rating of source view vs. 2.1

A source view is not totally useless.  Many people we know have used it to
dredge out information that was not accessible any other way.

A source view is sufficiently impenetrable so that only the hardy can
really use it.

One way to state the relationship is in terms of using our priority levels
as rating the impact of a defect in rendered service.  If a User Agent
offers a source view as its response to Guideline 2.1, it has removed the
P1 flaw, in that it is no longer flat out impossible to get at the
information.  On the other hand, this solution still exhibits a P2 flaw
because some group will find this method useless in practical terms.  And
the "some group" who will find this solution effectively useless are the
majority of users.


Received on Saturday, 22 April 2000 14:02:41 UTC