RDFa Meeting minutes...
RDFa API more feedback
(late) agenda for meeting, 2010-09-30
empty prefix value
RDFa API base & uri resolution
RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-09-23
Comment on the RDFa API working draft
Musing on URI references vs. URI-s as string
Telecon Agenda - September 23th 2010, 1400 UTC
- Re: Telecon Agenda - September 23th 2010, 1400 UTC
- Re: Telecon Agenda - September 23th 2010, 1400 UTC
RDFa API proposed changes & IDL
More notes on DataStore
RDFa API implementation feedback
RDFa WG telecon minutes for 2010-09-16
HTML WG: ISSUE-120 Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology
- Re: HTML WG: ISSUE-120 Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology
- Re: HTML WG: ISSUE-120 Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology
- Re: HTML WG: ISSUE-120 Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology
- Re: HTML WG: ISSUE-120 Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology
Absorbing Microdata
Telecon Agenda - September 16th 2010, 1400 UTC
RDFa API Heartbeat Candidate 2 - 2010-09-13
RDFa API Heartbeat Candidate 1 - 2010-09-12
Small @profile question
- Re: Small @profile question
- Re: Small @profile question
Meeting minutes, 2010-09-09
Class diagrams for the RDFa API
Fwd: RDF JS API (aka RDFa API)
Ongoing objection to RDFa Profiles format (as XHTML+RDFa)
- Re: Ongoing objection to RDFa Profiles format (as XHTML+RDFa)
- Re: Ongoing objection to RDFa Profiles format (as XHTML+RDFa)
- Re: Ongoing objection to RDFa Profiles format (as XHTML+RDFa)
- Re: Ongoing objection to RDFa Profiles format (as XHTML+RDFa)
Telecon Agenda - September 9th 2010, 1400 UTC
PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-42: DOMString vs. string
PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-40: no triples for empty elements
- Re: PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-40: no triples for empty elements
- Re: PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-40: no triples for empty elements
- Re: PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-40: no triples for empty elements
PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-36: default vocab specification
PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-34: meta-name triple generation
- Re: PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-34: meta-name triple generation
- Re 2: PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-34: meta-name triple generation