Class diagrams for the RDFa API


I attach two diagrams that might be useful in the RDFa Core. I decided to cut the old diagram into two, separating the basic RDF APIs plus the property groups, and put the document specific ones into another. I also decided to reduce the noise by removing the interfaces that are really just technical (filters, conversions stuff) and they do not really help in getting an overall picture (at least in my view).

I had some comments in my previous mails that might affect the diagrams if the WG accepts them. Eg, the relationship between the DataIterator and the DataStore (I am not sure that is necessary, ie, the reference to store is necessary there), maybe a separation of the iterator and the data parser altogether, as well as a possible move of the getItems* methods. I can then redo the whole thing...

The png files are attached.


P.S. I was actually quite frustrated. I know it is an outcry, but I did these diagram in PowerPoint, because the fact of having those connectors are really really helpful. I hoped I could generate an SVG out of that and I miserably failed: I tried to save into PDF, then read PDF into Adobe Illustrator and then generate an SVG out of AI. The result was simply wrong. I also tried to read in the slides into OpenOffice and store it in SVG: the result is, again, wrong. I do not know whether keynote can generate SVG, because my try out period expired and it does not allow me to export. Finally, doing the diagrams in AI altogether from start to end... I always found the user interface of AI difficult:-( Sigh...

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153
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Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2010 16:13:25 UTC