Re: RDFa Meeting minutes...

On 30.09.2010 18:46, Shane McCarron wrote:
> Honestly, it almost never changes.  But it's not like there is an RSS
> feed that would tell you. Regardless, I think it is outside of our scope

I was going to say that a Last-Modified header and/or an ETag header are 
just fine, but I just checked, and IANA's server doesn't appear to 
return them:

Hopefully they'll fix that once they get too many requests.

> AND A BAD IDEA to try to define interesting sets of schemes so you can
> identify that something is a URI or not within the context of a plain
> literal. Its just a bad idea.


> ...
> The right thing to do is to get them to use <link rel='whatever'
> href='URI'> instead of <meta>. @href, @src, and @resource take URIs and
> that's what they should be doing. It isn't any more work for their
> consumer base to do this instead of using meta. Every uses link for
> stylesheets and other stuff already. Its fine. Its safe.
> ...


 > ...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 17:04:58 UTC