DCAT weekly meeting - May-Oct arrangement

DCAT sub-group teleconference.
Agenda - https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings

IRC channel: #dxwgdcat on irc.w3.org<http://irc.w3.org/> on port 6667

We will use CSIRO's webex system - link below.
To minimise friction, I reset the meeting password to the same one previously used with the W3C system (hence this replacement calendar invitation)

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Welcome to CSIRO WebEx Conferencing featuring: audio, video and presentation capabilities.  You can join this conference from:

Desktop or Mobile Devices
                Once connected to your meeting remember to start your audio and video

Video Conferencing Rooms
                Use the remote control or touch panel and dial the number below (CSIRO Internal?  Just dial 02 6276 2XXX)

                Primary Australia       +61 2 6246 4433
                Meeting Number/Access Code      571 886 592
                Other Australian        https://conferencing.csiro.au/Call-in.php?tab=australia
                International Toll Free https://conferencing.csiro.au/Call-in.php


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Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2018 07:40:08 UTC