[dxwg] A server can indicate that a response conforms to multiple profiles. [ID3] (5.3)

[dxwg] accessService property of a Distribution

[dxwg] Add 'Security and privacy' section to all the documents

[dxwg] Add dct:conformsTo to dcat:CatalogRecord

[dxwg] Add issues fort HTTP OPTIONS and alternative QSA forms

[dxwg] Adding dct:accessRights to DCAT

[dxwg] Adding dct:conformsTo to dcat:CatalogRecord

[dxwg] Addressing issue 431

[dxwg] Allow license property to link to other than LicenseDocument

[dxwg] Announce the P

[dxwg] Announce the PROF FPWD via email

[dxwg] Articulate profiles must be identified by URIs

[dxwg] Can a normative statement be in a non-normative section of a rec document?

[dxwg] Change of structure discussed in Oct 24 discussion in Lyon

[dxwg] Citations and Distributions

[dxwg] Cleaned normative statements and references from non-normative sections

[dxwg] Complete attribution of term definitions

[dxwg] Complete ISO profiles

[dxwg] Complete list of definitions

[dxwg] Complete related defns

[dxwg] Complete Test Suite

[dxwg] Confusion between major classes as newly defined in DCAT

[dxwg] Conneg doc

[dxwg] Conneg doc Security and Privacy

[dxwg] Conneg privacy considerations section

[dxwg] Consider the addition of a conformanceTarget property

[dxwg] Consider use of adms:identifier instead of prof:token

[dxwg] Consider use of adms:identifier instead of token

[dxwg] Content for the Abstract Model section

[dxwg] Copied lists of inherited properties into class descriptions

[dxwg] Create ReSpec skeleton for Profiles document

[dxwg] DataService and DataDistributionService

[dxwg] DCAT - DATS alignment (profile)

[dxwg] DCAT - alignment (profile)

[dxwg] DCAT-Rev profile to simulate 2014/DCAT-AP

[dxwg] dct:creator for dcat:Resource

[dxwg] Decide on a structure for main conneg doc content

[dxwg] Define conformance target and implementation evidence for Guidance doc

[dxwg] Define conneg interaction with media types that have a profile param

[dxwg] Defining validation

[dxwg] Dereferenceable identifiers [RDID]

[dxwg] Determine a derivative namespace of PROF for the test suite constraints resource

[dxwg] Determine how to reference ResourceRole vocab

[dxwg] Determine where and how to describe the QSA implementation

[dxwg] Determine which examples of use are to be published in the Profiles Ont doc

[dxwg] Distribution composed of more than one file, but not packaged

[dxwg] Distributions, services and implementation-resources

[dxwg] Enable the ability to negotiate the metadata profile via http, similar to the negotiation of data formats today. [ID30] (5.30)

[dxwg] Examine JSON-LD Framing specification for relation to Profiles abstract model

[dxwg] Examples in profile guidance

[dxwg] Family of Docs content

[dxwg] First take at conneg-by-http

[dxwg] foaf:homepage vs. dcat:landingPage

[dxwg] Funding source [RFS]

[dxwg] Guidance doc updates

[dxwg] Human-readable description location

[dxwg] Identifier type [RIDT]

[dxwg] Illustrate transitivity with diagrams

[dxwg] Improve and consider moving definitions

[dxwg] Improve profile defn with use

[dxwg] Improve wording in Profiles ontology Abstract and Introduction

[dxwg] improved CNEG link

[dxwg] Improving profile guidance intro

[dxwg] In Figure 1, dcat:Resource is missing dcat:theme

[dxwg] Incomplete ODRL profiles

[dxwg] Introduce dcat:mediaType equivalent

[dxwg] Invocation of a profile may be by profile name, a schema choice, an encoding, and/or a language. (schema? And assume that encoding is type as in type="application/xml".) [ID5] (5.5)

[dxwg] Link to implementation resources

[dxwg] Link to implementation resources used in profiles

[dxwg] Location of related work

[dxwg] Mention and align with ODRL profiles

[dxwg] Metadata about server profile support can be used for discovery and mediated traversal via content negotiation. [ID5] (5.5)

[dxwg] Model implementation reporting on SHACL

[dxwg] Move DCAT examples from Overview to an Annex

[dxwg] Moving some definition to appendix

[dxwg] Must a DCAT profile validate against all of DCAT?

