www-svg@w3.org from December 2005 by subject

3 questions: path syntax, path lengths, and animation syntax

[SVG12]: EventListenerInitializer2 and ECMA

[SVGM[obile12] requiredFormats psuedo MIME types

[SVGMobile1.2] SVGT12-188, Comments: Multimedia

[SVGMobile1.2] SVGT12-197, Comments: Coordinate Systems, Transformations and Units

[SVGMobile1.2] SVGT12-205, Comments: The SVG Micro DOM (uDOM)

[SVGMobile12] "outermost", "root-most", etc, SVG elements

[SVGMobile12] 13.12.4 changeNavigationOrder.svg typo

[SVGMobile12] 15.3 Java example incorrect

[SVGMobile12] color

[SVGMobile12] Comments: Implementation Requirements

[SVGMobile12] Comments: Introduction

[SVGMobile12] Connection::send error handling

[SVGMobile12] content of the handler attribute of listener

[SVGMobile12] discard element definition location

[SVGMobile12] discard with nonexistent target

[SVGMobile12] Error handling is a "SHOULD"?

[SVGMobile12] image element DOM model

[SVGMobile12] Implementation specific authoring advice

[SVGMobile12] missing rotate event

[SVGMobile12] No witches please

[SVGMobile12] prefetch element too complicated

[SVGMobile12] processing attribute values and basic data types

[SVGMobile12] Progressive rendering event description

[SVGMobile12] progressive rendering examples

[SVGMobile12] Referenced SVG liveness

[SVGMobile12] Rendering tree

[SVGMobile12] required requiredFormats

[SVGMobile12] requiredFormats attribute description

[SVGMobile12] requiring progressive rendering

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-1 on viewport-fill

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-2 on display=none and audio

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-3 definition of the intrinsic duration of a media

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-4 animation of xlink:href of a media

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-5 media element in a defs

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-6 overlapping display=none and media element

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-8 missing bubble phase information in events table

[SVGMobile12] STZLC3-9 listening to document events

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-163: Section 3 conformance criteria

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-183: Rules for handling "unsupported" values don't work when properties are syntactically correct and specified using W3C mechanisms other than SVG attributes

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: "editable" attribute for text

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: "positioning properties" and other incorrect prose regarding CSS

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: 'line-increment' not compatible with CSS

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: 'line-increment' redundant

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: 7.12 Object bounding box units

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: 7.3 The initial coordinate system lacks conformance criteria

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: <textArea> redundant with HTML

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: <title> does not define what the title is

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Behaviour of <a> pointing into same document outside SVG document fragment is not defined

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: capture is "unsupported"?

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Conflicting requirements in 5.9.3 The 'prefetch' element

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Conformance criteria for 14.3.2 SVG fragment identifiers

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Conformance requirements for preserveAspectRatio

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Conformance to uDOM

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: event "alias"es

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Grammatical errors

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: id/xml:id statement that does not match conformance criteria

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Incompatibility with XML Events

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Incorrect assertion in section 7.1 regarding information provided to the UA

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Incorrect computed value for 'audio-level'

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Incorrect computed value for 'fill', 'stroke'

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Incorrect computed value for 'stop-color', 'solid-color'

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Interaction with XLink

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Meaning of "backwards compatible" in section 1.3

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: No conformance criteria for how to parse attribute values

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Requirement to implement XML Events

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Requirements on copy/paste UI

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Requirements on system interaction

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Section 7.13 doesn't say how to get aspect ratio from viewBox

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Support for transformations is optional?

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: SVG Tiny 1.2 does not comply to AWWW

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Too many issues (again)

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Unclear rules regarding mediaCharacterEncoding and mediaContentEncodings

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: use of xml:space for whitespace

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: viewBox conformance requirements

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Why are UAs allowed to have varying definitions of "px"?

[SVGMobile12] SVGT12-307: setAttributeNS() raising exceptions on newly-created elements

[SVGMobile12] system paint and gradients

[SVGMobile12] Too many issues

[SVGMobile12] transform attribute and error handling

[SVGMobile12] typo in Schema title

[SVGMobile12] typos?

