from October to December 2012 by subject

[admin] Call for Editor for XHR REC track doc

[admin] Consistent Boilerplate and Status sections for EDs [Was: Re: CfC: publish WD of DOM; deadline December 2]

[admin] New public IRC server refuses passwords

[admin] Off-Topic Discussion Policy

[admin] Publication Rules [Was Re: Call for Consensus: CORS to Candidate Recommendation]

[admin] Publish Early, Publish Often [Was: Re: publish WD of Shadow DOM; deadline Oct 10]

[admin] Publishing specs before EoY; CfC start deadline is December 2

[admin] Publishing specs before TPAC: CfC start deadline is Oct 15

[admin] Some points about WebApps' Work Mode [Was: Re: CfC: publish LCWD of Pointer Lock; deadline Oct 4]

[admin] XHR ED Boilerplate

[ambient light events LC] Feedback

[announce] WebPlatform Docs: community resource for Web developers and designers

[Bug 10326] make "user:password" in URLs a SYNTAX_ERR

[Bug 11379] [pending URL spec] definition of hierarchical URL inconsistent with rfc 3986

[Bug 12510] Specs split off from HTML5 (like WebSockets) need to have xrefs linked, otherwise they're ambiguous

[Bug 13681] Make FormData.append return the FormData object

[Bug 14694] innerHTML in DocumentFragment

[Bug 14773] Investigate if synchronous XHR in window context should not support new XHR responseTypes

[Bug 14828] Import Hixie's tests?

[Bug 14842] Update createContextualFragment if detached flag is removed

[Bug 15209] Provide authors with a way to handle running out of buffers, if that turns out to ever actually happen in practice

[Bug 15210] Consider dispatching an event when bufferedAmount drops to 0

[Bug 15254] Don't forbid underscore in host names in URLs

[Bug 15495] Update EventSource model to do automatic reconnect even in the face of network errors

[Bug 15994] origin attribute

[Bug 16295] clarify intention of early termination of abort/send

[Bug 16302] possible unnecessary insertion of U+0020 SPACE in mime type expression

[Bug 16304] DONE != DONE

[Bug 16309] meaning of "user interferes with the request"?

[Bug 16707] user/password set to undefined means missing

[Bug 16953] createObjectURL and oneTimeOnly behavior should be defined in terms of stable state

[Bug 17222] treat status code 308 consistently with 301, 302, and 307

[Bug 17242] Consider doing anonymous requests as a constructor argument rather than as a separate constructor

[Bug 17264] Add attributes to use ping/pong frames effectively

[Bug 17758] Consider using microtasks for autorevoke

[Bug 17974] appcache: Add an API to make appcache support caching specific URLs dynamically (and/or a JS "server" or "interceptor" for uncached resources?)

[Bug 18033] each MessageChannel acts as its own task source. This means that messages sent using this function are not guaranteed to execute in order, since the order task sources are processed isn't specified.

[Bug 18080] "This specification introduces two related mechanisms, similar to HTTP session cookies, for storing structured data on the client side." - structured data is no longer supported

[Bug 18188] "relevant namespace object" is not defined in WebIDL anymore.

[Bug 18218] Within the workers text "list of active intervals" can be removed because it is the same as "list of active timers".

[Bug 18521] Spec is unclear about lower-casing content types

[Bug 18523] Spec is unclear about the restriction on LWS in the attribute/value in the ABNF for media-type

[Bug 18528] Spec is unclear about the case sensitivity of parameter values

[Bug 18529] Existence of separators in token should throw SyntaxError

[Bug 18610] Transferable should expose a close() method

[Bug 18647] Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 18653] wrong bug tracker link

[Bug 18772] Should getAllResponseHeaders() end with \r\n?

[Bug 18796] HTTP 204 not specified

[Bug 18866] Make it clear that localStorage can be cleared by UA at will

[Bug 19003] Bugs in toNativeLineEndings()

[Bug 19283] Investigate IDNA2003 separators

[Bug 19283] New: Investigate IDNA2003 separators

[Bug 19297] New: May user agents apply additional restrictions on entering pointer lock?