[dxwg] Namespace for profiles ontology (and other things?)

[dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran

[dxwg] new commits pushed by aisaac

[dxwg] new commits pushed by davebrowning

[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[dxwg] new commits pushed by kcoyle

[dxwg] new commits pushed by larsgsvensson

[dxwg] new commits pushed by nicholascar

[dxwg] new commits pushed by plehegar

[dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage

[dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment

[dxwg] Prof ns

[dxwg] prof:profileOf sub-property of prov:wasDerivedFrom (!?)

[dxwg] Profile and Application Profile

[dxwg] Profile definition [RPFDF]

[dxwg] Profile guidance definitions

[dxwg] Profile guidance doc

[dxwg] Profile Guidance doc Abstract

[dxwg] Profile ontology editorial suggestion by riccardo

[dxwg] profile ontology: rdfs:Class vs owl:Class inconsistency between turtle and document

[dxwg] Profile version representation by identifier

[dxwg] Profiledesc issue362 simon

[dxwg] Profiles doc Privacy Considerations

[dxwg] Profiles Guide doc Security and Privacy

[dxwg] Profiles in relation to Data on the Web Best Practices

[dxwg] Profiles may provide rules on cardinality of terms (including “recommended”) [ID41] (5.41)

[dxwg] Profiles offered by a service must be discoverable through a machine-readable graph of metadata that describes what is offered and how to invoke the offered profiles. [ID5] (5.5)

[dxwg] Profiles Ont doc Privacy Considerations

[dxwg] Profiles overview diagram

[dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information

[dxwg] Profilesont doc - pubrules

[dxwg] property profileOfTransitive

[dxwg] Proposal for relaxing range of dcat:contactPoint

[dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document

[dxwg] Provide an example of both a profile and a resource adhereing to it

[dxwg] Publication control [RPC]

[dxwg] Pull Request: 2pwd internal review [do not merge]

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add issues fort HTTP OPTIONS and alternative QSA forms

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add link to open issue concerning information equivalence of distributions

[dxwg] Pull Request: Adding dct:conformsTo to dcat:CatalogRecord

[dxwg] Pull Request: adding reference to profile guidance document

[dxwg] Pull Request: Addressing issue 431

[dxwg] Pull Request: Change of structure discussed in Oct 24 discussion in Lyon

[dxwg] Pull Request: Changes from last CNEG meeting

[dxwg] Pull Request: Cleaned normative statements and references from non-normative sections

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Conneg doc - pubrules

[dxwg] Pull Request: conneg doc additions

[dxwg] Pull Request: Copied lists of inherited properties into class descriptions

[dxwg] Pull Request: Create ReSpec skeleton for Profiles document

[dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT-AP example - incomplete

[dxwg] Pull Request: definitions changes to a def list

[dxwg] Pull Request: Editorial changes (ACTION-228)

[dxwg] Pull Request: First take at conneg-by-http

[dxwg] Pull Request: Guidance doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Guidance doc - pubrules

[dxwg] Pull Request: Guidance doc updates

[dxwg] Pull Request: Improve documentation of dcat:Distribution

[dxwg] Pull Request: improved CNEG link

[dxwg] Pull Request: minor editorial change on reference and adding link to open issues

[dxwg] Pull Request: minor editorial changes

[dxwg] Pull Request: moved CNEG link to HTML

[dxwg] Pull Request: Moving creator property from Dataset to Resource

[dxwg] Pull Request: Moving some definition to appendix

[dxwg] Pull Request: Prof ns

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profile guidance doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profile ont doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profile ontology editorial suggestion by riccardo

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profiledesc issue362 simon

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profiles ont doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profilesont doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profilesont doc - pubrules

