from May 2018 by subject

[DCAT] - Draft documentation of expanded scope

[DCAT] - proposed agenda 2018-05-17

[DCAT] - proposed agenda 2018-05-17 / Apologies

[DCAT] dcat team telecon 2018-05-24 - proposed agenda

[DCAT] proposed agenda 2018-05-31

[dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1)

[dxwg] A profile must be packaged as a self-contained artefact

[dxwg] Add mechanism for including data distribution services in a DCAT Catalogue

[dxwg] Add mechanism to allow catalogs to be included in a dcat:Catalog

[dxwg] Add mechanism to allow general services to be included in a dcat:Catalog

[dxwg] Added bib refs

[dxwg] Clarify any relationship between profiles and validation languages (6.1)

[dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services?

[dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC]

[dxwg] Dataset subsets and size characteristics

[dxwg] DCAT - CERIF alignment (profile)

[dxwg] DCAT 1.1 URL in W3C space

[dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints

[dxwg] Definition of "Schema" (as opposed to profile)

[dxwg] Example of catalogued service

[dxwg] Extending DCAT for services

[dxwg] Fix broken links and shortname as requested by W3C

[dxwg] Fix to DCAT class/property diagram

[dxwg] Fixed ReSpec error

[dxwg] Licenses/rights/obligations on Services

[dxwg] Machine-readable specifications of application profiles need to be easily publishable, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.8.2)

[dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran

[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[dxwg] new commits pushed by kcoyle

[dxwg] new commits pushed by larsgsvensson

[dxwg] new commits pushed by nicholascar

[dxwg] new commits pushed by riccardoAlbertoni

[dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage

[dxwg] New UC for Development and governance of localised DCAT Application Profiles

[dxwg] Prepare DCAT document for FPWD

[dxwg] PROF - ADMS alignment

[dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment

[dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN]

[dxwg] Profile representation [RPFRP]

[dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37)

[dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document

[dxwg] Profiledesc working

[dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37)

[dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1)

[dxwg] Profiles list expected vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37)

[dxwg] Profiles list valid vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37)

[dxwg] Profiles listing [RPFL]

[dxwg] Profiles MAY have properties for at least two levels of documentation: 1) short definition 2) input and editing guidance (6.1)

[dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles (6.1)

[dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.1)

[dxwg] Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40)

[dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information

[dxwg] Profiles should provide both machine and human readable views (6.1)

[dxwg] Profiles should reuse vocabulary terms defined elsewhere

[dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document

[dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF]

[dxwg] Pull Request: Added as section to deal with quality and started some guidance for r…

[dxwg] Pull Request: Cleaned up syntax error and put stub in for resourceRole

[dxwg] Pull Request: Extending DCAT for services

[dxwg] Pull Request: Fix broken links and shortname as requested by W3C

[dxwg] Pull Request: Profiledesc working

[dxwg] Pull Request: Remove one instance of "government"

[dxwg] Pull Request: Replace vann:usageNote with skos:scopeNote

[dxwg] Pull Request: updated examples to match current diagrams. Still needs resource Role…

[dxwg] Qualified forms [RQF]

[dxwg] Quality-related information [RDQIF]

[dxwg] Refine the config.js

[dxwg] Reflect resolution of #172 into ED.

[dxwg] Relate to the Dublin Core Collection Description Application Profile

[dxwg] Replace class .note with .ednote in DCAT draft

[dxwg] Responses can conform to multiple, modular profiles (UC 5.3)

[dxwg] Revision to UC19

[dxwg] Use Case: interoperability between metadata standards describing resources of various types

[dxwg] Use Case: Profiles of DCAT-AP and various implementation resources

[dxwg] Use case: web browser navigation of profile information

[dxwg] Use case: web browser-accessible profile information

[dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation

ACTION-109: to fix labels (Dataset Exchange Working Group)

ACTION-118: Put her text on the wiki (Dataset Exchange Working Group)

ACTION-119: Remove the labels he proposed for removal (Dataset Exchange Working Group)

Agenda, May 22

Analysis of the (national) DCAT,-AP extensions

apologies for tomorrows meeting

Beginning Guidance deliverable

belated apologies

Call for Exclusions: Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - revised edition

Canceled: DCAT weekly meeting

Closed: [dxwg] Add mechanism for including data distribution services in a DCAT Catalogue

Closed: [dxwg] Add mechanism to allow catalogs to be included in a dcat:Catalog

Closed: [dxwg] Add mechanism to allow general services to be included in a dcat:Catalog

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT 1.1 URL in W3C space

Closed: [dxwg] Fix to DCAT class/property diagram

Closed: [dxwg] Machine-readable specifications of application profiles need to be easily publishable, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.8.2)

Closed: [dxwg] Prepare DCAT document for FPWD

Closed: [dxwg] Profile representation [RPFRP]

Closed: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.1)

DCAT vocabulary meetings

DCAT weekly meeting - May-Oct arrangement

DCAT-AP presentation for F2F

DCAT-rev as First Public Working Draft

Documenting ontologies at W3C

dxwg-ACTION-106: Put / arrange all topic around the agenda

dxwg-ACTION-107: Contact Dave Raggett and co-ordinate setting up a release

dxwg-ACTION-108: Draft a short comms strategy to highlight priorities and mechanisms to drive engagement on FPWD

dxwg-ACTION-109: to fix labels

dxwg-ACTION-110: Find better wording for 216 especially "extend"

dxwg-ACTION-111: Find a new wording for

dxwg-ACTION-112: Review profiling use-cases

dxwg-ACTION-113: Work with kcoyle on profile ucs and requirements

dxwg-ACTION-114: Send actions and resolutions to mailing list

dxwg-ACTION-115: Write his blog post

dxwg-ACTION-116: Draft skeleton messages

dxwg-ACTION-117: Find example of catalogued service

dxwg-ACTION-118: Put her text on the wiki

dxwg-ACTION-119: Remove the labels he proposed for removal

dxwg-ACTION-120: Add requirements to the europeana use case

dxwg-ACTION-121: Call for more clarification on candidate uc 239

dxwg-ACTION-122: Propose initial grouping of the requirements 12-24

dxwg-ACTION-123: Check if Makx is available for the analysis of national DCAT-AP implementations

dxwg-ACTION-124: Assist verification of the URIs in the DCAT-AP profiledesc examples

dxwg-ACTION-125: Coordinate qualified relations topics

dxwg-ACTION-126: Prepare a proposal for issue 57 about quality information

F2F4 Lyon Oct. 25-26

Follow up on DCAT comms/comment strategy (was: dxwg-ACTION-108: Draft a short comms strategy to highlight priorities and mechanisms to drive engagement on FPWD...)

Fwd: [DCAT] - proposed agenda 2018-05-17 / Apologies

Help with broken links in DCAT-rev draft?

Initial notes on profileDesc

Link to Industrial Data Space RAD presented in F2F

minutes of conneg meeting

New Member Introduction

One more conneg(?) requirement

Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles

Plenary meetings May 15, 22, 29

profiledesc & voaf

Regrets 29 May Telecon

Report back from F2F3

Requirements for Content Negotiation

Requirements for Profile Guidance

scope of profile (negotiation) group

Soliciting comment on DCAT FPWD

UCR - my review

W3C suggests a numbered version

Webex call-in for F2F next week

Last message date: Thursday, 31 May 2018 17:08:02 UTC