Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1)

Requirement 6.8.2 "RPFRP" starts off with the requirement - and these cannot be met be existing ad-hoc documentation of profiles (PDF, schematron, word docs, etc, nor SHACL ans SHex as far as i can tell)
Machine-readable specifications of application profiles need to be easily publishable, and optimize re-use of existing specifications.
Application profiles need a rich expression for the validation of metadata
Profiles must have properties for at least two levels of documentation: 1) short definition 2) input and editing guidance
Profiles must support declaration of vocabulary constraints
A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it.
(#2 points towards SHACL etc, but the other aspects motivate profileDesc)

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Received on Sunday, 13 May 2018 22:05:01 UTC