[Bug 10001] For <ol> and <ul>, it would be very useful to have an array containing all top-level elements of the list, such as 'HTMLOListElement.listItems'
[Bug 10002] add fragment ID for the equivalence table in "Tokenizing character references"
[Bug 10009] excellent thank you for all
[Bug 10010] excellent!!! thank you for all
[Bug 10011] "then the UA should obtain the resource" should say WHEN rel=stylesheet obtains the resource (when the element is created?)
[Bug 10012] Grammatical typo at the end: "Notice the user of footer to give information [in|before] each comment"
[Bug 10013] Details missing regarding contenteditable
[Bug 10015] longdesc URL checking
[Bug 10016] longdesc and @role (ARIA)
[Bug 10018] Webkit and firefox implement networkState
[Bug 10019] Native user agent support for exposing longdesc to all users
[Bug 10020] s/The WebSRTs format/The WebSRT format/?
[Bug 10024] A WebSRT cue identifier presumably needs to be followed by a WebSRT line terminator. This is not mentioned.
[Bug 10026] Scope attribute for TD
[Bug 10029] I don't know where the error is only thing I know that in 3 different types of browsers this page runs slower than molasses
[Bug 10044] Should allow the SCOPE attribute on TD elements so do not have to create a class to override the TH element styles set automatically by browsers.
[Bug 10047] HTML5 parser possible compat problem with pages that use MathML elements in <mi>, <mo>, etc
[Bug 10049] ололо, ололо, Ñ Ñвидел нло. обоÑÑаÑа!
[Bug 10050] Q should be quotation or "quote." Otherwise footer whould be "F" and Header should be "H."
[Bug 10053] how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation
[Bug 10057] I do not like the "or do nothing" part, as the label is an really good aid for aiming at small form elemnts like a checkbox or radiobutton.
[Bug 10063] Foster Parenting Paragraph is confusing
[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)
[Bug 10067] this only lists entities whose replacement text is a single character, for example many of the negated operators, for example
[Bug 10069] Structured clone algorithm should throw something more informative than NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
[Bug 10071] there should be a 'stop()' method or a 'clear()' method to clear the currently playing media because pause() doesnt clear it and setting the src to an empty string or null doesnt work
[Bug 10078] Step 2.2 of "in body" "any other end tag" seems wrong.
[Bug 10079] Step 2.2 of "in body" "any other end tag" seems wrong.
[Bug 10080] "in body" insertion mode, "any other end tag", step 2.2 seems wrong.
[Bug 10081] Okay, so could you add a note explaining what kind of active Document is *not* "fully active"? After reading very carefully for a few minutes and pondering a bit, I *think* it would be a Document that is the active Document of its browsing context, but w
[Bug 10086] What if width and height are negative? I believe this should be specified.
[Bug 10087] Replace "Obsolete but conforming" by "Deprecated"
[Bug 10090] "Removing then, or removing the entire sandbox attribute" -- should "then" be "them"?
[Bug 10091] As far as I can tell, nothing specifies what the intrinsic width/height/ratio for iframes should be. You'd assume it's the height/width/ratio of the document, but of course that's wrong unless the iframe is seamless.
[Bug 10092] "The transitive closure of all the browsing contexts that are directly reachable browsing contexts forms a unit of related browsing contexts." Since a browsing context is not a directly reachable browsing context of itself, this means that top-level brow
[Bug 10098] Stray comma or typo in "in cell" "end tag whos name is 'table'" case
[Bug 10103] s/that its namedItem() method returns an HTMLCollection object/that its namedItem() method returns an *HTMLAllCollection* object/
[Bug 10104] ssss adas asdsd
[Bug 10112] should element.click() also set focus on the clicked element? This is not clear from the steps given for the click() method
[Bug 10114] Rather than having inline documentation for external scripts, what would be infinitely more useful would be the contents of a script tag with a src attribute should be executed upon the complete loading and execution of the remote script. Therefore <scrip
[Bug 10115] EOF handling in foreign content needs to change the insertion mode
[Bug 10116] HTMLFrameElement is missing contentWindow attribute
[Bug 10118] in foreign content "current node is not an element in the HTML namespace" algorithm is wrong
[Bug 10122] re: resolving a step mismatch, it would be good to state that if two values are equally near to round up
[Bug 10133] Use of this element requires passing a contextID string to getContext, but the standard does prescribe either (a) an enumeration of valid contextIDs or (b) a method to enumerat the contextIDs supported by a given UA. (b) should be a requirement of the sta
[Bug 10136] I would love some clarification about the DOM tree example. Why is there no text node between DOCTYPE and <html>? Between <html> and <head>? Two at the end of <body>? I'm very picky :-)
[Bug 10139] active form element markers are never removed
[Bug 10145] lop lop lop lop loplop
[Bug 10146] Labelability of hidden form inputs unclear
[Bug 10147] Allow td in thead
[Bug 10152] [polyglot] i18n comment 5 : Mention lang and xml:lang
[Bug 10153] [polyglot] i18n comment 6 : Case requirements
[Bug 10167] HTML5 Polyglot spec breaks RDFa case sensitivity
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 29 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
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- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
[Bug 10171] Button is in the list twice
[Bug 10172] nofollow/noreferrer not allowed on <link>
[Bug 10173] Rendering of replaced content and foreign content
[Bug 10177] Typo in 'An end tag whose tag name is "p"': "sbutton cope"
[Bug 10181] its not valid according to newer version of xhtml
[Bug 10184] Please spec HTMLOptionsCollection.selectedIndex
[Bug 10186] typo: e.g. because it a simple movie file - s/it a/it is a/
[Bug 10188] i just demo
[Bug 10189] i just demo
[Bug 10190] i just demo
[Bug 10191] how to use
[Bug 10196] Relationship to xml:id
[Bug 10198] The Gregorian is not a Universal standard for calendars. HTML5 must provide ways for other calendar types. e.g. The "Hijri" calendar is used throughout in Arab countries. The "Persian" calendar is used in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The "Hebrew" calen
[Bug 10200] just a test
[Bug 10201] typo: "1. Let current outlinee"
[Bug 10202] use of "codecs" parameter
[Bug 10204] The algorithm is unclear here whether we mean the "current node" at this point in time or the "current node" at the time the insertion occurs (which might be different). As an example, consider "<table><p><p>Foo". I think you mean the current element at
[Bug 10206] A single manifest file pre page will be problematic for web authoring programmers like myself, and Lib developers like jQuery. It will cause all types of problems with mash-ups of various providers of web apps on a single page. Can U please consider addin
[Bug 10215] not sure what's mean by "User agents must _synchronously_ run the focusing steps". Does this mean that the event handlers involved in steps 1 and and 3 must return before further steps in the procedure can be taken? A reasonable alternative interpretation
[Bug 10216] When inserting a <form> element in table we need to set the form element pointer to point to the element created.
[Bug 10219] "in sbutton cope"
[Bug 10220] button already is in the elements listed above, so "in button scope" is the same as "in scope"
[Bug 10221] Always coalesce adjacent text nodes even in the case where the previous node was not the one last inserted by the parser.
[Bug 10223] Presumably button shouldn't appear in this list given that we have a notion of "in button scope" which explicitly adds button to this list...
[Bug 10225] ugly prefix "href", why not use the lang directly?
[Bug 10226] Typo: "Updates the current entry in the session histor to have..." s/histor/history/ --@miketaylr
[Bug 10232] There is no "|selected| attribute is a boolean attribute"
[Bug 10237] hi hello how are you
[Bug 10240] Just setting the <script> to "already started" doesn't prevent it from running if we then immediately "run" it.
[Bug 10243] It should register Refresh: HTTP header field, as wiki-registered pragma extensions are forced to do
[Bug 10245] Specify the exception that the case-insensitivity of the type attribute does not apply to the type attribute on ol elements
[Bug 10247] What should happen when the URL to be fetched is a mailto: URL or some other weird scheme. (Mostly curious in relation to EventSource, but it applies elsewhere too.)
[Bug 10251] Psuedo-Cascade of Multiple Accesskeys Definable for an Individual Element
[Bug 10252] HTML5 hard-binds "Action" to accesskey key-press
[Bug 10253] doesn't say anything except what the container type is, and even a type like
[Bug 10256] 3.2.2 Elements in the DOM
[Bug 10258] Spec should be more careful about UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE
[Bug 10259] Make it clearer that <dt> can be used for questions and <dd> for answers (maybe move away from the terminology "name-value group"?)
[Bug 10263] Should there be functions available to add and remove resources to/from the cache using JavaScript?
[Bug 10265] Should this be "conversation"?
[Bug 10267] What happens if you delete an attribute? For the following test case, Chrome outputs "string undefined", while Firefox and Opera give "string string": data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>var el = document.createElement("a"); var type = typeof el.id; de
[Bug 10276] change spellcheck IDL attribute back to boolean
[Bug 10278] element.hidden doesn't always return the Hidden facet; e.g. on <label>s. We should make that clearer.
[Bug 10281] Confusion bug in space ship game example: "Notice how the hyphenated attribute name becomes capitalized in the API." The word "capitalized" may confuse authors because it usually means something else than camel-cased. I suggest to use "camel-cased" instea
[Bug 10283] Restrict the permittance to use the META charset elemetn in XHTML5
[Bug 10284] fuck and ya very fucking lessons...I was dosing...cant you make them interactive??
[Bug 10287] The definition for an ambiguous ampersand excludes known named character references, but fails to exclude valid decimal or hex numeric character references.
[Bug 10289] Limit to only known values
[Bug 10297] Update the definition from "a line break" to "a text-level thematic break."
[Bug 10301] HTMLOptionElement.text should not be identical to .textContent - causes interop issues with web content
[Bug 10308] wouldn't a minlength attrib be good to prevent 1 or 2 letter searches?
[Bug 10310] If I have a 100 by 100 pixel image and draw a filled rect of the same size at point {10, 10} the result is the bottom and right 90 pixels followed by the top and left 10 pixels. A way to offset the image so that it draws cleanly would be appreciated. A mo
[Bug 10311] this is a nice article, if this article can also contain the server side image mapping example it would be better
[Bug 10315] please allow "command" and "base" in "in head noscript" insertion mode so all void elements that might be handled in head-related insertion modes are treated in the same manner, which would simplify parser implementation a little
[Bug 10317] Wow....This is awesome
[Bug 10318] time element shouldn't alter the display value
[Bug 10319] Wrong link to "RDFa Profile"
[Bug 10320] [WebSRT voice] Allow an arbitrary string as the voice for forwards compatilbity
[Bug 10320] Allow an arbitrary string as the voice for forwards compatilbity
[Bug 10330] I guess this element would be helpful to user net attached printers and other devices like that
[Bug 10331] Clarify meaning of "defined to contain a URL" and "defined to contain one or more URLs"
[Bug 10333] Spec form.encoding := form.enctype
[Bug 10334] Bad grammar here: should probably be "The size IDL attribute *is* limited to . . ."
