Adam Sisco
aisaac via GitHub
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Tuesday, 29 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Sunday, 27 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Sunday, 27 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Use case: web browser navigation of profile information (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Quality-related information [RDQIF] (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should provide both machine and human readable views (6.1) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Machine-readable specifications of application profiles need to be easily publishable, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.8.2) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Machine-readable specifications of application profiles need to be easily publishable, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.8.2) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles, and optimize re-use of existing specifications (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Profile representation [RPFRP] (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile representation [RPFRP] (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should provide both machine and human readable views (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify any relationship between profiles and validation languages (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify any relationship between profiles and validation languages (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles list valid vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Definition of "Schema" (as opposed to profile) (Monday, 7 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Monday, 7 May)
Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran
Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran via GitHub
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] New UC for Development and governance of localised DCAT Application Profiles (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Revision to UC19 (Monday, 21 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by agbeltran (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Fix broken links and shortname as requested by W3C (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Wednesday, 2 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Wednesday, 2 May)
Andrea Perego via GitHub
- Re: [dxwg] Qualified forms [RQF] (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] PROF - ADMS alignment (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment (Thursday, 24 May)
- [dxwg] PROF - ADMS alignment (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Quality-related information [RDQIF] (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Revision to UC19 (Monday, 21 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Revision to UC19 (Saturday, 19 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Definition of "Schema" (as opposed to profile) (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Use case: web browser navigation of profile information (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should provide both machine and human readable views (6.1) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should provide both machine and human readable views (6.1) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Thursday, 17 May)
- [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Wednesday, 16 May)
- [dxwg] Replace class .note with .ednote in DCAT draft (Wednesday, 2 May)
Andreas Kuckartz via GitHub
Annette Greiner via GitHub
Antoine Isaac
- Re: ACTION-119: Remove the labels he proposed for removal (Dataset Exchange Working Group) (Tuesday, 29 May)
- Re: Requirements for Profile Guidance (Sunday, 27 May)
- Analysis of the (national) DCAT,-AP extensions (Sunday, 27 May)
- Re: dxwg-ACTION-121: Call for more clarification on candidate uc 239 (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: Requirements for Profile Guidance (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: Beginning Guidance deliverable (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: Soliciting comment on DCAT FPWD (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: Plenary meetings May 15, 22, 29 (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: ACTION-109: to fix labels (Dataset Exchange Working Group) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: ACTION-109: to fix labels (Dataset Exchange Working Group) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: scope of profile (negotiation) group (Tuesday, 1 May)
Armin Haller via GitHub
Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park)
Dan Brickley
Dataset Exchange Working Group Issue Tracker
- dxwg-ACTION-126: Prepare a proposal for issue 57 about quality information (Thursday, 31 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-125: Coordinate qualified relations topics (Thursday, 31 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-124: Assist verification of the URIs in the DCAT-AP profiledesc examples (Thursday, 31 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-123: Check if Makx is available for the analysis of national DCAT-AP implementations (Thursday, 31 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-122: Propose initial grouping of the requirements 12-24 (Tuesday, 29 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-121: Call for more clarification on candidate uc 239 (Wednesday, 23 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-120: Add requirements to the europeana use case (Tuesday, 22 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-119: Remove the labels he proposed for removal (Tuesday, 22 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-118: Put her text on the wiki (Tuesday, 22 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-117: Find example of catalogued service (Thursday, 17 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-116: Draft skeleton messages (Tuesday, 15 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-115: Write his blog post (Wednesday, 9 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-114: Send actions and resolutions to mailing list (Wednesday, 9 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-113: Work with kcoyle on profile ucs and requirements (Wednesday, 9 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-112: Review profiling use-cases (Wednesday, 9 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-111: Find a new wording for (Tuesday, 8 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-110: Find better wording for 216 especially "extend" (Tuesday, 8 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-109: to fix labels (Tuesday, 8 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-108: Draft a short comms strategy to highlight priorities and mechanisms to drive engagement on FPWD (Wednesday, 2 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-107: Contact Dave Raggett and co-ordinate setting up a release (Wednesday, 2 May)
- dxwg-ACTION-106: Put / arrange all topic around the agenda (Tuesday, 1 May)
Dave Raggett
David Browning via GitHub
Jakob Voß via GitHub
Jakub Klímek via GitHub
Jaroslav Pullmann
Jaroslav Pullmann via GitHub
Karen Coyle
- Re: Analysis of the (national) DCAT,-AP extensions (Monday, 28 May)
- Re: Documenting ontologies at W3C (Friday, 25 May)
- F2F4 Lyon Oct. 25-26 (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: Documenting ontologies at W3C (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: Documenting ontologies at W3C (Friday, 25 May)
- Documenting ontologies at W3C (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: minutes of conneg meeting (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: Soliciting comment on DCAT FPWD (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: Beginning Guidance deliverable (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: ACTION-118: Put her text on the wiki (Dataset Exchange Working Group) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: Requirements for Profile Guidance (Wednesday, 23 May)
- UCR - my review (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Revision to UC19 (Monday, 21 May)
- One more conneg(?) requirement (Monday, 21 May)
- Re: Requirements for Profile Guidance (Monday, 21 May)
- Re: Requirements for Profile Guidance (Monday, 21 May)
