Re: Two years on and still no sensible web storage solutions exist

On 11/12/12 8:17 AM, Florian Bösch wrote:
> This testsite:
> Putting 50mb takes between 2.5 to 8 seconds. Getting it between 2 to 4
> seconds.
> Putting 100mb doesn't work in Chrome at all and throws an exception on
> the put after half a second.

After fixing your testcase to work in Gecko (by updating to current 
indexeddb spec and fixing all the webkit-specific things in there), I 
see it take about 60ms to put 50MB of data.  About 150ms to read it. 
Obvious your mileage may vary depending on your machine's I/O subsystem.


Received on Monday, 12 November 2012 20:25:49 UTC