[Bug 10335] a height property for the TextMetrics class would be extremely helpful; it is difficult to place text using a width value only.
[Bug 10338] End tag of </td> or </th> in "in cell" mode wrongly asserts current node will be "tr"
[Bug 10341] Please spec img.lowsrc IDL attribute
[Bug 10342] Make <wbr> element not conforming
[Bug 10345] hspace and vspace on HTMLImageElement are signed long in DOM 2 HTML. Was there a good reason for the incompatible change to unsigned long?
[Bug 10351] """The stack of open elements cannot have both a td and a th element in table scope at the same time, nor can it have neither when the insertion mode is "in cell".""" - the second part of this is wrong in the fragment case
[Bug 10352] The range of unsigned long should be [0, 2147483647], since no browser allows setting to values outside that range
[Bug 10353] good work? no no amaizing work :)
[Bug 10354] What happens if you do an IDL get on size for <select size=0>? Does it return 0 or 1?
[Bug 10355] Kill most or all of the special IDL attributes for marquee
[Bug 10358] play in html
[Bug 10359] play in html
[Bug 10360] play in html
[Bug 10361] play in html
[Bug 10362] play in html
[Bug 10363] i see it
[Bug 10364] If the element has a src attribute, the closing tag should be forbidden, and if it doesn't have a src element, should be required.
[Bug 10365] popstate event fires after onload (first page visit) -- intended behavior? would be annoying if there was a script that ajax loaded a page at onpopstate, and hand typing in a url, the page is returned by the server, and then onpopstate fires after onload,
[Bug 10367] align=absmiddle should be case-insensitive
[Bug 10369] MSIE has had a window object since probably before IE4 (my knowledge does not go back any further).
[Bug 10371] "dataformatas on ..., span, table" -> "dataformatas on ..., span, _and_ table _elements_"
[Bug 10372] Authors should ensure that in each set of radio buttons that one is initially "on". Because some have made bad UI choices you should not recant this rule! At all times, exactly one of the radio buttons in a set is checked. Radio button Only one item
[Bug 10373] getting some serious lag on this page
[Bug 10375] Please remove language from appVersion. UAs are removing that information to reduce fingerprinting.
[Bug 10383] DOCTYPE token: The text here seems to require lower-case "html" as the node type; i.e. "<!DOCTYPE HTML>" would be invalid. This contradicts Section 10.1.1, which says both are valid (and in fact gives the latter for all its examples).
[Bug 10388] Canonical case for GET/POST/PUT/DELETE should be lowercase instead of uppercase, to match browsers
[Bug 10395] test test test
[Bug 10404] pre needs class=idl
[Bug 10408] Implemented in Chromium per http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=13505
[Bug 10409] Adoption agency + SVG bug
[Bug 10410] On getting, should the UA percent-decode document.location.hash? It's not clear.
[Bug 10411] Why are all the RFCs referenced in .txt versions? The HTML versions are more convenient (and it's silly for HTML to avoid the HTML versions!).
[Bug 10412] restriction of "bookmark" to <a>/<area> is arbitrary
[Bug 10414] What is up with that whitespace inside the tagnames?
[Bug 10415] This is the only place where online and offline events are referenced in this section and they are marked as UA text. If authors hide UA text they won't see anything about online/offline events in this section
[Bug 10417] the example images for DETAILS (osx finder file info?) ... does this indicate form fields could be marked up with details, using summary for the label? would summary > label be required for accessibility? if so, might be good to include sample code (promo
[Bug 10419] <video> should allow muted as a content attribute
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 17 October)
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- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10427] Object should be a little less scoping
[Bug 10429] Is it still correct to have a 2px inset border on an seamless iframe?
[Bug 10433] Google Chrome Search
[Bug 10435] example code uses @disabled but introductory text uses @readonly
[Bug 10437] The pushState algorithm doesn't save the scroll position of the original history entry, but it should. See Mozilla bug 590573.
[Bug 10438] math should be changed changed from no role to "math" role
[Bug 10440] menu type=context should have "menu" role
[Bug 10442] current playback position
[Bug 10443] good and clear.....
[Bug 10444] ARIA section does not list elements that have no default role or role restrictions
[Bug 10446] Consider limiting the roles of certain media and plugin elements
[Bug 10448] Consider broadening the set of allowed roles for command elements
[Bug 10449] Consider allowing various command-like ARIA roles for h1-h6
[Bug 10450] Allow lists to be used as menus or tab sets
[Bug 10451] Consider restricting the roles allowed for the label element
[Bug 10452] Consider documenting attributes that map to ARIA properties in a separate table
[Bug 10455] Mint a describedby attribute for the img element
[Bug 10457] Is obtaining the bounding box dimensions of the text ever intended to be part of the spec? Could you specify this?
[Bug 10458] legacy-color: should do the empty string check after whitespace trimming
[Bug 10461] This algorithm needs more detail on how the data is to be actually encoded. E.g. does it depend on the document encoding, etc.
[Bug 10462] merge ARIA mapping tables and list
[Bug 10464] provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec
[Bug 10465] provide correct aria mapping and role info for the table element
[Bug 10467] provide headings in the WAI-ARIA section of the spec to make it easier to understand
[Bug 10477] this is terrible
[Bug 10478] modify table, tr and td roles
[Bug 10480] add role="presentation" on the ASCII fish image
[Bug 10481] Default role of <IMG> should be "img"
[Bug 10484] default roles for figcaption and caption: Make it simple to achieve accessibility
[Bug 10485] The img element with non-empty alt should default to the img aria role
[Bug 10487] Allow radio buttons and checkboxes to be used as radio and check menu items respectively
[Bug 10490] "If node is not an element with the same tag name as the token, then this is a parse error." <- Tag name comparison must use ASCII case-insensitive match
[Bug 10491] r5300 change breaks "<svg><title>(EOF)"
[Bug 10492] Should "<table>a<tr>b" generate one or two text nodes?
[Bug 10493] "ARIA restricts usage of this role to one per page" is an unclear statement
[Bug 10495] default role(s) "inheriting" for figure - common use cases
[Bug 10497] What happens to role of <img alt="non-empty"> inside a <figure role="img">?
[Bug 10499] I would like to see an example of a cache manifest using URLs with leading slashes, or full URLs, just to make clear this is allowed.
[Bug 10501] xref "presentational hint" in the wrap=off case
[Bug 10511] [scroll] fragment identifier algo should use scroll element into view
[Bug 10511] fragment identifier algo should use scroll element into view
[Bug 10515] s/nearest positive infinity./nearest to positive infinity./
[Bug 10518] Add example showing how to use <a> elements in image maps
[Bug 10521] Should say explicitly that parser-initiated script-running fails without setting 'already started' if the script is no longer in the document when the parser tries to run the script
[Bug 10523] Scripting disabled check should happen after setting 'already started'
[Bug 10526] I'm sorry, but misinterpretation for compatibility is simply wrong. Why do we have standards again?
[Bug 10529] dsdfasd dsdfa da sa da
[Bug 10533] [scroll] Remove the scrollIntoView() section in favour of the CSSOM spec
[Bug 10533] Remove section, it's in CSSOM-View
[Bug 10535] Don't throw WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERRs
[Bug 10536] Don't throw WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERRs
[Bug 10538] "values⦠values" probably typo
[Bug 10539] Please add a note about script moving a script that blocks the parser
[Bug 10540] Please say that 'list of scripts that will execute when the document has finished parsing' is coupled with the parser--not the document
[Bug 10545] this non-dismissable "Last call for comments" popover is fucking obnoxious
[Bug 10546] It looks like at least some browsers restrict legend display values to "block"
[Bug 10547] The rendering requirements for legend in fieldset need to change if the legend is floated or positioned
[Bug 10548] canvas is undefined Line 27
[Bug 10549] Please remove PARSE_ERR and SERIALIZE_ERR as they are from DOM L&S which should be nuked at some point.
[Bug 10550] hey you have been hacked by reynaldo vm Warning page not html ,,,caution never try to upload your own life ,,bghhdsll hacker
[Bug 10557] Submission as entity body can't happen for GET, can it? Yet there is a check for it, which also rejects PUT.
[Bug 10559] blur() is handy, and should not be ignored
[Bug 10561] jikioh nk ku
[Bug 10563] ties), and must eithble="true" data-value="fruit-orange">Oranges</li> <li draggable="true" data-value="fruit-pear">Pears</li> </ol> <script> var internalDNDType = 'text/x-example'; // set thier have
[Bug 10565] there is no error
[Bug 10566] there is no error
[Bug 10567] How will the input name be processed for multiple files? can mime/multipart "part" names be the same?
[Bug 10575] It appears that parser-inserted scripts should block if an ancestor browsing context has a style sheet blocking scripts
[Bug 10576] that is good.
[Bug 10578] Please remove the 'comment end space' state
[Bug 10580] Please put a comment
[Bug 10581] Drop the color input type
[Bug 10583] [Selection] toString does not represent what WebKit and Mozilla do, which is to return only the text within the selection that is visible to the user.
[Bug 10583] [Selection] toString should return only the text within the selection that is visible to the user
[Bug 10583] toString does not represent what WebKit and Mozilla do, which is to return only the text within the selection that is visible to the user.
[Bug 10584] toString does not represent what WebKit and Mozilla do, which is to return only the text within the selection that is visible to the user.
[Bug 10587] Please remove a redundant "still in foreign" check
[Bug 10589] figure and figcaption shouldn't automatically close p
[Bug 10591] conflicting info for table element in aria section
[Bug 10592] "h1 to h6 element that does have an hgroup ancestor" not listed in ARIA section
[Bug 10594] conforming use of various aria attributes not specified
[Bug 10596] Clarify what <img> represents if no@alt, no@title and NOT the sole content of a <figure>+<figcaption> element
[Bug 10600] Strong semantics role="presentation" for <img alt="<empty>"> is wrong or inaccurate
[Bug 10603] Clarify what default roles UAs may assign to elements not listed in the ARIA section
[Bug 10604] Don't say 'empty' about @alt anywhere, say 'empty string' everywhere
[Bug 10606] Define what alt="<whitespace>" means for <img>
[Bug 10611] typo: outlinee should be outline.
