Initial notes on profileDesc

The following are some notes that I made while reviewing
profileDesc.ttl[1]. There may be other questions, etc. but I wanted to
put these out there sooner rather than later.

profileDesc, ImplResourceDesc:

in profileDesc the "Desc" stands for "description"
in ImplResourceDesc the "Desc" stands for "descriptor"
(inconsistent use of abbreviation of terms)

dcterms:format is defined 2 separate times:
57-60 - Annotation property
126-127 - Object property
(It is defined in DC as an object property)

Note that there are other mis-matches between dcterms as defined and
their use in profileDesc. The question is: does that matter?

Need definitions of:

- specification, e.g. "known profile of a specification" line 86
- base specification
- Implementing resource, implementing rules, e.g. line 168, and
"implementation" in general
- use of dct:type, given here as "purpose". Defined in dct as "The
nature or genre of the resource". See: (DCMI Type
Vocabulary). It's hard to see how a format = purpose, so clarification
is needed.

Need examples of:

- resource role

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2018 13:43:58 UTC