RE: Python notebook scratchpad towards mapping a dataset description into DCAT

Thanks, Dan.

The SPARQL queries we have defined are on GH:

Documentation of the mappings is available at:


Andrea Perego, Ph.D.
Scientific / Technical Project Officer
European Commission DG JRC
Directorate B - Growth and Innovation
Unit B6 - Digital Economy
Via E. Fermi, 2749 - TP 262
21027 Ispra VA, Italy

The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official
position of the European Commission.

From: Dan Brickley []
Sent: 25 October 2018 18:01
To: Dataset Exchange Working Group
Cc: Eric Prud'hommeaux
Subject: Python notebook scratchpad towards mapping a dataset description into DCAT

Following today's discussion, and guided by Simon's term level mappings, I've set up a quick Python notebook on Google Colab using rdflib and sparql, which explores use of SPARQL CONSTRUCT to map the scheme flavour into something like DCAT.

It works with a very basic core, but I haven't figured out what can be done around options (e.g. mapping schema:license to dct:license and what happens if that term isn't used...). Should it be one complex query or several of them, ... or look to other mechanisms like shex mappings instead? has all I've managed so far, feedback/edits welcomed...


Received on Friday, 26 October 2018 11:33:32 UTC