Re: [css-display] Refactoring 'display', got a crazy idea

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 5:52 AM, Mats Palmgren <> wrote:
> On 05/07/2015 11:37 PM, fantasai wrote:
>> To summarize what Tab was saying, the proposal is to have the 'display'
>> shorthand take the following syntax:
>>   display: none | [ <inside> || <outside> ] | <internal>
>> where
>>    <outside>  = block | inline | run-in ;
>>    <inside>   = flow | flow-root | table | flex | grid | ruby ;
>>    <internal> = table-row-group | etc.
> So what happens to display:contents in this proposal?
> FYI, display:contents is implemented in Gecko and we're shipping it
> (enabled by default) for a while now.

fantasai left out some details for brevity, as they weren't relevant
to the proposal; "contents" and "none" are still around, and haven't
changed meaning.


Received on Friday, 8 May 2015 17:47:55 UTC