from October 2007 by subject

2nd CFP for CHI: later deadline -- Semantic Web User Interaction -- CHI 2008 Workshop

[1st call] CFP Notere 2008 - Lyon - France

[ANN] LENA: Lens-based RDF Browser

[ANN] Open-source innovation platform

[ann] Pubby 0.2 released

[announce] URF: a new replacement for RDF, XML, and JSON

[announcement] BigOWLIM 0.9.6 loads UNIPROT and delivers superior query performance

[fomi2008] FOMI 2008 - First Announcement and Call for Papers

[Linking-open-data] XULing or Grueling

[office-metadata] Re: ODF and semantic web

[Semantic_Web] RDF datastore recommendation?

[tangle] "big fractal tangle" is back

A new release of the TM4L Editor

A new release of Virtuoso, Open-Source Edition, version 5.0.2.

A new Semantic Web logo?

annotation properties and DL

ANNOUNCEMENT: Raptor RDF Parser Library 1.4.16

ARCS-08 Call for papers

BCBGC-08 Call for papers

Call for demo proposals and workshop papers at IUI 2008, January 13th-16th in Canary Islands, Spain

Call for demos - Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI08)

Call for Participation: Workshop on Privacy Enforcement and Accountability with Semantics, at ISWC'07 & ASWC'07

Call for Proposals: BlogTalk 2008 - The 5th Int'l Conf. on Social Software - Cork, Ireland - 3-4 March 2008

CFP: 2nd Int Conf on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM'08) 31 Mar 2008, Seattle

CFP: Ontology for the Intelligence Community, 2007: Nov. 28-29, Columbia, MD

CFP: SEMANTIC SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATION AAAI Spring Symposium Series Workshop; March 26-28; Papers Due Nov 2

Creating Web Services for matchmaking tests

CSR 2008: First Call for Papers

Defining subsets of existing OWL / RDF-S vocabularies in another vocabulary?

Dojinshi & Accessibility was: A new Semantic Web logo?

ESWC 2007 Call for Workshop Proposals

ESWC 2008 Call for Panel Proposals

ESWC 2008: 2nd Call for Workshop Proposals

Final CfPart - RuleML-2007 in one week

FOAF for Social Network Portability

Fwd: Dojinshi & Accessibility was: A new Semantic Web logo?

Fwd: Re: Semantic Technology and Blogs

GRDDL Profile for Links

IEEE OnAV08 Extended Deadline CFP (Intl. Workshop on Ontology Alignment and Visualization)

IEEE Policy 2008 -- Call for Papers

IEEE TASE special issue on "Scientific Workflow Management and Applications"

Is it the syntax? (was Re: RDF: XULing or Grueling)

Is ontology an information resource?

Is the ontology structure stored seamlessly with its data?

java: URIs (was: Re: my laziness with literals)

Job Ad / Stellenausschreibung AIFB, Karlsruhe

Journal of Logic and Computation: Special Issue on Ontology Dynamics - Call for Papers: SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED

Journal of Logic and Computation: Special Issue on Ontology Dynamics - Second call for Papers

Knowledge Management and Semantic Web for Engineering Design, Sunday October 28, 2007, Whistler, BC, Canada


my laziness with literals

Nearly adopted; sanity check requested [Was: Proposed changes to Semantic Web logo policies]

New book: Social Networks and the Semantic Web

New Version of Networked Graphs Sail Available

ODF and semantic web

On Defensiveness (was Re: RDF: XULing or Grueling)

plural vs singular properties (a proposal)

Preliminary Comments on ADNI - LONI

Proposed changes to Semantic Web logo policies

RDF: XULing or Grueling

representing null in semantic frameworks

Rethinking RSS 1.0 (was Re: XULing or Grueling)

SAMT 2007 : Open Calls

SDForum Nov. 7 semantic web event:

Seeking help with a Description Resources issue

Semantic Web Logo

some problems of DL Reasoning


tests for qualified RDFa attributes [was: ODF and semantic web]

Toward Ontologies or Web Services Matching

Triple stores as services?

Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language updated

Universal Ontology book

URI Equivalence?

Using rdf:value and dcterms properties in rdfs:label

Using SEER Data

visualize RDF/OWL data

Why not date=? (was Re: ODF and semantic web)

Workshop: Practical Semantic Astronomy

XMP [Re: RDF: XULing or Grueling]

XULing or Grueling

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 October 2007 21:35:23 UTC