- Requirements for Content Negotiation (Sunday, 20 May)
- Requirements for Profile Guidance (Sunday, 20 May)
- Agenda, May 22 (Sunday, 20 May)
- Re: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Initial notes on profileDesc (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: Follow up on DCAT comms/comment strategy (was: dxwg-ACTION-108: Draft a short comms strategy to highlight priorities and mechanisms to drive engagement on FPWD...) (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: Follow up on DCAT comms/comment strategy (was: dxwg-ACTION-108: Draft a short comms strategy to highlight priorities and mechanisms to drive engagement on FPWD...) (Monday, 14 May)
- Re: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Friday, 11 May)
- Re: Beginning Guidance deliverable (Friday, 11 May)
- Plenary meetings May 15, 22, 29 (Thursday, 10 May)
- Beginning Guidance deliverable (Thursday, 10 May)
- Report back from F2F3 (Thursday, 10 May)
- Re: Help with broken links in DCAT-rev draft? (Thursday, 3 May)
- Re: Help with broken links in DCAT-rev draft? (Thursday, 3 May)
- Webex call-in for F2F next week (Tuesday, 1 May)
- Re: New Member Introduction (Tuesday, 1 May)
- W3C suggests a numbered version (Tuesday, 1 May)
kcoyle via GitHub
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Thursday, 31 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Use Case: Profiles of DCAT-AP and various implementation resources (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Monday, 28 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Monday, 28 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Monday, 28 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Saturday, 26 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Saturday, 26 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Saturday, 26 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Saturday, 26 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Saturday, 26 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Friday, 25 May)
- [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] New UC for Development and governance of localised DCAT Application Profiles (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40) (Tuesday, 22 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by kcoyle (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles list expected vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37) (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Revision to UC19 (Sunday, 20 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Definition of "Schema" (as opposed to profile) (Saturday, 19 May)
- Re: [dxwg] New UC for Development and governance of localised DCAT Application Profiles (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A profile must be packaged as a self-contained artefact (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A profile must be packaged as a self-contained artefact (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Responses can conform to multiple, modular profiles (UC 5.3) (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles list expected vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles list expected vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40) (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles list expected vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN] (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Monday, 14 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Monday, 14 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Friday, 11 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles MAY have properties for at least two levels of documentation: 1) short definition 2) input and editing guidance (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should reuse vocabulary terms defined elsewhere (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 3 May)
Lars G. Svensson via GitHub
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN] (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN] (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN] (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles have URI identifiers that resolve to more detailed descriptions (6.1) (Thursday, 17 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by larsgsvensson (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Wednesday, 9 May)
Makx Dekkers
makxdekkers via GitHub
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Thursday, 31 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Tuesday, 29 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Tuesday, 29 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Monday, 7 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Sunday, 6 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Saturday, 5 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Friday, 4 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Friday, 4 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Thursday, 3 May)
Nicholas Car via GitHub
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Profiledesc working (Thursday, 31 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Profiledesc working (Thursday, 31 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Monday, 28 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Use case: web browser navigation of profile information (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Qualified forms [RQF] (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset citation [RDSC] (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN] (Tuesday, 22 May)
- [dxwg] Use case: web browser-accessible profile information (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles listing [RPFL] (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN] (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment (Thursday, 17 May)
- [dxwg] PROF - VOAF alignment (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40) (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles list expected vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles list expected vocabulary terms for a metadata usage environment (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40) (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles listing [RPFL] (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile negotiation [RPFN] (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 10 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by nicholascar (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should provide both machine and human readable views (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Monday, 7 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Saturday, 5 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Saturday, 5 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Profiledesc working (Thursday, 3 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by nicholascar (Thursday, 3 May)
pedro winstley
Riccardo Albertoni via GitHub
Rob Atkinson
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Thursday, 31 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Quality-related information [RDQIF] (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: Documenting ontologies at W3C (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: Beginning Guidance deliverable (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: Requirements for Profile Guidance (Sunday, 20 May)
- belated apologies (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: Beginning Guidance deliverable (Sunday, 13 May)
- Re: Beginning Guidance deliverable (Thursday, 10 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiledesc working (Friday, 4 May)
- apologies for tomorrows meeting (Tuesday, 1 May)
Rob Atkinson via GitHub
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage (Thursday, 31 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage (Thursday, 31 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Responses can conform to multiple, modular profiles (UC 5.3) (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Use Case: Profiles of DCAT-AP and various implementation resources (Tuesday, 29 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Monday, 28 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Provenance information [RPIF] (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] PROF - ADMS alignment (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Qualified forms [RQF] (Wednesday, 23 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Proposal for the structure of the "Guidance for Application Profiles" document (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40) (Tuesday, 22 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Revision to UC19 (Monday, 21 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Responses can conform to multiple, modular profiles (UC 5.3) (Thursday, 17 May)
