Re: Triple stores as services?


I am project manager of a Semantic Web project deploying the ISO 15926.
We have expanded RDF API for PHP (RAP) which runs on PHP(5) and a number of
possible databases brands to carry the triple store(s), with a SOAP module
based on the standardized WSDL for SPARQL.
There are 8 programmers on the project, of which 2 are involved in this web
services subject.
The project is a cooperation of 36, mostly US, some European and all very
big companies. It is done entirely on in-kind (work-hours) donations.
The active participants are software solution providers and engineering
companies. All major companies in the capital facilities Process and Power
industry engineering field.
They use the project to get hands-on in this subject, and will build their
own commercial implementations, usually based on DotNet and SQLServer, or
Jena and Oracle 11G Spacial. The will be using very big triple stores and
web services with strong security are required.
When we are confident enough on performance and security issues in the web
service part, we will donate the source code back to the RAP project, who
will publish it in their next version (open source).
All the other software tools, triple store basic software, documentation,
training material, data handover guide for capital facilities etc, will (is)
be uploaded open source into sourceforge.
If you email me directly, we can talk and I hope our projects can cooperate.
Find the details here:

Onno Paap

On 10/16/07, Norman Gray <> wrote:
> Greetings.
> Are there any triple stores available as online services?
> There are a few services which let you store data online, to take
> away the hassle of setting up and maintaining your own hardware and
> database interfaces; Amazon S3 is a well-known example (though it's
> not SQL, of course).  Does anyone know of a similar thing providing a
> SPARQL endpoint?
> The reason I ask is that I'm involved in a project which will want to
> be exposing of order 10^6 triples to the web, and a colleague
> suggested that there's a category of hassle we could potentially
> avoid if we could give someone (a little!) money to look after this
> in some corner of their vast disk farm.
> Or is the semantic web not a commodity yet?
> All the best,
> Norman
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Norman Gray  :
>  :  University of Leicester, UK

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 08:50:49 UTC