w3c-wai-ua@w3.org from April to June 2000 by subject

"Content"-related Fixes (including checkpoint 2.1)

"Wish List" for Accessibility

10 June UA Guidelines and Techniques available

7 May 2000 UA Guidelines and Techniques available

[Fwd: Announcing Emacspeak-12.0 (GoldenDog) (fwd)]

[Fwd: Checklist editing suggestion]

[Fwd: Fwd: ALERT: Netscape 6 PR1]

[Fwd: Fwd: Oracle unveils $199 Web device]

A Proposal for Multimedia-Related Terms

A Proposal To Not Establish "Minimal Requirements"

A Proposal To Not Establish "Minimal Requirements" - Response to D Poehlman's comments

access concepts

AD:Family Reunion T Shirts & More

Adopt proposed revision of checkpoint 7.6

AGENDA(edited): W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 4 May 2000

AGENDA(revised): W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 9 May 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Face-To-Face Meeting 10-11 April

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 1 June 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 11 May 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 13 April 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 15 June 200

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 18 May 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 19 April 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 20 April 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 22 June 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 25 April 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 25 May 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 27 April 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 29 June 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 4 May 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 6 April 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 8 June 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 9 May 2000

AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon, 2 May 2000 (please note time change, 30 minutes earlier than usual)

ANNOUCEMENT: Extra UA telecon on 9 May 2000

ANNOUNCEMENT: Additional Telecons

ANNOUNCEMENT: Extra Telecon Time

ANNOUNCEMENT: Extra User Agent Telecon on Wednesday, April 19th

ANNOUNCEMENT: Telecon time change


Beta of windows new media player

Checkpoint 2.5: Proposed rewording and minimal requirement

Checkpoint 4.2 second look

Clarification required on status of notes after checkpoints

Cognitive disabilities and the rendering of images

Comments on 10 March Version of the UA Techniques Document

configure or control

DB: Review techniques for Guidelines 3, 4, and 11

dead man's handle is a key technique (looking to future)

defining CLASSes

definition of 'content' (again) (sorry)

Definitions of Visual Track and Auditory Track, Etc.

Delays in publication of UA Guidelines Working Draft

Determining Conformance to the User Agent Guidelines 1.0

Dick Brown regrets for conference calls

Discussion of checkpoints 7.6 and 7.7

Discussion of checkpoints 8.4 and 8.5

Document 'content' includes all element types and attributes (yes/no?)

Email Advertising Special--Ends Friday

EOWG - surfing without a mouse

ERT techniques in UA guidelines?

Expose your business to the Internet

Fonts and I18N (my action item)

Formal Objection to Checkpoint 9.2

FTF Meeting Schedule

Fwd: Alt Text with Advertisements

FYI: Pertinent UA paper: Pre-testing for user-profiles

Good News from College Broadcast!

great web hosting deals

Guideline 9. Notify the user of content and viewport changes

Hear this!

Hello High School Alumni

History and Meaning of the Term 'Multimedia'

History of volume priority changes

how do you disable that ugly dotted border that appeares around selected links?

How much positioning control for captions etc.?


IMPORTANT: Adopt proposed revision of checkpoint 7.6 (response requested)

IMPORTANT: Adopt proposed revision of checkpoint 7.6 (responserequested)

Important: Issues relating to checkpoint 2.1 raised during 30 March teleconference.

IMPORTANT: Proposed rewording of checkpoint 8.8

IMPORTANT: Proposed rewording of checkpoint 9.4

IMPORTANT: Removing proposed checkpoint on synchronization


improving the navigation bars on UAAG documents

Issue 208: Proposed wording for checkpoint 9.2

Issue 233: Proposed wording for checkpoint 7.6

Issue 244: Checkpoint 4.5

Issue 271 (repositioning captions w.r.t. video)

Issues list updated for 10-11 April Face-to-face

JFW 3.5 Window List & Description

Late regrets

maximum & minimum speech rates for software synthesizers

microsoft guides for people with vision impairments

Minimum requirement or things to think about for guideline 7

minimum requirements - font and colors

minimum requirements for 10.5 - draft

Minimum requirements for conforming to guideline 5

Minimum Requirements for UA Checkpoints

minimum vs. reference implementation

Minutes from 10-11 April UA face-to-face available

minutes from WCAG and UA joint telecon on 4 May 2000

minutes of EO discussion of UA FAQ available

MINUTES(edited): W3C WAI User Agent 27 April 2000

MINUTES(edited): W3C WAI User Agent 6 April 2000

MINUTES(edited): W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 19 April 2000

MINUTES(edited): W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 2 May 2000

MINUTES(edited): W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 20 April

MINUTES(edited): W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 9 May 2000

MINUTES: W3C WAI User Agent 18 May 2000

MINUTES: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 1 June 2000

MINUTES: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 13 April 2000

MINUTES: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 25 May 2000

more on Techniques for 2.1

Navigation Issues joint telecon on April 27th

Navigation Issues joint telecon on May 4

Navigator 6 (English Windows) Installation Notes

netscape 6 pr1

new real player 7

notes on june 8 call

On my action items from today's call

please confirm 2:30pm end time for 11 april f2f session

Please review proposal

practical info for creating accessible web pages

Preparation for 27 April teleconference [Was Re: AGENDA: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 27 April 2000]

Problems with proposed checkpoint on synchronized views

Proposal for Checkpoint 2.1

Proposal for Checkpoint 2.1 (content vs. attributes)

Proposal for WCAG 1.0 HTML Techniques module: using MAP group navigation links.

