Documenting ontologies at W3C

At F2F3 I asked for documentation on the profileDesc ontology. As an
example of how ontologies are documented at W3C, it could be useful to
look at the SKOS recommendation.[1] If we are to present profileDesc
either as the Guidance deliverable or as a non-recommendation note
(which appears to require a community group in which to place it) then
it will need to be documented using the style seen in the SKOS

If we decide to provide profileDesc as our response to the Guidance
deliverable, the non-normative Introduction area could contain the
outline from Lars' issue[1] modified a bit. If profileDesc is to be
presented as a separate work item, then it becomes a smaller section
within that outline. I have done a github issue[2] illustrating these
two options, based on Lars' initial issue. It would be good to discuss
pros and cons there.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Friday, 25 May 2018 06:07:22 UTC