Re: A new Semantic Web logo?

I agree with part of this opinion. A simple poll directed to the SW 
community would have been nice. Still, I can´t avoid finding some sense 
on this new logo. Semantically speaking (notice no "web" in there), I 
agree it´s a good representation. It could work if the restrictions 
weren´t so harsh.


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Bernard Vatant wrote:
> I like neither the new logo(s) nor the policy around it, nor the way 
> it just fell from the sky without consulting the SW community. Or did 
> I miss something?
> The blue triangle was just beginning to be a strong identifier, not to 
> say the flag of the Linking Open Data movement, with clear semantics : 
> click here to get RDF data.
> It's used in DBpedia, it's used in Tabulator interface and so on.
> I like nodes and links, and a box, even half-open, is the last thing I 
> would have thought about as a symbol for the SW. Who had this silly idea?
> Bernard
> Michael Schneider a écrit :
>> Hi!
>> I just found that there exists a new logo for the Semantic Web since
>> yesterday:
>> Pretty nice, but: What was wrong with the old one? Honestly, I found the
>> blue triangle more distinguishing than this coloured box. The 
>> triangle was a
>> graph with three nodes (resources) connected by three edges 
>> (properties).
>> And we had the triangle for such a long time, why suddenly the 
>> change? Or do
>> I misunderstand something here? (Or has the W3C server been hacked? You
>> never know. ;-))
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
>> -- 
>> Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
>> FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
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Received on Thursday, 11 October 2007 16:46:04 UTC