Re: Absorbing Microdata

On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 20:04:42 +0100
Martin McEvoy <> wrote:

> ARC2 will transform RDFa to Microdata and also Microdata to RDFa  ;)

Well, yes, it's easy enough to parse one format and then serialise it
as another. The algorithm I've been discussing translates the Microdata
in place, creating a document that's otherwise more or less identical
to the input. e.g.

Microdata input:

RDFa output:

With RDFa 1.1, the output could be made a little nicer, as URIs don't
need rewriting as CURIEs plus xmlns.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Wednesday, 15 September 2010 20:28:22 UTC