CSS3 Rule weights

CSS3 uses the cascading set of rules and the !important keyword to
determine which style rule among many conflicting rules should apply to an

However, with the heavy use of classes in css frameworks, the current
system might not be totally appropriate to address all use cases.

I'm proposing a new simple css rule-weight property which can be added to
any set of rules. The simple idea is that a set of rules with a heavier
weight should take precedence over lighter weights.

..class1 {color:blue; font-size:1em; rule-weight:10}
..class2 {color:red; background-color:#b2b2b2; text-align:center;

<div class="class1 class2">Hello World</div>

Here, for any rules defined in both class1 and class2, the rules in class2
would take precedence because class2 has a higher rule-weight than class1.

This should make working with stylesheets simpler and easier to understand

Received on Friday, 22 May 2015 15:23:37 UTC