from October 2012 by subject

#webplatform IRC policy

[Bugs] Focus for DocSprint on Nov 3rd.

[Content] - Compatibility Tables everywhere?

[Documentation Guides] - Categorization helper.

[MediaWiki] Markdown Syntax usage

[Meta] Topic Hierarchy

[mobile web] Thread for topics or ideas?

[Q2A] Possible useful additions

Acceptable media.

Anonymous/Pseudonymous Editing (was: Template protection, template CSS and anonymous edits)

Blog post for

Bug section in MWT for Doc Sprints?

Call for action - help to update tutorials!

Call to action! help to update HTML element reference pages

Chris Mills sick today

Compatibility Table Plugin

Contributing around structured data standards

Feature centric documentation

First feedback(s)

Guide on the dangers of moving pages?

Guide to creating and editing tutorials/concept articles

Interested to translate to Bahasa Indonesia

JavaScript APIs organization

JavaScript/ECMAScript Styling and Citation

Keep HTML4 information in Tutorials?


Localization / DE

Mini Doc Sprint Report

Missing Essentials

New post on

Norms around Deleting Articles

Page for coordinating activity

Possible bug tracker not hosted with W3.

Posting Guidelines: One Topic Per Email

Posting Guidelines: Top or bottom posting

Purpose of IRC and Q&A


Request for IRC/Q&A volunteer mdoerators

Scope of comment system?

Search-optimising "wpd"

SFHTML5 Web Platform DocSprint

Subpages overwhelms the content

Template limits and server loads

Template protection, template CSS and anonymous edits

Today's? Downtime

Translations (Czech)

Turkish Localization of Web Platform

tweet? share site activity

Using W3C spec text on WPD

Volunteer moderators for IRC and Q&A needed!

WebPlatform 2nd Open Telcon

WebPlatform language collaboration

WebPlatform Open Telcon

Welcome to the Web Platform Project!

Where should text on CSS margin collapsing be placed?

WPD Stickers at HTML5 Dev Conf

WPD: Example of a fixed reference article (html/elements/p)

{{Topics|*}} vs. [[Category:*]]

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 23:30:11 UTC