

Just quickly, regarding DataStore.forEach - I just noticed this has an 
issue of how to define it in WebIDL.

Thought it may be worth mentioning that .forEach is typically a method 
defined on Array in ECMAScript V5, where the callback function you pass 
in has the following signature:

   void function( any item, unsigned long index, any object );

where the last object argument is the current object being iterated over.

noted that the RDFa API spec says the callback function should have 

   void function( unsigned long index, any subject, any predicate, any 
object );

Might I suggest that you align and augment ECMAScript V5 and common 
functionality to change this to:

  void function( RDFTriple item, unsigned long index, any object);

This would also expose the functionality of RDFTriple to the callback, 
which would be nice :)



Received on Saturday, 4 September 2010 21:50:59 UTC