Re: tweet? share site activity

I like that idea.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 9:02 AM, <> wrote:

> **
> Well, we are encouraging a summary for all edits.  Some people might also
> not say "typo" in their summary for fixing those so it isn't exactly all
> catching.  Perhaps a way around this is to just set it up for every edit
> but have it go to another Twitter account like WebPlatform_edits  That way
> only those who want that content will get it and the main account will be
> left for real tweets.
> On 18.10.2012 11:59am, Janet Swisher wrote:
> Or perhaps only changes that have change comments? (And filter out ones
> with "typo" in the comment)
> On 10/18/12 10:50 AM, wrote:
> I think that could end up being too much at times.  Perhaps if we could
> say tweet every X edit or something it would be less spammy?
> On 18.10.2012 01:24am, Paul Irish wrote:
> I wondered if we could share the sort of activity going on in the site via
> a tweet/G+/etc
>> If you're interested in the ongoing activity, check out the recent edits:
>> drop by #webplatform on freenode IRC
> It's quite fun to watch this edit stream on a daily basis.
> Cheers

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2012 16:08:10 UTC