- [dxwg] New UC for Development and governance of localised DCAT Application Profiles (Thursday, 17 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Monday, 14 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Monday, 14 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Sunday, 13 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Sunday, 13 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Thursday, 10 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 10 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage (Wednesday, 9 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Cleaned up syntax error and put stub in for resourceRole (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: updated examples to match current diagrams. Still needs resource Role… (Wednesday, 9 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage (Wednesday, 9 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Profiledesc working (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Definition of "Schema" (as opposed to profile) (Monday, 7 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles (6.1) (Sunday, 6 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by rob-metalinkage (Friday, 4 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiledesc working (Thursday, 3 May)
Ruben Verborgh
Ruben Verborgh via GitHub
Simon Cox via GitHub
- [dxwg] Licenses/rights/obligations on Services (Thursday, 31 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Extending DCAT for services (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Dataset subsets and size characteristics (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Add mechanism to allow catalogs to be included in a dcat:Catalog (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Add mechanism to allow catalogs to be included in a dcat:Catalog (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Add mechanism for including data distribution services in a DCAT Catalogue (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Add mechanism to allow general services to be included in a dcat:Catalog (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Add mechanism to allow general services to be included in a dcat:Catalog (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Add mechanism for including data distribution services in a DCAT Catalogue (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Fix to DCAT class/property diagram (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Fix to DCAT class/property diagram (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] DCAT 1.1 URL in W3C space (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] DCAT 1.1 URL in W3C space (Wednesday, 30 May)
- Re: [dxwg] profileDesc and the Guidance document (Monday, 28 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Saturday, 26 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Extending DCAT for services (Friday, 25 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Thursday, 24 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Monday, 21 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Monday, 21 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A profile must be packaged as a self-contained artefact (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Example of catalogued service (Friday, 18 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Thursday, 17 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Replace vann:usageNote with skos:scopeNote (Thursday, 17 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair (Wednesday, 16 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Closed: [dxwg] Prepare DCAT document for FPWD (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Prepare DCAT document for FPWD (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Reflect resolution of #172 into ED. (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Refine the config.js (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Fixed ReSpec error (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Added bib refs (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Fix broken links and shortname as requested by W3C (Tuesday, 15 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 10 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A mechanism must be available to identify conformance to each inherited profile given conformance to a profile that specialises it (6.1) (Thursday, 10 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profile vocabulary lists may be defined as closed (no other terms are allowed) or open (other terms are allowed) (UC 5.37) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- [dxwg] vann:usageNote used incorrectly in DCAT RDF representation (Wednesday, 9 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles should contain constraint information (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Fix broken links and shortname as requested by W3C (Tuesday, 8 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair (Tuesday, 8 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify any relationship between profiles and validation languages (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Fix broken links and shortname as requested by W3C (Tuesday, 8 May)
- [dxwg] Pull Request: Fix broken links and shortname as requested by W3C (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify any relationship between profiles and validation languages (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles (6.1) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] A profile must be packaged as a self-contained artefact (Tuesday, 8 May)
- [dxwg] A profile must be packaged as a self-contained artefact (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Tuesday, 8 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Monday, 7 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles (6.1) (Saturday, 5 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Saturday, 5 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles may inherit clauses from one or more parent profiles (6.1) (Thursday, 3 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Profiles extend or refine (UC 5.37) (Thursday, 3 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Thursday, 3 May)
- Re: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL - check constraints (Thursday, 3 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair (Thursday, 3 May)
- Re: [dxwg] Clarify scope of DCAT - Datasets, Distributions, Services? (Thursday, 3 May)
- [dxwg] DCAT - CERIF alignment (profile) (Tuesday, 1 May)
- [dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair (Tuesday, 1 May)
- [DCAT] proposed agenda 2018-05-31 (Wednesday, 30 May)
- [DCAT] dcat team telecon 2018-05-24 - proposed agenda (Wednesday, 23 May)
- RE: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Thursday, 17 May)
- RE: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Thursday, 17 May)
- RE: [DCAT] - proposed agenda 2018-05-17 / Apologies (Thursday, 17 May)
- RE: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Soliciting comment on DCAT FPWD (Wednesday, 16 May)
- profiledesc & voaf (Wednesday, 16 May)
- [DCAT] - proposed agenda 2018-05-17 (Wednesday, 16 May)
- DCAT weekly meeting - May-Oct arrangement (Wednesday, 16 May)
- Canceled: DCAT weekly meeting (Wednesday, 16 May)
- DCAT vocabulary meetings (Wednesday, 16 May)
- RE: Organizing GitHub issues, projects and milestones for work on Profiles (Friday, 11 May)
- RE: ACTION-109: to fix labels (Dataset Exchange Working Group) (Thursday, 10 May)
- RE: ACTION-109: to fix labels (Dataset Exchange Working Group) (Wednesday, 9 May)
- RE: Help with broken links in DCAT-rev draft? (Thursday, 3 May)
- [DCAT] - Draft documentation of expanded scope (Wednesday, 2 May)
Stijn Goedertier via GitHub
Svensson, Lars
Vladimir Alexiev via GitHub
Last message date: Thursday, 31 May 2018 17:08:02 UTC