[dxwg] Pull Request: Refactor DCAT examples

[dxwg] Pull Request: Removing 'DXWG family of documents section' - closes #508

[dxwg] Pull Request: Shuffle related work examples

[dxwg] Pull Request: Slightly richer abstract and introduction

[dxwg] Pull Request: Small grammatical/spelling changes

[dxwg] Pull Request: Substituted introduction from github discussion #417

[dxwg] Pull Request: Text pointing to profiles guidance doc

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update index.html

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update overview of DXWG documents

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update

[dxwg] rdf:property and owl:datatypeProperty, problem with poolParty import

[dxwg] Re-write intro to DCAT

[dxwg] Refer to OAI-PMH as an implementation of QSA

[dxwg] Reference ARK

[dxwg] Reference Data on the Web Best Practices

[dxwg] Reference Data on the Web DBs

[dxwg] Registration of target attribute "profile" for the Link-Header

[dxwg] Related datasets [RRDS]

[dxwg] Remove DXWG family of documents from the revised DCAT document

[dxwg] Remove normative statements from non-normative sections of document

[dxwg] Requirement: A short token to specify a profile may be used as long as there is a discoverable mapping from it to the profile's identifying URI [ID5] (5.5)

[dxwg] Responses can conform to multiple, modular profiles (UC 5.3)

[dxwg] Return http link headers using the following relationship types... [ID30] (5.30)

[dxwg] Review implications of OPTIONS cacheability

[dxwg] Should the Guidance doc recognise existing, non-interoperable, profiles as valid

[dxwg] Specify the realisation order of precedence for conflicting profile negotiation situations

[dxwg] Specify ther order in which content negotiation is performed

[dxwg] Strange mention of Guidance in Requirements

[dxwg] Substituted introduction from github discussion #417

[dxwg] Support for existing QSA parameter names

[dxwg] There need to be an http-based mechanism to point to representations conforming to other profiles

[dxwg] There needs to be metadata about the views provided by profiles (“named collections of properties”) that can included in a http header [ID5] (5.5)

[dxwg] UML diagram

[dxwg] Unintended inference through foaf:primaryTopic to relate Resource to CatalogRecord

[dxwg] Update overview of DXWG documents

[dxwg] URI Requirements

[dxwg] Usage notes [RUN]

[dxwg] vocabulary specification of VoiD is dead

[dxwg] What does prof:profileOf entail?

[dxwg] What is a profile?

[profgui] Suggest for related work section

[w3c/dxwg] Can a normative statement be in a non-normative section of a rec document? (#353)

Agenda for CNEG Telecon 2018-10-10

Agenda for DCAT Subgroup Telecon 2018.10.04

Agenda for DCAT Subgroup Telecon 2018.10.11

Agenda October 30, 2018 - Profile Guidance subgroup

Agenda October 9

Agenda plenary October 16

Agenda ProfGui October 17

Agenda: DXWG Plenary Meeting : 30 October 2018 @ 21:00 UTC

Canceled: DCAT team (revised October schedule)

Closed: [dxwg] (minimal) Profile metadata extensions for DCAT

Closed: [dxwg] accessService property of a Distribution

Closed: [dxwg] Allow license property to link to other than LicenseDocument

Closed: [dxwg] Complete list of definitions

Closed: [dxwg] dct:creator for dcat:Resource

Closed: [dxwg] Determine a derivative namespace of PROF for the test suite constraints resource

Closed: [dxwg] Determine where and how to describe the QSA implementation

Closed: [dxwg] Examples in profile guidance

Closed: [dxwg] Family of Docs content

Closed: [dxwg] Improve and consider moving definitions

Closed: [dxwg] Improve profile defn with use

Closed: [dxwg] Improve wording in Profiles ontology Abstract and Introduction

Closed: [dxwg] In Figure 1, dcat:Resource is missing dcat:theme

Closed: [dxwg] Location of related work

Closed: [dxwg] Move DCAT examples from Overview to an Annex

Closed: [dxwg] Profiles in relation to Data on the Web Best Practices

Closed: [dxwg] Profiles overview diagram

Closed: [dxwg] Proposal for relaxing range of dcat:contactPoint

Closed: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document

Closed: [dxwg] Remove DXWG family of documents from the revised DCAT document

Closed: [dxwg] Remove normative statements from non-normative sections of document