[Bug 10616] s/a inline/an inline/
[Bug 10618] Use "unmapped" rather than "no role" in the weak/strong ARIA tables
[Bug 10620] Browsers recognize five font groups
[Bug 10621] Processing EOF InForeignContent mode can cause an infinite loop if we don't switch the insertion model to the secondary insertion mode. Suppose the input is <svg><title>. Now, we won't pop anything off the stack of open elements. The insertion mode wil
[Bug 10624] [Selection] Selection anchorNode/anchorOffset/focusNode/focusOffset do not match existing browser behaviour
[Bug 10624] Selection anchorNode/anchorOffset/focusNode/focusOffset do not match existing browser behaviour
[Bug 10625] Spec should cover stopping parsing on location.href = "foo"
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
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- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
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- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
[Bug 10628] Where this says "Number object" and "String object", it should say "number" and "string". Normal strings and numbers are not objects. A "String object" is actually a different kind of thing (rarely used).
[Bug 10630] Potential spec bug: the spec doesn't match IE for <div><body><frameset>. IE sets frameset-ok to "not ok" for <body> in "in body". See http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/631 vs http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/
[Bug 10631] Named access on the Window object doesn't work for XHTML documents in WebKit, Firefox, or (trivially) IE. Dumping objects in the global scope is sad face. Can we restrict this behavior to HTML documents? (The bug for implementing this in XHTML was rece
[Bug 10633] Minimums for timer granularity should be left to the user agent - different form factors have different power requirements
[Bug 10635] I could be reading the spec wrong, but are the default flow behaviors for these elements undefined? Will an article be rendered as a block-level element, or have no effect on flow at all? I've found several top-teir web-dev ref sites which all have differ
[Bug 10636] I could be reading the spec wrong, but are the default flow behaviors for these elements undefined? Will an article be rendered as a block-level element, or have no effect on flow at all? I've found several top-teir web-dev ref sites which all have differ
[Bug 10639] Cross Document Messaging
[Bug 10641] let us know
[Bug 10642] No alternative text description for video key frame (poster)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
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- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
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- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
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- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10645] Add a modal attribute to html5 to indicate a modal segment of the DOM (modal dialog)
[Bug 10648] "When the relevant content attributes are absent, the IDL attributes must return zero." Surely this is redundant with the rules for reflecting doubles?
[Bug 10656] The spec says that for scripts the BOM overrides the HTTP charset
[Bug 10659] GET -> "Mutate action"
[Bug 10660] use < and > and not ← and → to indicate previous and next
[Bug 10661] use an ISO 639-2 specified language for HTML5 documents
[Bug 10665] These tables should include obsolete elements somewhere, for the benefit of implementers. Or at least some such index should be provided. It's annoying to have no easily-used index like this when writing tests.
[Bug 10666] textarea.cols should default to 20, and textarea.rows should default to 2. IE8 and WebKit do this; Opera defaults to 0 and Gecko defaults to -1. Of the three behaviors, IE/WebKit makes the most sense, and I'm submitting a patch to get Gecko to line up w
[Bug 10671] consider removing support for PUT and DELETE as form methods
[Bug 10672] the media element onplay event is not always called when the user hits the play button
[Bug 10673] Typo in HTMLAllCollections
[Bug 10675] B implies BOLD, which is styling. Styling should be done with CSS, not with HTML markup
[Bug 10691] [Selection] Specify extend method for Selection objects
[Bug 10691] Specify extend method for Selection objects
[Bug 10692] Fix coercion to Infoset for HTML5 to correctly preserve xmlns attributes
[Bug 10693] Need a means for navigating between related timed tracks of media elements
[Bug 10708] change normative alt text authoring requirements to informative advice
[Bug 10709] @title should be a required attribute for FRAME and IFRAME in HTML5
[Bug 10710] Require controls to have programatically associated names
[Bug 10711] Playlist! We need it to <em>easy</em> define.
[Bug 10712] Drag and Drop: Add an attribute to identify drop targets
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 29 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 29 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 29 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 29 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 29 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 27 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 25 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 23 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
[Bug 10713] Drag and Drop: Add guidance for keyboard-only interaction
[Bug 10714] kinds of phrasing
[Bug 10717] Extensibility text mentions microdata but not RDFa
[Bug 10718] Remove Microdata from Acknowledgements
[Bug 10720] Remove modifications to Extensibility section
[Bug 10723] support for media fragment URIs in relevant HTML5 elements
[Bug 10730] Confusing spec text in 'media seeking' scenario
[Bug 10735] Use classes on b/i elements in examples
[Bug 10737] Step 26 check for "-->" is redundant, "Collect WebSRT cue timings and settings" will check it.
[Bug 10739] The attribute table doesn't mention data-*
[Bug 10740] encourage use of SHARED (vendor) prefixes: experimental--feature
[Bug 10742] attributes must be taken care of
[Bug 10743] This is no longer correct -> In the following fragment, however, the attribute's value is actually "?original=1©=2", not the intended "?original=1©=2":
[Bug 10745] None of the event handlers onload/onerror/oncuechange/onenter/onexit are used in the spec
[Bug 10748] Second example snippet is incompatible with accompanying text
[Bug 10749] Should it be required that id is not the empty string? Otherwise it will match any WebSRT cues with is missing.
[Bug 10751] WebSRT cue text tokeniser is missing a step 8 to jump to the step labeled loop
[Bug 10752] New: WebSRT cue text tokeniser is missing a step 8 to jump to the step labeled loop
[Bug 10753] Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10754] New: Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10754] Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10755] New: Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10755] Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10756] Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10758] New: Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10761] New: Where is the closing </header> tag in the second 4.4.8 example, "Little green guys with guns"? Confusing.
[Bug 10761] Where is the closing </header> tag in the second 4.4.8 example, "Little green guys with guns"? Confusing.
[Bug 10762] Where is the closing </header> tag in the second 4.4.8 example, "Little green guys with guns"? Confusing.
[Bug 10763] Typo: "occurance" instead of "occurrence".
[Bug 10764] hello ddd ssd
[Bug 10764] New: hello ddd ssd
[Bug 10767] The <progress> and <meter> elements' value IDL attribute should be constrained by the range. Just like with <input type=range>.
[Bug 10770] Should it really be OK to have timestamps with trailing garbage like <00:01.500b0rk>?
[Bug 10771] User agents disagree with each other and with the spec on rendering of multiple legends if the first one is styled
[Bug 10772] accesskey and an ordered set of unique space-separated tokens
[Bug 10774] fallback for accesskey insufficiently defined
[Bug 10775] how is user to decide which set of access keys to use?
[Bug 10776] accesskey value token subsets
[Bug 10777] user agent assignment of modifier keys subset of accesskey processing subset
[Bug 10778] use element.accessKeyLabel to generate list of available accesskeys
[Bug 10779] triggering the Action of the command via accesskey
[Bug 10780] reference to definition of Action insufficient for definition of accesskey
[Bug 10782] problems with button example for accesskey
[Bug 10783] change summary from an attribute to an element
[Bug 10788] @srcdoc in polyglot documents
[Bug 10798] [Selection] Find a new home for Selection
[Bug 10799] drawImage/pattern filters underspecified
[Bug 10800] Reconsider form feed (U+000C) conformance
[Bug 10801] Limit the number of iterations in the loops in the AAA
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
[Bug 10802] Limit the number of identical items on the list of active formatting elements by removing previous duplicates when adding new items
[Bug 10803] Ignore document.written charset metas
[Bug 10806] ignoring escapes is not needed for compatibility with existing content
[Bug 10807] i18n comment 1 : new attribute: ubi
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
[Bug 10808] i18n comment 2 : new dir attribute value: auto, and a new attribute: autodirmethod
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 23 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 23 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
[Bug 10809] i18n comment 3 : new attribute: submitdir
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 27 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10810] i18n comment 5 : U+2028 and U+2029 in textarea and pre elements
[Bug 10811] i18n comment 6 : U+2028 and U+2029 in dialog text
[Bug 10812] i18n comment 7 : line breaks in textarea and pre elements
[Bug 10813] i18n comment 8 : line breaks in dialog text
[Bug 10814] i18n comment 9 : block-display elements should act as UBA paragraph breaks
[Bug 10815] i18n comment 10 : block elements with display:inline should get ubi instead of default dir
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
[Bug 10816] i18n comment 11 : default ignorable code points
[Bug 10817] i18n comment 12 : title element should support and inherit dir attribute
[Bug 10818] i18n comment 14 : title and alt attribute direction and two new attributes: titledir and altdir
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
[Bug 10819] i18n comment 15 : option element should support the dir attribute and be displayed accordingly both in the dropdown and after being chosen
[Bug 10820] i18n comment 16 : option element should support text-align CSS property and be displayed accordingly both in the dropdown and after being chosen
[Bug 10821] i18n comment 17 : setting input and textarea element direction through browser UI should set the dir attribute and trigger oninput event
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 8 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
[Bug 10822] i18n comment 18 : on an OS that has a widespread UI convention for setting direction, user agent should support it on input and textarea elements
[Bug 10823] i18n comment 19 : when an input value is remembered, its direction should be remembered too
[Bug 10824] i18n comment 20 : list item marker display and position
[Bug 10825] i18n comment 21 : location of user agent window's overall vertical scrollbar
[Bug 10826] i18n comment 22 : location of an element's vertical scrollbar when it is not the user agent window's overall vertical scrollbar
[Bug 10827] i18n comment 23 : script dialog text direction
[Bug 10828] i18n comment 4 : new attribute: bidibreak
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
[Bug 10829] i18n comment : ruby code samples
[Bug 10830] i18n comment : Please add support for rb
[Bug 10831] Provide tablist and tab states for menu and command elements respectively
[Bug 10832] The scroll event is also a "magic event handler" in that <body onscroll> registers something on Window.
[Bug 10833] The element should only suffer from being missing if all of the checkbox choices are unselected - like radio buttons
[Bug 10834] Garbage collection is the wrong level of abstraction
[Bug 10836] Several legacy attributes should reflect as URLs, not strings
[Bug 10837] playbackrate: undefined behavior when the user agent can't play back at the requested rate
[Bug 10839] Providing visible indication that descriptions and captions are available.
[Bug 10840] Allow the user to independently adjust the volumes of the audio description and original soundtracks.
