Regrets and suggestions for more efficent review

I am unable to attend the telecon today. I also have a couple of

1. It would be helpful if people would provide more context for their
comments. I think that it is very helpful when people show explicitly how
the comment would impact the language of the guidelines. For example one can

<Old checkpoint Z.Z (7 May version)>
xx xxxx x x
</Old checkpoint Z.Z (7 May version)>

<New checkpoint Z.Z>
xx xxxxss  x x
</New checkpoint Z.Z>

2. I think that we need a new working draft of the document, at least of the
sections that we have worked on. I find that there is too much to remember
the context and it is hard to comment in an efficient manner.

Received on Thursday, 8 June 2000 11:37:01 UTC