Re: [XHR]

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Jakub Łopuszański <> wrote:

> Spec at says that:

"TR" drafts are typically out of date; the version you're reading is ten
months old.  Please use the editor's draft:

1. each change of state must fire an event
> 2. readyState must always be equal to the current state
> it follows that it is possible for eventhandler to be called more than
> once with the same value of readyState

(What text are you reading?  It's helpful to quote exact text.)

Can you point to where in the spec this can happen?  All of the places
readystatechange is fired are explicit; search for the text "Fire an event
named readystatechange".  They always happen after "Change the state to
(new state)", and I don't believe there are any places in the spec where
"change the state to..." names a state that it can already be in.

Glenn Maynard

Received on Monday, 8 October 2012 14:29:27 UTC