Re: RDFa API: ondata="javascript: foo();" attribute for <body> element?

Nathan wrote:
> Manu Sporny wrote:
>> I haven't thought this through very well, but was wondering if it would
>> be advisable to have an ondata attribute for the <body> element? This
>> would work very much like the onload attribute that is already on the
>> <body> element.
>> I can see a few implementers complaining that the RDFa processing of a
>> document could take a long time (as in more than 100ms), especially if
>> certain RDFa profiles take a while to retrieve or timeout.
>> The worst case is that a bad implementation of the RDFa API would cause
>> the document not to render because the RDFa profiles are being
>> fetched/processed. Ideally, RDFa processing should happen asynchronously.
> Perhaps then all parsing should happen asynchronously.
> DataStore could implement EventTarget and provide and dispatch the 
> onload event whenever processing has completed.
>   var store =;
>   store.onload = function(event) {
>     // triggered when the store is ready
>     // i.e. once parsing is finished
>   }
>   var parser ="rdfa1.1", store)
>   parser.parse( somedocument );
> Actually, thinking about this more, an XMLHttpRequest style readystate 
> may be needed, ie add the following:
> interface DataStore : EventTarget {
>   attribute Function onerror
>   attribute Function onload
>   attribute Function onreadystatechange;
>   const unsigned short EMPTY = 0;
>   const unsigned short LOADING = 1;
>   const unsigned short DONE = 2;
>   readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
> }
> Ack, this brings up a whole host of (sadly unavoidable) questions - I'll 
> mail them under separate cover - sorry.

Scratch that, there are no issues :D thanks to:
  - All instances of the DOM Document interface must implement RDFaDocument.
  - The RDFa API must be initialized before the Web developer has access 
to any of the methods that are defined in this specification

So, carrying on, given the interface above, any developer could simply. = function(ev) {
   // start processing when store is ready!

This would be a very useful addition to the DataStore interface and make 
async usage much nice - I'd love to see this added.

Back to the specific issue of adding 'ondata' to the Body element. 
Provided RDFa data was in the Body of the Document then this would be 
fine, as the event would bubble from Body to Document (unsure if it 
would go as far as Window like onload does).

The name 'ondata' may raise some eyebrows though given the '@data-' 
attributes in html5, the existing onmessage attribute, and the existing 
onloadeddata used by media objects (like Audio & Video) which are both 
already on Document. Thus perhaps a different, more accurate, name 
should be chosen :)

Again though, big +1 from me.



Received on Saturday, 4 September 2010 19:27:33 UTC