[Bug 19450] New: [IndexedDB] Key path segments should permit reserved words

[Bug 19470] New: Event firing sequence on abort() after send()

[Bug 19540] Firing WebStorage storage event

[Bug 19540] New: Firing WebStorage storage event

[Bug 19570] Editorial: typo U+00A (missing a 0)

[Bug 19570] New: Editorial: typo U+00A (missing a 0)

[Bug 19752] New: Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19773] New: Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19831] New: Investigate overrideMimeType()

[Bug 19878] New: Revert change in Close-reason-unpaired-surrogates.htm ?

[Bug 19917] New: Split fullscreenchange event to two separate events

[Bug 19917] Split fullscreenchange event into two separate events

[Bug 19955] [IndexedDB] Add IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor

[Bug 19955] New: [IndexedDB] Add IDBObjectStore.openKeyCursor

[Bug 19969] clarify some user name/password and setRequestHeader() Authorize header issues

[Bug 19969] New: clarify some user name/password and setRequestHeader() Authorize header issues

[Bug 20038] New: Upgrade FormData

[Bug 20045] New: data: URLs, HTTP, and parsing

[Bug 20148] New: URLQuery interface does not handle query parameter ordering

[Bug 20148] URLQuery interface does not handle query parameter ordering

[Bug 20257] IDBCursor should walk on secondary ordering of index value

[Bug 20257] New: IDBCursor should walk on secondary ordering of index value

[Bug 20322] New: Document the force preflight flag

[Bug 20394] New: [IndexedDB] Spec should use WebIDL concepts such as sequence<T> rather than Array

[Bug 20480] New: Say something about keys

[Clipboard API] The before* events

[clipops] still not clear about event loop

[css-regions] Fwd: Scheduling multiple types of end-of-(micro)task work

[css3-conditional] Last Call Working Draft for @supports and CSS.supports()

[fyi] Minutes from Technical Plenary meeting at TPAC 2012

[IDB] Lifetime of IDB objects

[IndexedDB] Attributes with undefined vs. null

[IndexedDB] blocked event could be an error

[IndexedDB] Can IDBTransaction.oncomplete callback be used as active state?

[IndexedDB] Closing connection in a versionchange transaction

[IndexedDB] coupled transactions

[IndexedDB] Implementation Discrepancies on 'prevunique' and 'nextunique' on index cursor

[IndexedDB] Straw man proposal for moving spec along TR track

[IndexeddDB] Definitions of "valid key" and key comparison need to be tightened up

[PE] interface MessageEvent : ProgressEvent

[PE] Start working on Progress Events

[pointer-lock] pointerLockElement should be nullable in the IDL

[pointerlock] Is Pointer Lock feature complete i.e. LC ready? [Was: Re: [admin] Publishing specs before TPAC: CfC start deadline is Oct 15]

[push-api] Moving Push API to FPWD [Was: Re: [admin] Publishing specs before TPAC: CfC start deadline is Oct 15]

[quota-api] API change suggestions

[quota-api] Need for session storage type

[screen-orient] Updated editor draft

[selectors-api] Editoral Changes and Test Suite Progress

[selectors-api] Kudos on find/findAll, feedback on spec readability

[selectors-api] Matching of :scope in document.querySelector(All)

[selectors-api] Reference to obsolete ECMAScript Language spec version

[selectors-api] RfC: LCWD of Selectors API Level 1; deadline July 19

[selectors-api] Updated Testsuite

[Server-Sent Events] Infinite reconnection clarification

[shadow-dom] text-decoration

[web-components] Typos

[webappsec] CORS bug 19315

[webcomponents] Custom Components and CSS Regions

[webcomponents] More backward-compatible templates

[webcomponents] Progress Update

[webcomponents]: Changing API from constructable ShadowRoot to factory-like

[webcomponents]: Making Shadow DOM Subtrees Traversable

[WebIDL] Interface object prototype and function object

[WebIDL] Representing functions that user code can call

[WebIDL] Typo in platform array object [[GetOwnProperty]] method

[widgets] Does anyone still care about Widget Updates?