[SVGMobile12] visibility and 'use'

[SVGMobile12], Focus navigation and circular dependencies

[SVGMobile12], SVGT12-107, WD-SVGMobile12-20050413: Comments on examples

broken links

Events in SVG - chapter 13

Last Call SVG 1.2 Tiny Comments: Circular Definition

Last Call: SVG Tiny 1.2

SVG 1.2 Tiny Working Draft 3 Comments: Misplaced Audio Paragraph

SVG 1.2 Tiny Working Draft 3 Comments: More Typos

SVG 1.2 Tiny Working Draft 3 Comments: Transform Stack Typo

SVG 1.2 Tiny: Networking API issues

SVG 1.2 Tiny: Please add changes from last version

SVG1.2: Where is the Accessibility Appendix & keyboard navigation

SVG12: !important in property animation

SVG12: "animations execute"

SVG12: "outermost" svg element

SVG12: "Paced animation and complex types" misplaced

SVG12: "prop."?

SVG12: "timer facilities" in ECMAScript

SVG12: "WQ Framework"

SVG12: 'font-face-URI'

SVG12: 'g' id

SVG12: 'switch' processing

SVG12: 'target' "trait" default value

SVG12: 'WheelEvent' "registration"

SVG12: 14.1.1 should be table

SVG12: 16.2.10 example

SVG12: 16.3 example vs createSVGMatrixComponents()

SVG12: 5.1.2 "referenced document"

SVG12: 5.7 example

SVG12: 6.3 example

SVG12: 6.4 example

SVG12: 7.2 example

SVG12: <handler>, etc. vs <handler>, etc.

SVG12: A.4.11 vs lengthComputable requirements

SVG12: A.7.18 example

SVG12: A.7.18 example vs useCapture

SVG12: A.7.18 ownerDocument attribute

SVG12: addEventListenerNS vs DOM Level 3

SVG12: animatable prefetch attributes

SVG12: animateMotion vs transform=""

SVG12: animating transform ref()

SVG12: animating xml vs css

SVG12: animation of <color> and <paint>

SVG12: animation of path data

SVG12: animation with indirect values

SVG12: attribute/trait "normalization"

SVG12: base IRI for element instances

SVG12: binding-specific discussion in A.2.10

SVG12: cfo definition

SVG12: cfo when there is no cfo

SVG12: Charmod norm reference

SVG12: charmod note

SVG12: contentScriptType default

SVG12: conversion to float vs NaN

SVG12: cumulative animation targets

SVG12: currentTime definition

SVG12: currentTime vs SVG 1.1

SVG12: desc/title "text-only"

SVG12: display-align initial value

SVG12: DOM references

SVG12: DOM-based animation

SVG12: DOM3 textNode

SVG12: DOMObject portability

SVG12: editable definition

SVG12: elements that implement SVGLocatableElement

SVG12: end-of-line handling

SVG12: eRR on font-face-uri

SVG12: ev:event vs namespaces

SVG12: ev:listener

SVG12: feature strings vs "supports"

SVG12: formal vs prose

SVG12: getCurrentFocusedObject return type

SVG12: getPresentation* optional?

SVG12: getTraitNS on non-svg attributes

SVG12: gotoLocation behavior

SVG12: gzip transfer encoding

SVG12: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG12/feature strings

SVG12: IDL "int"

SVG12: Ill-formed example in 1.3

SVG12: illegal non-xlink:href animation targets

SVG12: inconsistent/undefined data types

SVG12: Informative recommendations

SVG12: IRIs in RFC 2396

SVG12: language of examples

SVG12: links to attribute, etc. tables

SVG12: links to SVG 1.1

SVG12: mediaContentEncodings

SVG12: microsyntaces

SVG12: missing properties

SVG12: Modularization

SVG12: namespace'd events vs animation

SVG12: namespace-illformed fragments

SVG12: nav-* properties

SVG12: Navigation behavior

SVG12: non-DOM DOMString

SVG12: non-visual foreign markup

SVG12: normative DOM definitions

SVG12: normative reference to JSR 226

SVG12: onpreload, etc attributes

SVG12: overflow initial value

SVG12: overflow:inherit

SVG12: prefetch relationship to SMIL 2.0

SVG12: prefetch_02.svg

SVG12: property traits vs 'inherit'

SVG12: RDF Primer reference

SVG12: rendering accuracy

SVG12: RFC 3066 reference


SVG12: SMIL references

SVG12: standalone declarations

SVG12: standard language bindings

SVG12: stylesheets not applied

SVG12: svg in foreignObject

SVG12: svg:discard feature string

SVG12: svg:transform attributes

SVG12: SVGGlobal vs ELI2

SVG12: SVGGlobal::document vs AbstractView

SVG12: SVGPath::close lacks prose

SVG12: symbolic links

SVG12: target, observer, event, ...

