[css-grid] Grid shortands computed value and CSSOM serialization


I've a doubt regarding how computed value and CSSOM serialization of
grid shorthands should work.

Let's use the grid-template shorthand as example. Imagine that you've
the following JS (A):
  grid.style.gridTemplate = "100px / 50px";
  console.log("style: " + grid.style.gridTemplate);
  console.log("computedStyle: " + getComputedStyle(grid).gridTemplate);

What should be the output?
  style: 100px / 50px
  computedStyle: 100px / 50px

And in other cases:
  B) JS:
       grid.style.gridTemplate = '"a b" "a b"';
       style: "a b" "a b"
       computedStyle: "a b" "a b"
  C) JS:
       grid.style.gridTemplate = 100px / "a b" 50px;
       style: 100px / "a b" 50px
       computedStyle: 100px / "a b" 50px

And the last example for a different property like grid-row:
  D) JS:
       gridItem.style.gridRow = "2";
       style: 2 / auto
       computedStyle: 2 / auto

I'm asking this because of I'm writing a test for the W3C suite and this
is showing different values in Chromium.

Thank you very much,

Received on Friday, 8 May 2015 14:23:37 UTC