[widgets] XML Digital Signatures for Widgets REC Delayed until at least January 2013

[Workers] Worker same-origin and usage in JS libraries...


[XHR] Associating XHR instances with documents - clarify spec statement in 4.6.1

[XHR] chunked

[XHR] ED update

[XHR] Need to define the behavior when the Window the XHR is created from does not have an associated document

[XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?

A little introduction

ACTION-669: Work with PLH on an announcement seeking IRC fragments (Web Applications Working Group)

Call for Consensus: CORS to Candidate Recommendation

Call for Editor: Progress Events REC track spec

Call for Editor: URL spec

Call for Review: Web IDL Testing document

CFC Selectors API L1 to CR/PR

CfC: publish Candidate Recommendation of Server-Sent Events; deadline November 21

CfC: publish Candidate Recommendation of Widget Updates; deadline May 2

CfC: publish FPWD of Push API; deadline October 12

CfC: publish LCWD of File API; deadline October 22

CfC: publish LCWD of Pointer Lock; deadline Oct 4

CfC: publish LCWD of Server-sent Events; deadline Oct 18

CfC: publish WD - NOT LCWD of File API; deadline October 22

CfC: publish WD of DOM; deadline December 2

CfC: publish WD of Screen Orientation; deadline November 30

CfC: publish WD of Shadow DOM; deadline Oct 10

CfC: publish WD of XHR; deadline November 29

CfC: Selectors API Level 1 Test Suite; deadline November 23

Colliding FileWriters

CSP 1.1 DOM design

Defenses against phishing via the fullscreen api (was Re: full screen api)

DOM Level 3 Events - minor comments

Draft Minutes: 29 October 2012

Draft Minutes: 30 October 2012

Editor change for "Web Application Manifest Format and Management APIs" specification

Event.key complaints?

exposing CANVAS or something like it to Web Workers

Feedback and questions on shadow DOM and web components

FileSystem compromise spec

full screen api

Fwd: [XHR] Open issue: allow setting User-Agent?

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due [Was: Re: Call for Editor: URL spec]

Hello From Bo (China Unicom)

HTML 5 should include a way to create custom page header & footer for printing.

IDBCursor should walk on secondary ordering of index value

IDBObjectStore require openKeyCursor method

In WebIDL, should having a .prototype on interface objects be optional?

IndexedDB: IDBOpenDBRequest sequencing

IndexedDB: undefined parameters

Mail List Etiquette [Was: Re: Two years on and still no sensible web storage solutions exist]

Making offline apps easier?

Moving File API: Directories and System API to Note track?

Nov 2012 edition of "Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap"

Please add constructors for File and FileList

pointerLock vendor prefixes, shims and usability

Pre-fetch rough draft

Proposal for "Cascading Attribute Sheets" - like CSS, but for attributes!

Proposal to add USB keycodes to the current DOM3 key events

publish WD of Shadow DOM; deadline Oct 10

Put request need created flag

random numbers API

Registration for Test the Web Forward Paris is now open!

Reminder: F2F meeting Oct 29-30 in Lyon France; registration deadline Oct 16

Review of the <template> spec

RfC: LCWD of "Ambient Light Events"; deadline 26 January 2012

RfC: LCWD of Server-sent Events; deadline November 13

RfR: CORS tests - deadline 6 December

RfR: Proximity Events (DAP) Last Call

Scheduling multiple types of end-of-(micro)task work

Selectors API L1 is a Proposed Recommendation

Should MutationObservers be able to observe work done by the HTML parser?

Two years on and still no sensible web storage solutions exist

URL work in HTML 5

W3C document license [Was: Re: Call for Editor: URL spec]

WebApps' File: Writer & File: D&S specs and SysApps' File System and Media Storage specs

Last message date: Monday, 31 December 2012 04:59:33 UTC