Closed: [dxwg] Strange mention of Guidance in Requirements

Closed: [dxwg] Unintended inference through foaf:primaryTopic to relate Resource to CatalogRecord

Closed: [dxwg] vocabulary specification of VoiD is dead

CNEG cleanup in GitHub

Corrected meeting time calculations

DCAT document/primer

DCAT sub-group (November-April schedule)

DCAT Subgroup meeting w/c 29th Oct 2018

DCAT Subgroup Nov - March

DCAT team (October schedule)

DCAT team (revised October schedule)

DCAT team - altered timing 31 October meeting

DCAT WG publication

dxwg-ACTION-227: Add issues on github related to the comments on the 2nd pwd document

dxwg-ACTION-228: Do a PR to fix this broken link to the conneg-by-ap by pointing to the github version for now

dxwg-ACTION-229: Check time zone impacts

dxwg-ACTION-230: Put conneg doc through wd check

dxwg-ACTION-231: Submit topic for face to face meeting about test runner/ results repositories

dxwg-ACTION-232: Remove section test suite and implementation sections

dxwg-ACTION-233: Extract definitions to form basis of abstract model

dxwg-ACTION-234: Use definitions to create abstract model diagram and text

dxwg-ACTION-235: Create sequence diagram from abstract model and definitions

dxwg-ACTION-236: Send memo to the public working list to remind the entire group about their responsibility for publicity of the dcat pwd2

dxwg-ACTION-237: to get information about the timelines

dxwg-ACTION-238: Mail public working list to promote review of the current version of the proneg doc

dxwg-ACTION-239: Mail public mailing group to announce initial review of profile guidance draft

dxwg-ACTION-240: Make a suggestion to deal with #288

dxwg-ACTION-241: Clarify #264

dxwg-ACTION-242: Create an issue about metadata vs data in relation to #265

dxwg-ACTION-243: Go back through the discussion, come to a conclusion, discuss with antoine and work out what requirement #267 actually meant

dxwg-ACTION-244: Integrate the profile schema diagrams

dxwg-ACTION-245: Add action on owl:equivalentproperty confusion

dxwg-ACTION-246: Coordinate querying european open data portal to estimate current class and property useage to use in assessing confirmation of implementation

dxwg-ACTION-247: Work with danbri on making sure that the dcat (=rdfa here) example in a) works and b) is similarly exprssive to the and c) is up to date w.r.t. this wg's current efforts.

dxwg-ACTION-248: Add a reference to in the profile guidance doc

dxwg-ACTION-249: Add note about qsa to the conneg document

dxwg-ACTION-250: Add a note to the profiles guidance doc to indicate the motivation to have desrciptions of profiles is to help clients find out what is available

dxwg-ACTION-251: Write up something for others to reflect on - places in issue 261

dxwg-ACTION-252: Add some text justifying the need for services

dxwg-ACTION-253: Reply and start the conversation with clemens

dxwg-ACTION-254: Will create github issues related to this discussion

Fwd: [dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran

Fwd: Repository Manager, downtime: Mon 5 Nov ~10:00 UTC

Fwd: TPAC 2018: joint Privacy Interest Group (PING) sessions

Identifying missing examples in DCAT document

Interesting case about profiles of profiles

Major decisions out of F2F4

Minutes from CNEG Meeting 2018-10-10

Minutes from CNEG subgroup meeting 2018-09-26

Please associate your W3C profile with your GitHub profile

Plenary agenda for Sept 25, 2018 / Apologies

Plenary schedules after time zone change

Possible route for Profiles Ontology

ProfGui teleconf

Proposed agenda for DCAT Subgroup 2018.10.18

Proposed agenda for DCAT Subgroup 2018.10.31

Python notebook scratchpad towards mapping a dataset description into DCAT


rawgit replacement

records, was RE: rawgit replacement

Revision of Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) : Schedule for publication of the second public working draft

Slides / Comparison DCAT vs. Industrial Data Space Information Model

Spec editing best practices, from tpac

Taxonomy of data services

Text for DCAT 2PWD review

Text for DCAT review

Time changes ACTION 229

TPAC registration closes Oct 14

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2018 23:31:53 UTC