Proposed minimal requirements for selection/focus highlight (4.13, 4.14)


Checkpoints 4.13 and 4.14 of "Determining Conformance to the 
User Agent Guidelines 1.0" are:

 Checkpoint 4.13  Allow the user to configure how the selection 
                  is highlighted (e.g., foreground and background 

 Checkpoint 4.14  Allow the user to configure how the content focus is 
                  highlighted (e.g., foreground and background color). 

I propose for both of these the following requirements:

1) The UA must allow for at least one highlight mechanism that doesn't
   rely on color alone.

2) The UA should follow applicable system conventions for selection
   and focus rendering.

3) The UA may satisfy this checkpoint by implementing the CSS
   ':focus' pseudo-element. Refer also to CSS 2's dynamic outlines [2].

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2000 16:31:55 UTC