Re: Agenda ProfGui October 17

Hi Nick, all

First I certainly won't be able to attend the call as I'm traveling, sorry for that...

So I'm going to write a couple of quick reaction on the agenda items (using the updated agenda now on the wiki, not the one in the original mail):

>  Propose submission of guidance doc to Plenary for FPWD approval

-1 . I've already said that I'm reluctant to moving anything to FPWD until we've cleaned our act on the requirements. I don't want us/you to spend time to answer comments about 'potential misalignments' which we know are being working on.

I also feel that we've got not enough matter and it is still too much in flux to present for a public review. We're on a good track, but I sense that with the current rhythm is going to radically alter the draft. Especially with the F2F coming where I expect we'll add/fix a lot of things.
FPWD are open for comments for quite a long time (a couple of months maybe?), it won't be good if we receive many comments on a version that will be soon outdated. And I don't see the point in having the group spend a lot of efforts for triggering comments on an outdated document.

>             Review Guidance doc content generation in other places
>                     Google Doc
>                     GitHub Issues

Very good move!
In fact I believe that a FPWD shouldn't happen before at least two weeks after the completion of such an agenda item. It is typically going to create more work to add to a draft...

>             Review GitHub issues presentation in Doc
>                     Currently issues with long Descriptions hog space. Can we replace such issues with ones with shorter descriptions?

In the medium term why not. But for the moment I feel that we should rather spend on time trying to solve some of them - and actually having a good description of them in the draft helps, as many of them are very fresh and still of a manageable size.




On 16/10/2018 09:27, Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) wrote:
> Main items:
> - Propose submission of guidance doc to Plenary for FPWD approval
> - Review Guidance doc content generation in other places
> - Review GitHub issues presentation in Doc
> Nick

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2018 19:34:48 UTC