[Bug 10841] We require a method to allow the user to control playback timing in order to have more time to understand the material.
[Bug 10842] Support the isolation of speech from other background sounds in AV media
[Bug 10843] Support user control over the visual presentation of caption text.
[Bug 10844] Mono ruby, group ruby, and jukugo ruby
[Bug 10845] Clarify the difference between @srcdoc documents and @srcdoc value
[Bug 10846] Sections may contain headings of any rank
[Bug 10847] Could small be achieved with a more general statement? Eg, Legal, notice etc. Its very close to being presentation at this stage IMHO.
[Bug 10849] provide means to add image content catagories to images
[Bug 10851] Javascript access to rendered (calculated) styling information of a DOM node
[Bug 10853] HTML5 lacks a verbose description mechanism
[Bug 10854] willful violation of RFC2046 may be an exaggeration
[Bug 10862] Remove the newly added "s" element
[Bug 10873] Provide a method of explicitly setting a tooltip for an element
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
[Bug 10877] Spec should explain that the structured clone algorithm breaks Directed Acyclic Graphs into trees
[Bug 10878] Structured clone algorithm should be updated to support Directed Acyclic Graphs
[Bug 10879] Including "impossible" requirements even as a SHOULD is unnecessary
[Bug 10887] "garbage characters" in non-negative integers should be clarified
[Bug 10888] Access Command Requirements for HTML5
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
[Bug 10889] Content Model section should cite the Polyglot document for further advice
[Bug 10890] i18n comment : Allow utf-16 meta encoding declarations
[Bug 10892] onreset IDL attribute missing from Window, HTMLDocument, HTMLElement
[Bug 10893] Allow definition lists to markup dialogue
[Bug 10894] Reflecting an IDL attribute with a URL should try to canonicalize whatever value is set
[Bug 10895] Use markup compatible with both HTML/XML syntax in examples
[Bug 10896] enable device independent access to event handlers
[Bug 10897] In general, synthetic events dispatched from script do not trigger default actions - click is the exception for compatibility
[Bug 10898] Additional attributes should be wired up to window when on body
[Bug 10899] DOMActivate is deprecated in DOM L3 Events
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 18 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
[Bug 10900] HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide
[Bug 10901] Use same parsing for HTML <script> and SVG <script>
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10902] <video> element needs to support some form of DRM solution
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 6 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10903] provide an introduction to wai-aria in the wai aria section of the spec
[Bug 10904] <video> element needs to support some form of parental control solution
[Bug 10905] clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10906] make the the conforming use of placeholder dependent on the presence of a label
[Bug 10907] Reset algorithm for input elements doesn't seem to reset <input type='file'>
[Bug 10909] Clarify how fieldset's first legend should behave if the fieldset is disabled because of another disabled fieldset
[Bug 10914] Allow multiple space separated values for the ARIA role attribute
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10915] clarify why a command element that is not in a menu is conforming
[Bug 10916] Add a new <control> element to convey the common semantics of a script enabled UI control
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10917] modify user agent requirement for details element
[Bug 10918] provide better examples
[Bug 10919] Allow role="presentation" to override the default role of any element
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10920] Remove reference to WHAT WG wiki from other metadata names section
[Bug 10921] put back direct link to the W3C version of the canvas 2d context spec
[Bug 10922] Use normative keywords (MUST/SHOULD/MAY) in other metadata section
[Bug 10923] Add an attribute to override UA's validation message
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10924] double negation in "not not the disabled ones"
[Bug 10924] New: double negation in "not not the disabled ones"
[Bug 10925] double negation in "not not the disabled ones"
[Bug 10925] New: double negation in "not not the disabled ones"
[Bug 10926] fillText or strokeText behavior needs to preserve readability of text when using maxWidth
[Bug 10926] New: fillText or strokeText behavior needs to preserve readability of text when using maxWidth
[Bug 10927] collection of all interactive (actionable, focusable) elements
[Bug 10927] New: collection of all interactive (actionable, focusable) elements
[Bug 10928] Dynamic markup insertion effect on accessibiltiy APIs should be spec'd
[Bug 10928] New: Dynamic markup insertion effect on accessibiltiy APIs should be spec'd
[Bug 10929] New: would the <small> element be better handled in CSS?
[Bug 10929] would the <small> element be better handled in CSS?
[Bug 10930] CanvasPixelArray out of range behavior needs clarification
[Bug 10930] New: CanvasPixelArray out of range behavior needs clarification
[Bug 10931] Add details or summary to focus management section
[Bug 10931] New: Add details or summary to focus management section
[Bug 10932] add area to 7.4.2 Focus management
[Bug 10932] New: add area to 7.4.2 Focus management
[Bug 10933] add link types that create hyperlinks to 7.4.2 Focus management
[Bug 10933] New: add link types that create hyperlinks to 7.4.2 Focus management
[Bug 10934] discuss contenteditable interaction with APIs in user agent implementation guide
[Bug 10934] New: discuss contenteditable interaction with APIs in user agent implementation guide
[Bug 10935] consider 10.4 Bindings impact on UAG
[Bug 10935] New: consider 10.4 Bindings impact on UAG
[Bug 10936] Missing word in "a timed track cue is considered to of a timed track only"
[Bug 10936] New: Missing word in "a timed track cue is considered to of a timed track only"
[Bug 10937] Add track element to list of elements where itemValue reflects the src attribute.
[Bug 10937] New: Add track element to list of elements where itemValue reflects the src attribute.
[Bug 10938] Add <textual/> - a visible textual substitute element w/link capability
[Bug 10938] New: Add <textual/> - a visible textual substitute element w/link capability
[Bug 10941] Media elements need control-dependent "pause" for presenting lengthy descriptions/captions
[Bug 10941] Media elements need control-independent "pause" for presenting lengthy descriptions/captions
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 11 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 2 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 10941] New: Media elements need control-dependent "pause" for presenting lengthy descriptions/captions
[Bug 10944] New: WebSRT seems to too much focus on captions
[Bug 10944] WebSRT seems to too much focus on captions
[Bug 10953] Clarify what word the "s" element represents ("s"trike?)
[Bug 10953] New: Clarify what word the "s" element represents ("s"trike?)
[Bug 10954] New: plain text processing breaks text/plain; format=flowed
[Bug 10954] plain text processing breaks text/plain; format=flowed
[Bug 10956] If you were to say: The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) ... should you write it as <dfn>The Business Continuity Institute (<abbr title="The Business Continuity Institute">BCI</abbr>)</dfn> or The Business Continuity Institute (<dfn><abbr title="The
[Bug 10956] New: If you were to say: The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) ... should you write it as <dfn>The Business Continuity Institute (<abbr title="The Business Continuity Institute">BCI</abbr>)</dfn> or The Business Continuity Institute (<dfn><abbr title="The
[Bug 10961] New: An example of a correct template document complete with doctype and namespace declarations, etc.
[Bug 10962] Change <param> to be dynamic
[Bug 10962] New: Change <param> to be dynamic
[Bug 10963] New: Table prohibited from being used as a layout aid
[Bug 10963] Table prohibited from being used as a layout aid
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 3 October)
[Bug 10964] Canvas needs to support a backing store in the DOM subtree capable of supporting screen reading
[Bug 10964] New: Canvas needs to support a backing store in the DOM subtree capable of supporting screen reading
[Bug 10965] New: Refer to SVG Integration spec for element and attribute names
[Bug 10965] Refer to SVG Integration spec for element and attribute names
[Bug 10966] New: This page kept crashing my Safari browser (v5.02). It happens after a few scroll up/down and clicking on links with combination of back button
[Bug 10966] This page kept crashing my Safari browser (v5.02). It happens after a few scroll up/down and clicking on links with combination of back button
[Bug 10967] Add @desclink, a description link attr. for any embedded element + figure
[Bug 10967] New: Add @desclink, a description link attr. for any embedded element + figure
[Bug 10969] New: work out fine
[Bug 10969] work out fine
[Bug 10970] New: Align HTML+RDFa with Microdata: add support for @cite
[Bug 10971] New: Polyglot publication should be more careful about UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE
[Bug 10971] Polyglot publication should be more careful about UTF-16, UTF-16BE and UTF-16LE
[Bug 10975] from gmail, JimJJewett said: Audio and Video should show the fallback content (for older browsers) if they do not understand the codec -- even if they understand video (or audio) itself
[Bug 10979] Rendering rules for ol[reversed] and ol[start] are missing.
[Bug 10981] Is there reasoning behind <summary> not being able to contain headings? I can see a lot of real-world uses for that that I'd love to do without JS. For example, take the "Edit Description" H2 in this mockup: http://people.mozilla.com/~chowse/drop/sumo/kb/
[Bug 10984] HTMLBaseElement.href reflects incorrectly
[Bug 10986] dataset algorithm for deleting names need not throw SYNTAX_ERR
[Bug 10986] New: dataset algorithm for deleting names need not throw SYNTAX_ERR
[Bug 10987] New: option and optgroup elements - flow content?
[Bug 10987] option and optgroup elements - flow content?
[Bug 10988] add slider element
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 26 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Sunday, 10 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 9 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
[Bug 10988] New: add slider element
[Bug 10990] HTMLFormElement.namedItem missing a case
[Bug 10990] New: HTMLFormElement.namedItem missing a case
[Bug 10991] New: Remove HTMLSelectElement name getter
[Bug 10991] Remove HTMLSelectElement name getter
[Bug 10992] """while handling the "script" start tag token""" s/start/end/
[Bug 10992] New: """while handling the "script" start tag token""" s/start/end/
[Bug 10993] dummy issue -- please ignore
[Bug 10993] New: dummy issue -- please ignore
[Bug 10994] accessKeyLabel can expose new information about the user and possibly also other origins
[Bug 10994] New: accessKeyLabel can expose new information about the user and possibly also other origins
[Bug 10996] Hello my name is cool
[Bug 10996] New: Hello my name is cool
[Bug 10997] add clear indication of whether an element is singleton or open/close
[Bug 10997] New: add clear indication of whether an element is singleton or open/close
[Bug 10998] <cite> element is sometimes used to mark up a reference to a bibliography item, e.g. "<cite>[1]</cite>", "<cite>[RFC2119]</cite>", or "<cite>[Ian2010, Section 1.1]</cite>". Please mention whether this usage is correct or not.
[Bug 10998] New: <cite> element is sometimes used to mark up a reference to a bibliography item, e.g. "<cite>[1]</cite>", "<cite>[RFC2119]</cite>", or "<cite>[Ian2010, Section 1.1]</cite>". Please mention whether this usage is correct or not.
