Suggested text about conformance to UA Guidelines


The AU Guidlines 1.0 Recommendation [1] includes the following Note
about conformance:

Note: Authoring tools that conform to this document will propagate
Web content and be useful to anyone regardless of disability. There will
be authoring tools that produce accessible content in favorable
(e.g., a text editor used by a motivated author), or provide an 
accessible interface to authors with certain disabilities, but
that do not conform to these guidelines.

As part of our efforts to clarify the intended user agent
audience for these guidelines, I propose adding some similar text,
such as:

These guidelines are designed so that conforming user agents,
when used in conjunction with assistive technology, are accessible
to most users with disabilities. Some user agents may not conform
to these guidelines but still be accessible to some users with 
disabilities. This document should help developers of all user
agents improve the accessibility of their products.

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Thursday, 13 April 2000 13:20:41 UTC