SVGT 1.2: Copy/Paste/Change


I have a general question about the SVG 1.2 Tiny specification that I  
hope one of you might be able to answer.

It has seemed to me, reading through the specification, that there is  
a copy/paste/change theme throughout the SVG spec, of XML Events  
(capture?), DOM3 (uDOM, as others have noted, is an incompatible  
subset), CSS (!important is an error, otherwise not officially  
commented on), SMIL (svg-only subset).  This bothers me.  Mostly  
because I see it creating a 300 page specification out of what might  
otherwise might be a 100 page specification, and may cause potential  
incompatibility problems for browser vendors attempting to implement  
SVG Tiny 1.2 in a CDF environment.

Could someone offer some general comments on this observed phenomenon?


Received on Wednesday, 28 December 2005 10:36:53 UTC