[Bug 10999] In the WHATWG Wiki page keyword "PICS-Label" is listed. However, the PICS specification has been superceded by other document according to the referenced W3C Recommendation. Therefore use of http-equiv=PICS-Label should be obsolete, non-conforming, unle
[Bug 10999] New: In the WHATWG Wiki page keyword "PICS-Label" is listed. However, the PICS specification has been superceded by other document according to the referenced W3C Recommendation. Therefore use of http-equiv=PICS-Label should be obsolete, non-conforming, unle
[Bug 11000] add xref for "given in the rendering section"
[Bug 11000] New: add xref for "given in the rendering section"
[Bug 11001] allow any 'list-style-type' value in <ol type> for i18n support
[Bug 11001] New: allow any 'list-style-type' value in <ol type> for i18n support
[Bug 11002] author of [SHIFTJIS] should be JISC http://www.jisc.go.jp/, not JSA
[Bug 11002] New: author of [SHIFTJIS] should be JISC http://www.jisc.go.jp/, not JSA
[Bug 11003] Map input type="range" suggestion labels to accessibility APIs
[Bug 11003] New: Map input type="range" suggestion labels to accessibility APIs
[Bug 11004] Add an example of suggestion labels being used and rendered for input type="range"
[Bug 11004] New: Add an example of suggestion labels being used and rendered for input type="range"
[Bug 11008] New: testing annotations to see if it appears automatically on the web page. This is like CY Comments that I developed earlier but never released it in the fear of "CYBERLITTERING"
[Bug 11008] testing annotations to see if it appears automatically on the web page. This is like CY Comments that I developed earlier but never released it in the fear of "CYBERLITTERING"
[Bug 11009] Hixie: TJs recommds .cgi case: main / / home
[Bug 11009] New: Hixie: TJs recommds .cgi case: main / / home
[Bug 11010] New: Terms for indexed/named properties in Web IDL changed
[Bug 11010] Terms for indexed/named properties in Web IDL changed
[Bug 11011] New: Since Javascript does not support mode specifiers inside the regular expression, there is no simple way of matching a single word case-insensitively besides turning into [Ww][Oo][Rr][Dd]
[Bug 11011] Since Javascript does not support mode specifiers inside the regular expression, there is no simple way of matching a single word case-insensitively besides turning into [Ww][Oo][Rr][Dd]
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 21 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 13 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
[Bug 11012] Also say that <area>/image maps is an alternative to @longdesc
[Bug 11012] New: Also say that <area>/image maps is an alternative to @longdesc
[Bug 11013] Don't honor <meta> pragmas that don't come from the network stream or document.write
[Bug 11013] New: Don't honor <meta> pragmas that don't come from the network stream of document.write
[Bug 11016] Give the TimedTrackCueList getter operation an identifier
[Bug 11016] New: Give the TimedTrackCueList getter operation an identifier
[Bug 11017] Decrease heading level for "APIs for the text field selections"
[Bug 11017] New: Decrease heading level for "APIs for the text field selections"
[Bug 11019] New: The interface HTMLTableCellElement should provide a readonly attribute, that returns a NodeList of th elements which have been assigned to a cell via the "algorithm for assigning header cells". Similarly, the interface HTMLTableHeaderCellElement should ha
[Bug 11019] The interface HTMLTableCellElement should provide a readonly attribute, that returns a NodeList of th elements which have been assigned to a cell via the "algorithm for assigning header cells". Similarly, the interface HTMLTableHeaderCellElement should ha
[Bug 11020] New: Update the style sheet for the W3C copy to set the font-size for <code> elements to 1em.
[Bug 11020] Update the style sheet for the W3C copy to set the font-size for <code> elements to 1em.
[Bug 11021] Drop UndoManager from the W3C version since it's not mature enough to be called LC.
[Bug 11021] New: Drop UndoManager from the W3C version since it's not mature enough to be called LC.
[Bug 11022] http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seo-directmail-lists.com%2F
[Bug 11022] New: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.seo-directmail-lists.com%2F
[Bug 11023] asfasdfasdf
[Bug 11023] New: asfasdfasdf
[Bug 11024] asfasdfasdf
[Bug 11024] New: asfasdfasdf
[Bug 11026] "there must be a space character separating the two" The validator doesn't seem to know about this.
[Bug 11026] New: "there must be a space character separating the two" The validator doesn't seem to know about this.
[Bug 11027] New: provide text alternatives for images feedback from Everett Zufelt
[Bug 11027] provide text alternatives for images feedback from Everett Zufelt
[Bug 11028] New: please allow true/false (or some way to have a value but switch the attribute off). this has always been annoying.
[Bug 11028] please allow true/false (or some way to have a value but switch the attribute off). this has always been annoying.
[Bug 11030] It'll be VERY useful to use getData() in dragenter and similar methods, like Fx does. Not only on drop event
[Bug 11030] New: It'll be VERY useful to use getData() in dragenter and similar methods, like Fx does. Not only on drop event
[Bug 11031] New: Reference to non-existent interface HTMLPropertiesCollection
[Bug 11031] Reference to non-existent interface HTMLPropertiesCollection
[Bug 11032] HTMLPropertiesCollection shouldn't be callable
[Bug 11032] New: HTMLPropertiesCollection shouldn't be callable
[Bug 11035] Deleted SMS
[Bug 11035] New: Deleted SMS
[Bug 11038] New: The site is very nice, but has significant color contrast issues. Many colors are well below the minimal contrast required by WCAG 2.0.
[Bug 11038] The site is very nice, but has significant color contrast issues. Many colors are well below the minimal contrast required by WCAG 2.0.
[Bug 11041] h
[Bug 11041] New: h
[Bug 11043] a searchbox would be great...
[Bug 11043] New: a searchbox would be great...
[Bug 11044] New: s/check box/checkbox/ for consistency
[Bug 11045] New: U+0020 does not need to be escaped in srcdoc in XML
[Bug 11045] U+0020 does not need to be escaped in srcdoc in XML
[Bug 11046] New: Which kind of data could be passed to this method. Could it be custom data types started with "application/"?
[Bug 11047] 321313132131
[Bug 11047] New: 321313132131
[Bug 11049] ffdh
[Bug 11049] New: ffdh
[Bug 11050] hi, the floating red div, has a bad link: is not supposed to link to http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ tuliopa@hotmail.com
[Bug 11050] New: hi, the floating red div, has a bad link: is not supposed to link to http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ tuliopa@hotmail.com
[Bug 11052] http://core2.realms.biz/file.php?q=101_gde_kupit_belye_zhenskie_brjuki где кÑÐ¿Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ»Ñе женÑкие бÑÑки http://core2.realms.biz/file.php?q=217_zhenskie_chasy_gucci_ladiesya105514 женÑкие ÑаÑÑ gucci ladiesya105514 http://co
[Bug 11052] New: http://core2.realms.biz/file.php?q=101_gde_kupit_belye_zhenskie_brjuki где кÑÐ¿Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ»Ñе женÑкие бÑÑки http://core2.realms.biz/file.php?q=217_zhenskie_chasy_gucci_ladiesya105514 женÑкие ÑаÑÑ gucci ladiesya105514 http://co
[Bug 11053] bjbjb
[Bug 11053] New: bjbjb
[Bug 11054] For complex applications and services there is a need for proper session handling. For example currently you cannot easily implement proper single logout. html5 could help with this. See https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/SHIB2/SLOIssues
[Bug 11054] New: For complex applications and services there is a need for proper session handling. For example currently you cannot easily implement proper single logout. html5 could help with this. See https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/SHIB2/SLOIssues
[Bug 11055] BOM confusion
[Bug 11055] New: BOM confusion
[Bug 11057] doctype about:legacy-compat, t
[Bug 11057] New: doctype about:legacy-compat, t
[Bug 11058] New: xlink elements
[Bug 11058] xlink elements
[Bug 11059] good
[Bug 11059] New: good
[Bug 11060] I see a good description for formnovalidate, but not for novalidate. I assume that novalidate exempts an individual input from validation, whereas formnovalidate is used on buttons and applies to the whole form. Is that a correct reading? This should be m
[Bug 11060] New: I see a good description for formnovalidate, but not for novalidate. I assume that novalidate exempts an individual input from validation, whereas formnovalidate is used on buttons and applies to the whole form. Is that a correct reading? This should be m
[Bug 11063] irena
[Bug 11063] New: irena
[Bug 11064] New: unstated requirement to be valid.
[Bug 11064] unstated requirement to be valid.
[Bug 11065] New: test
[Bug 11065] test
[Bug 11066] New: Notice of 'out of date' documentation links to same page
[Bug 11066] Notice of 'out of date' documentation links to same page
[Bug 11067] New: Provide <form>-agnostic multipart/form-data encoding algorithm
[Bug 11067] Provide <form>-agnostic multipart/form-data encoding algorithm
[Bug 11068] New: We should not pause() if the element is removed from a document and then reinserted in the same task, since otherwise that could cause stuttering when moving a video from one frame to another, and would break autoplay when used with innerHTML.
[Bug 11068] We should not pause() if the element is removed from a document and then reinserted in the same task, since otherwise that could cause stuttering when moving a video from one frame to another, and would break autoplay when used with innerHTML.
[Bug 11069] document.lastModified could use strict ISO 8601
[Bug 11069] New: document.lastModified could use strict ISO 8601
[Bug 11071] New: Table of Contents higher up. Hello, I am reading this document for the first time. It is great to have as a reference, quickly accessible through a bookmark. However, it would be nice to have the table of contents closer to the top of the page. This way I
[Bug 11074] New: Why does this need to be a specific codec? Why couldn't developers have the option to specify the type of the stream, similar to the way a MIME type can be specified in the canvas's toDataURL method?
[Bug 11077] asdasd
[Bug 11077] New: asdasd
[Bug 11079] hello
[Bug 11079] New: hello
[Bug 11080] \s\sfc\sdc
[Bug 11080] New: \s\sfc\sdc
[Bug 11081] New: uiyihiuh
[Bug 11081] uiyihiuh
[Bug 11082] New: sdsfgfghfghghghfghf
[Bug 11082] sdsfgfghfghghghfghf
[Bug 11084] @open on details should reflect as defaultOpen, for consistency with checked, value, and potentially muted. Then a CSS pseudoclass of :open should be created to match open details elements, similar to :checked.