Proposal for WCAG 1.0 HTML Techniques module: using MAPgroup navigation links.

Proposal to delete checkpoint 3.2 and expand 4.10

Proposal to expand definition of User Agents

PROPOSAL: Delete checkpoint 10.4 Allow the user to change the input configuration. [Priority 2]

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for 8.6 and 8.7

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for checkpoint 10.4 and 10.5

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for checkpoint 2.3 on alternative equivalents

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for checkpoints in Guidelines 1, 2, 3 and4

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for conformance for 7.6 and 7.7

PROPOSAL: Minimum requirements for conformance for 8.4 and 8.5

PROPOSAL: Resolution of PR#207

Proposed addition to applicability clause: content purpose

Proposed clarification of checkpoint 9.4

Proposed clarification to 5.6 and 8.7

Proposed clarification to checkpoint 3.9

Proposed clarification to checkpoints 3.3, 3.5, 3.6

Proposed definitions for content, document object, etc.

Proposed edit to checkpoint 10.9

Proposed editorial change to checkpoint 4.15

Proposed edits around freezing motion (3.3, 3.5, 3.6, and 4.6)

Proposed edits to Guideline 1.

Proposed minimal requirements for audio/speech checkpoints.

Proposed minimal requirements for selection/focus highlight (4.13, 4.14)

Proposed minimal requirements of checkpoints 6.1, 8.1, 2.7, 8.2, and 8.3

Proposed minimum for search checkpoint (7.5)

Proposed minor change to checkpoint 5.8 (OS features that affect accessibility)

Proposed new wording for checkpoint 1.5

Proposed note after checkpoint 8.1

Proposed requirements for colors and fonts

Proposed rewording of checkpoint 4.7

Proposed rewording of checkpoints 4.15 and 4.16

Proposed text about which UAs are expected to conform

providing equivalent access to a FRAMESET using LONGDESC (technique)

Questions about TABLE SUMMARY element (fwd)

rating of source view vs. 2.1

raw minutes April 20th telecon

Raw minutes from 11 May UA Guidelines teleconf.

Raw minutes from 13 April teleconference.

Raw minutes from 19 April UA teleconference.

Raw minutes from 2 May UA Guidelines teleconf

Raw minutes from 22 June UA Guidelines teleconf

Raw minutes from 25 April UA Guidelines WG teleconference.

Raw minutes from 27 April UA Guidelines teleconf

Raw minutes from 29 July UA Guidelines teleconf

Raw minutes from 4 May UA teleconf

Raw minutes from 6 April 2000 teleconference

Raw minutes from 8 June UA teleconference

Raw minutes from 9 May UA Guidelines teleconf.

Raw minutes of 15 June UA Guidelines

Reduced availability

Regrets and suggestions for more efficent review

REMINDER: Registration for face-to-face closes tomorrow (5 April)

REMINDER: Review discussion on control and configuration

REMINER: May 2nd Telecon starts in a few minutes

Request for clarification on I18N speech synthesis question

Request from Content working group

Requirements for "easy access" checkpoints (10.8, 2.3)

Resolution of Issue PR#285 on audio volume control

RESOLVED: Adopt proposed revision to checkpoint 7.6

RESOLVED: Adopt proposed rewording of checkpoint 2.5

RESOLVED: Proposed clarification of checkpoint 3.9

RESOLVED: Proposed rewording of checkpoint 8.8

RESOLVED: Proposed rewording of checkpoint 9.4

retention of focus in new viewports (JFW List of Links example)

Review of M. Rothberg's "Control and Configure" Comments, Also Sy nchronization Definition

review of techniques for guidelines 1 and 2

Revised Agenda for 19 April Telecon

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 1 June 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 11 May 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 13 April 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 15 June 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 18 May 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 20 April 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 25 April 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 25 May 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 27 April 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 4 May 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 6 April 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 8 June 2000

RSVP: W3C WAI User Agent Telecon 9 May 2000

Second look at checkpoint 11.5

Second look at checkpoint 4.7

Second look at the guidelines.

Second look Checkpoint 2.3

Second look Checkpoint 2.5

Second look checkpoint 8.3

Seeking input on issue 271

Server-side image map coordinates [Was: Re: Request from Content working group]

single keystroke commands

Some updates to the UA Working Group home page

source vs content vs rendered content: item #207

Specifying foreground and background colors

Speech pitch rate speedup

structural navigation

Suggested New Definition for Control and Configure

Suggested New Definition for Control and Configure - Corrected

Suggested Revision to Definitions of Control and Configure

Suggested Revision to Definitions of Control and Configure - A co rrection

Suggested text about conformance to UA Guidelines

Suggestions for the new working draft

Surfing without a mouse

Task 18.HB: Take scoping issue of the current guidelines to the EO working group

Techniques for 2.1

Techniques for 7 & 8

techs for Section 3.7 (was Re: Raw minutes from 27 April UA Guidelines teleconf)

Telecon information for FTF meeting

Thank you

Thoughts on multimedia and some definitions

Thoughts on multimedia and some definitions (Eric Hansen Comments)

Thoughts on navigation markup

thoughts on synchronized biews

UA Update and Agenda Items

voice modes used for orientation (was Re: Raw minutes of 15 June UA Guidelines)

WAI Comments on U.S. Sec.508 NPRM available

Web access guidelines (former thread - practical info for creatin g accessible web pages)

技術情報! www.mepsoe.co.jp

Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2000 11:27:00 UTC