www-style@w3.org from May 2015 by subject

:host pseudo-class

[css-align][css-flexbox] Should 'justify-content: stretch' compute to or behave like 'start'?

[css-backgrounds] border-image with an SVG resource that has no intrinsic size

[css-break] avoid-* conflicts

[css-break] Breaks and list items

[css-break] I hate the diagrams

[css-break] Nested fragmentainers and break types

[css-break] Page progression definition

[css-break] Review: minor issues

[css-cascade-4][css3-ui] naming collision: the "default" value

[css-counter-styles] Allow impls to extend range of hebrew

[css-display] Refactoring 'display', got a crazy idea

[css-extensions] Consistent naming for custom arguments

[css-flexbox] intrinsic size algorithm

[css-flexbox] intrinsic sizing

[css-flexbox] min-height on flex items that have an intrinsic aspect ratio

[css-flexbox] new abspos logic

[css-flexbox] Percentage Margins and Paddings

[css-flexbox] Reporting interop issues when you don't know which implementation is right?

[css-font-loading] document.fonts for a document with no browsing context

[css-font-loading] font-loading-display F2F discussion summary

[css-font-loading] FontFaceSet.load and failed FontFace loads

[css-font-loading] load, check and testing for character coverage

[css-grid] About "infinitely growable" tracks in the sizing algorithm

[css-grid] Absolutely positioned items and static position

[css-grid] Capping the size of grids?

[css-grid] Clarifying "all lines in the implicit grid" text (which probably wants to exclude explicit grid)

[css-grid] Comments about grid item 'display' value and the term "grid-level boxes"

[css-grid] Editorial: Grid item placement algorithm (auto-placement) step 1 removed

[css-grid] Editorial: the location of chapter 4.3

[css-grid] Flexible lengths and sizing constraints

[css-grid] Grid shortands computed value and CSSOM serialization

[css-grid] Grid-Template-Areas and dot sequences

[css-grid] How to resolve lines for absolutely positioned grid items

[css-grid] percentage padding/margin for abs.pos. boxes with grid container containing block

[css-grid] repeat(auto) issue

[css-grid] Section 6 opening text ends mid-sentence, after "auto-placement"

[css-grid] some broken css-sizing links

[css-grid] some editorial nits, up through section 6

[css-grid] spec nit: "swap...inline and block" disclaimer is unnecessary, in section 9.5

[css-grid] Summary of Abspos Issues

[css-grid] Using automatic (instead of min-content) minimums for 'auto' tracks

[css-grid] Using brackets for line names

[css-grid][css-align] Intrinsic size of replaced elements, and no shrink-to-fit algorithm

[css-grid][css-syntax] Usage of lone parentheses across CSS?

[css-images][css-values] banning javascript: urls

[css-lists] feedback

[css-page-floats] block-start/end and left/right values

[css-pseudo][css-writing-modes] text-combine-upright (TCY) on ::marker

[css-round-display] Request for first review the css-round-display

[css-ruby] Overhanging and auto-hiding

[css-ruby] ruby offset affected by font?

[css-ruby][css-inline] ruby offset affected by font?

[css-scoping] Shadow Cascading

[css-sizing][css-grid][css-flexbox] Intrinsic Sizes and Inverting Flex Ratios

[css-snappoints] Separate scroll-snap-coordinate into {x,y} offsets

[css-syntax] Changes in "how to consume an ident-like token"

[css-text-decor] Doesn't example 3 in text-underline-position break current UA behavior?

[css-text] Halfwidth Katakana and symbols in UAX#14

[css-text] word-break: break-word

[css-transitions] discrete animations of non-interpolable properties (was Re: renaming "Animatable:" to "Interpolation:" in property definition tables)

[css-ui-4] ACTION-690, interaction of selectability and editability

[css-ui-4] caret properties

[css-ui-4] user-modify

[css-ui-4] user-select in editable elements

[css-ui] border-image with an SVG resource that has no intrinsic size

[css-variables] var() for non-custom properties

[css-writing-modes-3] Defer auto-muticol behavior in Auto-sizing Block Containers in Orthogonal Flows

[css-writing-modes-3] Example of orthogonal flow

[css-writing-modes-3] line-under and line-over of text with 'text-orientation: upright'

[css-writing-modes-3] update-refresh release of the spec?; inline-size definition

[css-writing-modes] Orthogonal parent's logical width

[css-writing-modes] Propose to weaken upright rendering of horizontal-only scripts

[css-writing-modes][svg] Embedded SVG and inheritance

[css-writing-modes][svg] SVG and writing-mode

[css3-ui] Made <color> value animatable

[cssom-view] document.scrollingElement review

[cssom-view] Easing the transition to spec-compatible body scrollTop behavior

[csswg] Agenda conf call 06-may-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 13-may-2015

[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2015-05-18 Part I: CSS Break, Communicating the State of CSS

[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2015-05-18 Part II: Grid Issues

[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2015-05-18 Part III: Pre-Wrap and White Space Processing, CSS 2.2

[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2015-05-18 Part IV: CSS Zoom, Scroll Snap Point Behaviors

[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2015-05-19 Part I: Writing Modes

[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2015-05-19 Part II: text-decoration-skip, Box Percent Sizing

[CSSWG] Minutes New York F2F 2015-05-19 Part III: font-display-loading property

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-05-06

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-05-13

[CSSWG][css-flexbox] Updated Last Call Working Draft of CSS Flexible Box Layout

[CSSWG][css-ui] Updated WD of CSS-UI L3

[mediaqueries] Excluding '!' and ';' in <general-enclosed>?

[mediaqueries] Intuitive definition for custom media

[mediaqueries] Trying to understand the syntax design

[OT] Is there a mailing list similar to this one available for ES/JavaScript?

[selectors] Re: ::sticky/::stuck pseudo-class

ClientRectList.item() usage is very low in Blink

CSS3 Rule weights

dev.w3.org/csswg & csswg.org down - Data center outage

Font MIME types

MIT research project to improve mailing lists needs your participation!

Need help publishing CSS3-UI per last week's resolution (was Re: [CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-05-06)

renaming "Animatable:" to "Interpolation:" in property definition tables

Standards growth and complexity

UNS: [Moderator Action] Re: [css-device-adaptation] Progress?

Zoom use case

Last message date: Saturday, 30 May 2015 07:17:00 UTC