[Bug 11084] New: @open on details should reflect as defaultOpen, for consistency with checked, value, and potentially muted. Then a CSS pseudoclass of :open should be created to match open details elements, similar to :checked.
[Bug 11085] New: Define what "this" value to use for setTimeout(function)
[Bug 11086] jhgjhg
[Bug 11086] New: jhgjhg
[Bug 11087] New: week
[Bug 11087] week
[Bug 11088] New: week
[Bug 11088] week
[Bug 11089] 2233
[Bug 11089] New: 2233
[Bug 11090] Add a note about XSLT-created scripts
[Bug 11090] New: Add a note about XSLT-created scripts
[Bug 11091] New: Clarify whether importNode copies the 'already executed' flag
[Bug 11096] New: s element still listed as absent
[Bug 11096] s element still listed as absent
[Bug 11099] clarify that "element's tag name" and "attribute's name" are qualified name
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 30 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Saturday, 30 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 28 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 27 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 25 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 25 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 22 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 20 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
[Bug 11099] New: clarify that "element's tag name" and "attribute's name" are qualified name
[Bug 11100] New: The example in 8.7.1 has "event.effectAllowed" instead of "event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed"
[Bug 11101] New: When will HTML5 and offline apps be released? In May Google pulled the plug on Docs' offline capabilities, saying that it will "soon" reintroduce it again using HTML5's offline capabilities. Six months later and still not here. This has really messed up
[Bug 11101] When will HTML5 and offline apps be released? In May Google pulled the plug on Docs' offline capabilities, saying that it will "soon" reintroduce it again using HTML5's offline capabilities. Six months later and still not here. This has really messed up
[Bug 11102] New: meta refresh timer should start after onload, according to http://www.hixie.ch/tests/adhoc/html/navigation/interrupts/?nph-003.html
[Bug 11105] New: Prevent execution of scripts in documents that don't have a browsing context after 'already started' has been set
[Bug 11105] Prevent execution of scripts in documents that don't have a browsing context after 'already started' has been set
[Bug 11106] bb
[Bug 11106] New: bb
[Bug 11107] Make the expected rendering of datetime controls and number controls clearer
[Bug 11107] New: Make the expected rendering of datetime controls and number controls clearer
[Bug 11108] New: sasasasa
[Bug 11108] sasasasa
[Bug 11110] New: something boring...
[Bug 11110] something boring...
[Bug 11111] d
[Bug 11111] New: d
[Bug 11112] If the timed track cue writing direction is horizontal, the timed track cue alignment is middle, the timed track cue text position is greater than 50, and direction is 'rtl':Let maximum size be the timed track cue text position multiplied by two. - this
[Bug 11112] New: If the timed track cue writing direction is horizontal, the timed track cue alignment is middle, the timed track cue text position is greater than 50, and direction is 'rtl':Let maximum size be the timed track cue text position multiplied by two. - this
[Bug 11114] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t
[Bug 11114] Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t
[Bug 11115] exactly how are the items in the nested browsing context list to be separated? by spaces, commas? spaces or commas would be consistent with other lists.
[Bug 11115] New: exactly how are the items in the nested browsing context list to be separated? by spaces, commas? spaces or commas would be consistent with other lists.
[Bug 11116] New: <iframe> and delaying the load event: "When there is an active parser in the iframe" should be corrected to also apply before the parser is created; i.e. to whenever there is content loading in the iframe.
[Bug 11118] New: this is a test message
[Bug 11118] this is a test message
[Bug 11119] New: this is a test message
[Bug 11119] this is a test message
[Bug 11120] New: this is a test message
[Bug 11120] this is a test message
[Bug 11121] New: this is a test message
[Bug 11121] this is a test message
[Bug 11122] New: this is a test message
[Bug 11122] this is a test message
[Bug 11124] consider reducing verbosity when talking about code points
[Bug 11124] New: consider reducing verbosity when talking about code points
[Bug 11126] <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>hoge</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> <link rel="styleshee
[Bug 11126] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>hoge</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> <link rel="styleshee
[Bug 11127] New: tic marks for <input type="range">
[Bug 11129] New: Remove forminput, formchange and related dispatch methods
[Bug 11129] Remove forminput, formchange and related dispatch methods
[Bug 11130] New: Should be allowed wherever <script> is allowed, with or without @scoped.
[Bug 11130] Should be allowed wherever <script> is allowed, with or without @scoped.
[Bug 11131] New: Please allow longer comments in this box!
[Bug 11131] Please allow longer comments in this box!
[Bug 11132] <html b:version='2' class='v2' dir='ltr'>
[Bug 11132] New: <html b:version='2' class='v2' dir='ltr'>
[Bug 11133] <html b:version='2' class='v2' dir='ltr'>
[Bug 11133] New: <html b:version='2' class='v2' dir='ltr'>
[Bug 11134] Add an example with text directly in the blockquote element
[Bug 11134] New: Examples show p element inside blockquote element. But can a blockquote element contained flowed content (i.e. no other element at all inside and just plain text)? If it can, the specification should mention why it chooses the former, and if it is a recom
[Bug 11135] I want to learn HTML5 can you please suggest where i can get a explain book for HTML5 for free pdf version
[Bug 11135] New: I want to learn HTML5 can you please suggest where i can get a explain book for HTML5 for free pdf version
[Bug 11136] New: Poster attribute in audio element
[Bug 11136] Poster attribute in audio element
[Bug 11137] Multiple-email inputs should require no space characters between values
[Bug 11137] New: Multiple-email inputs should require no space characters between values
[Bug 11139] <video poster> and audio-only media
[Bug 11139] New: <video poster> and audio-only media
[Bug 11140] New: Subject: Physical Keys and Gestures for "accesskey" attribute The use of ASCII/Unicode code points for key binding has numerous well-known drawbacks. There are vital physical keyboard keys with no Unicode representation. Even for the main alphabet keys sp
[Bug 11140] Subject: Physical Keys and Gestures for "accesskey" attribute The use of ASCII/Unicode code points for key binding has numerous well-known drawbacks. There are vital physical keyboard keys with no Unicode representation. Even for the main alphabet keys sp
[Bug 11145] gdfghdf
[Bug 11145] New: gdfghdf
[Bug 11146] how does that work?
[Bug 11146] New: how does that work?
[Bug 11148] New: sion. He also enjoys other pleasures.<
[Bug 11148] sion. He also enjoys other pleasures.<
[Bug 11149] @-rules in CSS are document-global by default. <style scoped> should specify that @-rules used in it are only available within the single scoped sheet (and any imported sheets).
[Bug 11149] New: @-rules in CSS are document-global by default. <style scoped> should specify that @-rules used in it are only available within the single scoped sheet (and any imported sheets).
[Bug 11150] Canvas Page cannot contain uppercase letters.
[Bug 11150] New: Canvas Page cannot contain uppercase letters.
[Bug 11151] Canvas Page cannot contain uppercase letters.
[Bug 11151] New: Canvas Page cannot contain uppercase letters.
[Bug 11152] New: Polyglot spec should mention accessibility
[Bug 11152] Polyglot spec should mention accessibility
[Bug 11153] current editor's draft has broken CSS and misleading redirect
[Bug 11153] New: current editor's draft has broken CSS and misleading redirect
[Bug 11154] Microdata is in section 5.
[Bug 11154] New: Microdata is in section 5.
[Bug 11155] New: In the "in column group" insertion mode if we get an EOF, presumably we should stop parsing even if the fake </colgroup> tag was ignored.
[Bug 11156] New: <input type=hidden> should not set frameset-ok to 'not ok'
[Bug 11158] New: Ð²Ð°Ð¿Ð²Ð°Ñ sdfgf gsdf gdfs пвÑа
[Bug 11158] Ð²Ð°Ð¿Ð²Ð°Ñ sdfgf gsdf gdfs пвÑа
[Bug 11159] Minor typo. This is for section "The History interface" - more specifically, for the "traverse the history by a delta2 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/history.html#traverse-the-history-by-a-delta The typo is in the first part of the sentence in step 6: "Unlo
[Bug 11159] New: Minor typo. This is for section "The History interface" - more specifically, for the "traverse the history by a delta2 http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/history.html#traverse-the-history-by-a-delta The typo is in the first part of the sentence in step 6: "Unlo
[Bug 11161] form.action, button.formAction and input.formAction IDL attributes should return the document location when the content attribute is the empty string
[Bug 11161] New: form.action, button.formAction and input.formAction IDL attributes should return the document location when the content attribute is the empty string
[Bug 11162] New: This test case alerts 0 in all current released browsers: data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>var el = document.createElement("select"); el.multiple = true; alert(el.size);</script> As it stands, the spec says it should alert 1. While we're in the hab
[Bug 11162] select.size should either be web-compatible or make sense, take your pick
[Bug 11162] This test case alerts 0 in all current released browsers: data:text/html,<!doctype html><script>var el = document.createElement("select"); el.multiple = true; alert(el.size);</script> As it stands, the spec says it should alert 1. While we're in the hab
[Bug 11163] New: The PageTransitionEvent's persisted attribute type is conflicted
[Bug 11165] New: qeqw eww ew we w ew
[Bug 11165] qeqw eww ew we w ew
[Bug 11166] <svg><foreignObject><div><frameset> and s/frameset/select/ can cause the insertion mode to be reset with <frameset> and <select> at the top of the stack, so these are no longer fragment-case-only
[Bug 11166] New: <svg><foreignObject><div><frameset> and s/frameset/select/ can cause the insertion mode to be reset with <frameset> and <select> at the top of the stack, so these are no longer fragment-case-only
[Bug 11167] <svg><foreignObject><div><frameset> and s/frameset/select/ can cause the insertion mode to be reset with <frameset> and <select> at the top of the stack, so these are no longer fragment-case-only
[Bug 11167] New: <svg><foreignObject><div><frameset> and s/frameset/select/ can cause the insertion mode to be reset with <frameset> and <select> at the top of the stack, so these are no longer fragment-case-only
[Bug 11168] New: Remove WhatWG and html5.org references in status section of document
[Bug 11168] Remove WhatWG and html5.org references in status section of document
[Bug 11169] New: HTML+RDFa - Infer @content from @datetime on time tag
[Bug 11172] New: wouldn't it be better to return the context handler instead of void, making "context.moveTo(x1,y1).lineTo(x2,y2).lineTo..." possible and easier?
[Bug 11172] wouldn't it be better to return the context handler instead of void, making "context.moveTo(x1,y1).lineTo(x2,y2).lineTo..." possible and easier?