SVG12: tBreak sequences

SVG12: textArea a text content element?

SVG12: textArea schema

SVG12: textArea text-rendering

SVG12: Transfer-Encoding

SVG12: transform on <defs>

SVG12: TransformedVideo feature string

SVG12: UAAG reference

SVG12: uDOM vs DOMImplementation

SVG12: Undefined feature strings

SVG12: units for font-size descriptor

SVG12: vector-effect default value

SVG12: Vendor-specific presentation attributes

SVG12: what is "bandwidth"?

SVG12: What is a <Paint Server>?

SVG12: what may prefetch refer to?

SVG12: wheelDelta should be UIEvent.detail

SVG12: which elements do requiredFeatures, etc. apply to?

SVG12: width and height in 5.1.2 example

SVG12: xlink:href default value

SVG12: xlink:href traits

SVG12: xml:id in core module

SVG12: xml:lang definition

SVGT 1.2 3rd last call: XML 1.1 references

SVGT 1.2 Comments

SVGT 1.2 Comments and the need for accessibility techniques

SVGT 1.2: !important is an error

SVGT 1.2: "evt" vs "event" as the implicit event argument to event handlers

SVGT 1.2: "shadow content"

SVGT 1.2: <handler> script scope and `this' object

SVGT 1.2: <image> does not support SVG

SVGT 1.2: <use> and <foreignObject>

SVGT 1.2: Addendum: <svg:image> support of external SVG content

SVGT 1.2: Appendix C3: SVG Error Processing

SVGT 1.2: Appendix E, Requirement 12, Identify Deprecated Features

SVGT 1.2: CDATA blocks for scripts

SVGT 1.2: Claim that uDOM is compatible subset of the DOM

SVGT 1.2: Copy/Paste/Change

SVGT 1.2: Document behavior for Node interfaces

SVGT 1.2: dynamic changes to <handler> elements

SVGT 1.2: event handler function equivalent code is invalid ECMAScript syntax

SVGT 1.2: General Comment uDOM

SVGT 1.2: lack of capture phase for event handling

SVGT 1.2: mention of removeEventListener for <listener> element

SVGT 1.2: Need for uDOM as a DOM subset is poorly justified

SVGT 1.2: no way to remove an attribute

SVGT 1.2: no way to tell through uDOM if an attribute is present

SVGT 1.2: no way to traverse children of non-SVG elements

SVGT 1.2: order of script execution and load event

SVGT 1.2: OriginalEvent underspecified; behavior could be a security risk

SVGT 1.2: Please extend the Last Call period

SVGT 1.2: requirements for pointer selection

SVGT 1.2: Section 1.4, svgz

SVGT 1.2: SVG fragment identifiers

SVGT 1.2: SVGMatrix gratuitously incompatible with SVG 1.1 version

SVGT 1.2: textContent is not compliant with DOM3 Core version

SVGT 1.2: uDOM appendChild and insertChild conflict with DOM, Implementation Requirements

SVGT 1.2: uDOM Document interfaces with minor wording differences from DOM

SVGT 1.2: uDOM DOMImplementation.hasFeature

SVGT 1.2: uDOM Event methods and attributes have only minor wording differences

SVGT 1.2: uDOM EventListener interface identical to DOM, claims to be subset

SVGT 1.2: uDOM Node methods/attributes with minor textual differences from DOM

SVGT 1.2: uDOM Node.removeChild more restrictive than DOM Level 3 Core

SVGT 1.2: uDOM vs DOM

SVGT 1.2: uDOM.{get,set}AttributeNS inconsistent with DOM3

SVGT 1.2: XML events handlers attached to elements from other documents

SVGT 1.2: XML events vs. handler attributes

Last message date: Saturday, 31 December 2005 22:57:08 UTC