SVGT 1.2: Appendix E, Requirement 12, Identify Deprecated Features

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Appendix E, Requirement 12, Identify Deprecated Features, states SVGT  
1.2 specification to have no deprecated features.

I would argue that this is incorrect.  A brief search of the SVGT 1.2  
specification yields 18 occurrences of the word deprecate, each of  
those identifying deprecated features in the 1.2 spec.  Additionally  
there are some implicitly deprecated "features" such as the ability  
to include <svg> inside another <svg> (now invalid in SVG 1.2).

In order to comply with Requirement 12 of the QA Framework  
Specification Guidelines, I would ask that the SVG working group  
include a list of deprecated features from SVG 1.1 Tiny (and/or 1.1  


Received on Wednesday, 28 December 2005 21:45:08 UTC