[Bug 11173] New: wouldn't it be better to return the context handler instead of void, making "context.moveTo(x1,y1).lineTo(x2,y2).lineTo..." possible and easier?
[Bug 11173] wouldn't it be better to return the context handler instead of void, making "context.moveTo(x1,y1).lineTo(x2,y2).lineTo..." possible and easier?
[Bug 11177] New: There is no error feedback if the poster URL is invalid.
[Bug 11180] New: rephrase definition of "author" link relation
[Bug 11181] link type "external" either not useful or underspecified
[Bug 11181] New: link type "external" either not useful or underspecified
[Bug 11182] "tag" link relation underspecified
[Bug 11182] New: "tag" link relation underspecified
[Bug 11183] "sidebar" might not be a proper use of a link relation
[Bug 11183] New: "sidebar" might not be a proper use of a link relation
[Bug 11184] New: Nope, you are just dreaming about that.
[Bug 11184] Nope, you are just dreaming about that.
[Bug 5729] test issue
[Bug 5744] Improved Fragment Identifiers
[Bug 5750] another test IGNORE ME
[Bug 5751] IGNORE ME (sorry for noise...)
[Bug 5752] Parsing should be specified for future updates
[Bug 5754] List elements content model issues
[Bug 5756] Need interactive UA norms for exposing (non-displayed) HTML document data
[Bug 5757] MediaElement features are needed on OBJECT element
[Bug 5769] HTMLMediaElement.currentLoop readonly?
[Bug 5772] [blocked on sandbox="" implementations] ID scoping for content aggregators (<iframe doc="">)
[Bug 5773] Authors need more control over handling of linked resources
[Bug 5792] li/dd/dt end tag in body when no corresponding elt on stack
[Bug 5793] Cross-reference "as if"
[Bug 5796] <li><div><p><li> no longer matches IE
[Bug 5798] Deferring end tag eating to after head gives weird errors
[Bug 5802] No mention of %uXXXX escapes
[Bug 5807] User Agent display of title attribute content not defined
[Bug 5814] WebIDL: Resolve the callback issue
[Bug 5815] foreignObject in the SVG namespace should be scoping
[Bug 5821] meta/@scheme missing
[Bug 5822] The headers attribute should be able to reference a td
[Bug 5831] WebIDL: mark up constructors in IDL
[Bug 5835] no apparent mechanism for applying a caption to a fieldset
[Bug 5837] Rename CDATA block state to CDATA section state
[Bug 5846] Accessing Object Parameters from an Embedded SVG
[Bug 5848] Write the "fetching" section
[Bug 5850] JS global object
[Bug 5851] Consider adding .toArray() on NodeList and HTMLCollection
[Bug 5856] height/width DOM attributes in combination with display:none
[Bug 5881] Make tokeniser data states headers visible in table of contents
[Bug 5883] data: URLs
[Bug 5895] Require attributes on <embed> and data-* attributes to be lowercase
[Bug 5897] Make Ω and Å expand to their NFC equivalents
[Bug 5898] Don't convert attributes to lowercase for localName/nodeName
[Bug 5899] Allow uppercase "CHARSET=" in legacy encoding decl
[Bug 5933] <video muted> issues
[Bug 5936] Offline cache syntax section needs an example
[Bug 5937] make cache manifest syntax more extensible
[Bug 5944] Unclear wording, section
[Bug 5963] Editorial: xrefs in media event summary table
[Bug 5964] getting width/height on <embed>, <iframe>, <object> and <video>
[Bug 5974] Language tag sameness should probably be ASCII case-insensitive
[Bug 5979] unclear whether new Audio(url) should throw
[Bug 5989] alt=""
[Bug 5990] SVG in HTML
[Bug 5997] Define script execution for XHTML5
[Bug 6033] Forms section
[Bug 6034] Process <video> feedback
[Bug 6036] HTMLCollection.namedItem() should look for non-HTML elements
[Bug 6038] "noframes", "script", "style", "title" in 'after head' mode pop prematurely
[Bug 6052] Should propagate uncaught exceptions from workers to their owner
[Bug 6097] [rendering] <body background> is a URL attribute?
[Bug 6098] input type=foo as an element-level section
[Bug 6100] Process postMessage feedback
[Bug 6101] media elements - ready states - events should be async
[Bug 6103] video section editorial issues
[Bug 6127] Deal with origin details in WebSocket and postMessage feedback
[Bug 6134] Run-on sentence in HTML5 spec
[Bug 6143] Linkify "pending external script"
[Bug 6177] Process Workers feedback
[Bug 6182] WebIDL - strokeStyle and fillStyle should be of type 'any' not 'DOMObject'
[Bug 6213] Noscript content model with script allows fragment parse errors
[Bug 6236] scroll bar placement in frames
[Bug 6253] <input> bookkeeping aren't consistent
[Bug 6254] xref errors in the <input> summary table
[Bug 6257] Please specify document.write()-safe points in the parse
[Bug 6263] document.onreadystatechange
[Bug 6294] Date microsyntax defines incorrect range for month and day fields
[Bug 6300] [references] reference RFC 5322 instead of RFC 2822
[Bug 6336] XSLT-compat doctype only allowed for use by XSLT
[Bug 6339] Define how to deal with onload, ononline, and other document/window-level events
[Bug 6349] Rewrite the entire script processing model again
[Bug 6351] Add event handler attributes for all events defined in HTML5
[Bug 6352] Port acknowledgements from WF2 to HTML5
[Bug 6353] play() and pause() don't throw
[Bug 6356] 00:99:00 is a valid time string
[Bug 6370] Float exponent part unclear about length of sequence
[Bug 6389] Avoid double parse error on EOF in DOCTYPE state
[Bug 6390] Add a note about reaching after head state and the fragment mode
[Bug 6423] Names of confidence flag states inconsistent
[Bug 6434] plugins inside fallback content shouldn't be instantiated
[Bug 6437] document.location should update when the browsing context is navigated without the Document changing
[Bug 6439] <area> should stringify href (like <a>)
[Bug 6461] Fix the definition of "Origin" for Documents from javascript: URLs
[Bug 6462] Self-reference and cyclic references in headers=''
[Bug 6464] Support meta refresh with quotes
[Bug 6474] Event handler DOM attributes on HTMLDocument
[Bug 6475] Missing event handler attributes
[Bug 6477] HTMLInputElement.width and height
[Bug 6491] <textarea wrap=off> not supported
[Bug 6493] Use encoding of POSTing document for POST response if meta prescan fails
[Bug 6494] Make the requiredness about alt more obvious
[Bug 6497] Examples using title="" with line breaks
[Bug 6507] Paragraphs section doesn't list all transparent elements
[Bug 6508] XHTML doctype without system identifier
[Bug 6529] value DOM attribute for input element in File Upload state
[Bug 6544] Allow width=0 on <img> and <iframe>
[Bug 6556] When parsing legacy color returns an error
[Bug 6562] Define parsing quirks
[Bug 6586] Zero margin quirk not quite right
[Bug 6606] generic 3rd-party <mark>, Smart Tags, and Accelerators prevention
[Bug 6609] negative keywords-not meta tags
[Bug 6613] Allow <meta charset="UTF-8"/> in XHTML
[Bug 6628] WebSocket.URL and EventSource.URL should return the absolute URL
[Bug 6630] Optionalness of start tags when element is empty
[Bug 6637] Put boolean and enumerated attributes next to each other
[Bug 6656] make clear that Referer headers track the pushState()d URL
[Bug 6659] textarea also needs text-indent:initial
[Bug 6670] Allow unescaped &s, at least in attributes that accept URLs
[Bug 6684] Disregard of RFC 4329 and IANA MIME Media Types
[Bug 6690] Document.renameNode() is not part of Web DOM
[Bug 6729] Attribute getters/setters should lower case argument on HTML elements in HTML docs
[Bug 6746] case-insensitivity of other than a-z and A-Z, e.g., diacritics
[Bug 6750] <header><blockquote><h1> issues
[Bug 6759] event queueing rules for <img> are nonsensical
[Bug 6760] "string" misspelled as "stirng"
[Bug 6762] Typos and spelling mistakes
[Bug 6763] Inconsistent use of American and British English
[Bug 6765] Poor wording in General guidelines
[Bug 6766] document.all definition missing
[Bug 6768] Media types -- unclear note
[Bug 6770] Term emphasis inconsistencies in Terminology section
[Bug 6771] Sectioning Content Use versus DIV
[Bug 6774] <mark> element: restrict insertion by other servers
[Bug 6778] Note the XPath implications of assigning HTML elements into the http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml namespace
[Bug 6779] Clarify the difference between elements and tags
[Bug 6784] WebStorage should include Window IDL for Storage APIs
[Bug 6796] <keygen> in <select>
[Bug 6832] <datagrid> content model is silly
[Bug 6835] The multiple attribute on datagrid
[Bug 6841] add IDs+titles to tables documenting <input> element keywords/states and attributes/methods
[Bug 6842] make it possible/easy to link to tables documenting <input> element keywords/states and attributes/methods
[Bug 6854] if attribute values enumerated, allow case-sensitivity for meta content values
[Bug 6858] More details needed for "ASCII-compatible encoding"
[Bug 6949] Don't use colon shorthand when talking about language-related attributes
[Bug 6953] clearly specify that misnested tags are an authoring-conformance error
[Bug 6974] Please be explicit about inheritance of scripting flag when setting innerHTML
[Bug 6976] Image Map Example fails Validation
[Bug 6977] Unnecessary sentence in <cite> presentation
[Bug 6993] Tell authoring tools to use UTF-8
[Bug 6999] Adding tag <NSFW>
[Bug 7010] Making <applet> non-conforming may hinder royalty-free <video> adoption
[Bug 7051] add new extended attribute to IDLs with DOM attributes that reflect content attributes
[Bug 7062] replace terms "CDATA element" and "RCDATA element" with... something better
[Bug 7075] The embed element should be deprecated
[Bug 7076] Client-side image maps attributes missing on the a element
[Bug 7080] Grammatical error in DOM trees section
[Bug 7086] <a> should be </a> in section 4.5.3 of the HTML5 specification
[Bug 7102] Permitted obsolete doctype compare "HTML"
[Bug 7103] Content-Language marked as non-conforming
[Bug 7105] Default fallback behaviour for unsupported tags in browsers!
[Bug 7137] Need to fill in the references section.
