Re: [SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: No conformance criteria for how to parse attribute values

Hi Ian,

On Dec 21, 2005, at 22:15, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> xxx>> How should multiple commas in a row be parsed?
>> Please see the following line of the EBNF
>> comma-wsp:
>>     (wsp+ comma? wsp*) | (comma wsp*)
> This says that multiple commas don't match the grammar, it doesn't  
> say how
> to handle them if they are there. (However, if it is the intention, as
> noted below, that rendering UAs should include conformance  
> checkers, then
> I accept that the processing of multiple commas is defined.)

Generally the error handling is specified on the attributes, not on  
the data types. Unless otherwise noted, when an attribute holds a  
value that is incorrect it is treated as if it hadn't been specified.  
The behaviour then depends on what the default value is.

Robin Berjon
    Senior Research Scientist

Received on Thursday, 22 December 2005 10:31:52 UTC