Re: Triple stores as services?


On 17/10/2007, Danny Ayers <> wrote:
> On 16/10/2007, Norman Gray <> wrote:

> > The reason I ask is that I'm involved in a project which will want to
> > be exposing of order 10^6 triples to the web, and a colleague
> > suggested that there's a category of hassle we could potentially
> > avoid if we could give someone (a little!) money to look after this
> > in some corner of their vast disk farm.

Just checked, for storage + sparql + reasonable response times, 10^6
triples should be fine ("low millions for now").

What I forgot to mention was money - the Talis Platform Early Access
programme is all free (the only commitment being to let us know how
you get on), think of it as a semi-private beta. The current thinking
is that stores will be made available indefinitely for community/open
data/academic/research/non-profit kind of projects, with some kind of
charge probably being put on commercial usage in the future (to be

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Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 10:08:32 UTC