Re: [XHR]

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Jakub Łopuszański <> wrote:

> Inspired by you, I reproduced the bug by simply changing "debugger" to
> "alert(1)", but without changing where the url points to, so it still
> points to something that returns immediately.
> I hope that an example with "alert(1)" will be treaded more seriously than
> the one with "debugger".

I can't reproduce this (in Chrome 22).  What you're describing is
definitely a bug in Chrome, and not allowed by the specification.  I
recommend filing a bug on Chrome.

I believe that the reason you could not reproduce it was that 1MB file
> takes a while to process.

I used 1MB of data specifically to make lots of events get fired, after it
didn't happen with an empty file.

Glenn Maynard

Received on Monday, 8 October 2012 15:45:29 UTC