Re: RDFa Meeting minutes...

On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 17:19:21 +0200
Ivan Herman <> wrote:

> Note that we had two issue resolutions, but several people were
> missing. I think that we should consider those resolutions accepted
> and the issues closed unless there is an objection within 48 hours.

Sorry for my lack of regular attendance recently.

You can add my vote of support to both of these resolutions.

As a comment on ISSUE-35, there's nothing to stop someone defining an
RDFa profile covering the IETF linktype registry. We (i.e. the RDFa
development community) could even host such a profile on

Also, welcome to Nathan!

Toby A Inkster

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 18:08:38 UTC