[Bug 7138] Need to get window.mediaMode into another spec
[Bug 7139] test
[Bug 7140] test
[Bug 7143] "attributes marked with an asterisk cannot be specified on body elements" is confusing, since <body onload=""> is pretty common. Of course that's the attribute specified on a tag, but still, I'm just a simple author reading the spec for the first time :)
[Bug 7145] Valid date strings should accept ambiguous inputs, like "2009" or "2007-01".
[Bug 7147] s#one of the optional U+002F SOLIDUS (/) characters#the optional U+002F SOLIDUS (/) character#
[Bug 7151] s/users/user
[Bug 7153] Want standardization of .naturalWidth and .naturalHeight, which some browsers already have
[Bug 7156] I would like to see theora/vorbis as HTML5 standard. I'm tired of codec patents.
[Bug 7157] I would like to see theora/vorbis as HTML5 standard. I'm tired of codec patents.
[Bug 7158] this is a discribing comment
[Bug 7164] teste
[Bug 7171] Is this missing a comment as to how the type attribute is quoted wrt:codecs? "''" + '""'
[Bug 7176] The link to [GREGORIAN] doesn't seem to work...
[Bug 7179] <xmp> should close <p> (does in IE and WebKit)
[Bug 7185] itemprop needs to be after item; no longer a-z ordered due to the name change prolly.
[Bug 7188] how to use "item" in xhtml5? item="item" ?!
[Bug 7199] microformat
[Bug 7213] todataurl
[Bug 7215] character encodings and XML
[Bug 7219] http://abu---wisam.ahlamontada.net
[Bug 7220] http://abu---wisam.ahlamontada.net
[Bug 7222] http://abu---wisam.ahlamontada.net
[Bug 7226] has enabled --> have enabled
[Bug 7227] using both "conforming but obsolete" (12.1) and "obsolete but conforming" (12.1.1) - consistency in terminology may be helpful
[Bug 7229] input.files should return the same object
[Bug 7234] review 123
[Bug 7237] Let current outlinee be null. (It holds the element whose outline is being created.) Spelling. Outline with one "e"
[Bug 7238] more examples
[Bug 7241] Need to explain exactly what happens if wrap=hard is specified *without* cols being specified. Should it act like wrap=soft, or like cols=20?
[Bug 7246] Add examples for <keygen>
[Bug 7254] If <audio> was able to play back multiple source urls without gaps, JavaScript could decode or generate continuous audio to data: urls on the fly.
[Bug 7256] "which is not a real time zone currently" --> which is not currently a real time zone
[Bug 7258] Should state that a new Date object is returned each time the date/time/timezone attributes are accessed if the intention is for them not to be reflecting datetime="" or the element content.
[Bug 7259] dfgsgdfsg dgf
[Bug 7264] make <% start a bogus comment
[Bug 7266] Section states twice in green that other specs can define other event loops, can remove one of those
[Bug 7268] contradicts 4.7.1 wrt implied paragraph boundaries (should not in 4.7.1, not good practice in 4.7.4). dont repeat example or simplify
[Bug 7272] The explanatory text and the diagram suggest that legs and tails should be th, rather than td -- but the example has td. JimJJewett@gmail
[Bug 7274] The word "left" should not be part of the link when saying that attributes can be left unquoted. It sounds too much like "left outer join" or such, and might imply that it was legal to unquote only one side, or some such oddness. JimJJewett@gmail
[Bug 7277] """(This is only a "SHOULD" and not a "MUST" requirement because it has been proven to be impossible.""" There has to be better wording than 'should do the impossible'. Should attempt to verify? Impossible in some cases? JimJJewett@gmail
[Bug 7278] numbers seem ignorant of i18n - is <meter>10,3</meter> taken as 10? requirements for number may expand to include, i.e.: U+002C COMMA for European â
[Bug 7280] new comment
[Bug 7281] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
[Bug 7283] add examples here
[Bug 7284] add examples here
[Bug 7285] add examples here
[Bug 7287] add examples here
[Bug 7288] add examples here
[Bug 7291] add examples here
[Bug 7293] add examples here
[Bug 7295] add examples here
[Bug 7298] add examples here
[Bug 7300] add examples here
[Bug 7301] add examples here
[Bug 7305] add examples here
[Bug 7307] add examples here
[Bug 7309] add examples here
[Bug 7311] add examples here
[Bug 7312] add examples for tables
[Bug 7313] add examples here
[Bug 7315] add examples here
[Bug 7317] add examples here
[Bug 7318] add examples here
[Bug 7321] add examples here
[Bug 7323] add examples here
[Bug 7324] add examples here
[Bug 7326] add examples here
[Bug 7327] add examples here
[Bug 7328] add examples here
[Bug 7331] add examples here
[Bug 7332] add examples here
[Bug 7334] add examples here
[Bug 7336] add examples here
[Bug 7338] add examples here
[Bug 7339] add examples here
[Bug 7340] add examples here
[Bug 7341] add examples here
[Bug 7344] add examples here
[Bug 7346] add examples here
[Bug 7349] add examples here
[Bug 7351] The note ("The point of hgroup is to mask an h2 element (that acts as a secondary title) from the outline algorithm.") should be explicitly associated with the example below it that it applies to. (in general, a hgroup could mask an h3, h4, h5, etc.).
[Bug 7367] The HTMLEmbedElement interface needs to have the name and align DOM attributes as well. Web browsers do too.
[Bug 7373] Need to fix "If a Document or image was returned by the XMLHttpRequest API" now that the document pointer concept is gone.
[Bug 7374] legend as child of details, figure is unstylable and thus unusable
[Bug 7375] Incorrect specification for window.postMessage()'s handling of unentangled ports
[Bug 7377] s/Dahltröm/Dahlström/
[Bug 7378] element name case fixup table is missing two SVG1.2T entries
[Bug 7380] Suggest heuristic detection of UTF-8
[Bug 7387] small element should have same content model as a, ins, del
[Bug 7389] Shouldn't "formnoValidate" be "formNoValidate"?
[Bug 7391] Reference to WEBADDRESS should be replaced with reference to IRIbis
[Bug 7396] shouldn't it be "if the defer attribute is specified, the src attribute must also be specified
[Bug 7400] "as part" instead of "sa part"
[Bug 7402] The x and y arguments should be better explained.
[Bug 7405] Looks good!
[Bug 7409] It's not clear what labeled control is in cases with > 1 control as a child of the <label>
[Bug 7413] Add definition of <html profile>
[Bug 7415] "The rules for parsing simple color values are as given in the following algorithm." --> "The rules for parsing simple color values are given in the following algorithm."
[Bug 7416] IDNA has not been previously used or defined. It is not an obvious term. Please expand it or reference a definition on first use.
[Bug 7419] Add replaceState() â e.g. consider panning on a maps application, not all the steps should be new states for back/forward, but we do want to update the url for persistence.
[Bug 7421] azsxdcfvghjk
[Bug 7423] why deprecate s, u, strike, acronym? It makes no sense.
[Bug 7428] Safari 4 preloads media and FF 3.5 doesn't in <audio> tag; perhaps HTML5 sections are unclear or need a 'preloading' attribute added.
[Bug 7431] "willful double violation of RFC 2046": The word "double" is splitting the defined term "willful violation". This sounds like a new defined term and interferes with document searching. Instead use "willful violation of two aspects of RFC 2046"
[Bug 7432] 'have been noted as "willful violations"': Other places use the signular, "willful violation". For consistency, non-native english readers and easy text search, use the singular when defining the term. E.g. 'have each been noted as a "willful violation".
[Bug 7434] Everything with role=heading should also have an associated aria-level that indicates the level of the heading. The level of the heading should probably be based on the outline algorithm.
[Bug 7437] The link for "mutable" points to textareas - no mention made of radio, button, input, password types
[Bug 7438] refine Status section to clarify difference between editor's bug list and the working-group issue list
[Bug 7442] Java applets are never conforming, and sometimes don't work
[Bug 7444] EUC-JP and ISO-2022-JP also need replacement encodings: CP51932 (or eucJP-ms) and CP50221.
[Bug 7446] editorial: last paragraph should probably have class=impl
[Bug 7447] "Use the data and type attributes to invoke plugins." should also mention that <param> can be used to pass parameters with these names to the plugin
[Bug 7449] editorial: hyperlinked "represents" on the id attribute definition
[Bug 7452] "The collection of Documents is the browsing context's session history. " -- What do you mean by "the collection of documents" ? not clear
[Bug 7454] Please do not remove these useful features - or are alternative mechanisms planned?
[Bug 7456] Ogg vorbis realy should be standard since it is open and everything can then support it without patent costs. This is REALLY important. Most other standards need patent money. Apple's H.264 is CERTAINly bad here.
[Bug 7457] Ogg theora needs to be used here as an open standard. Having different standards in different browsers will confuse the matter and it is the only standard to my knowledge that is not patent encumbered. This is seriously important to reinstate.
[Bug 7458] inconsistent definition of "up" relation
[Bug 7461] List of space characters should include U+000B LINE TABULATION (VT) or should note why it is not included.
[Bug 7466] This section forbids exposing rel=feed but not exposing e.g. rel=copyright. I think that is wrong. The specification should not dictate UI for this.
[Bug 7468] make <table border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"> conforming
[Bug 7470] JimJJewett gmail: The implications of these tables should also appear at element level -- e.g, td model or dom should mention aria- -- unless it is explicitly not exposed, for some reason.
[Bug 7471] JimJJewett gmail: Make explicit reasons for *not* exposing aspect ratio/clipping. (Security vs simplification). Deals with http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/2007/12/SMIL-AudioVideoControlConcepts.html#L2398 note1
[Bug 7472] JimJJewett gmail: Annotations for assistive technology products (ARIA) -- add the "ARIA", like 3.4 mentions XPATH and XSLT
[Bug 7474] Shouldn't the listener be added AFTER the function is defined?
[Bug 7475] Semantics of rel=first and rel=index breaks specs and implementations
[Bug 7476] typo in the last example of section 4.6.9: "lt;/time>" where "</time>" is intended. -Tantek
[Bug 7477] "It is an element with an ID key" makes it sound like "ID" is an adjetive for "key". Consider a phrasing like the previous bullet. Namely, "It is an element with an ID equal to key."
[Bug 7479] The content attribute should be all-lowercase: formnovalidate
[Bug 7480] use of keygen should trigger a warning.
[Bug 7481] The Form submission algorithm section states "If the submitter is anything but a form element...", yet this section states "validate the constraints of form element form".
[Bug 7483] The footer element desperately needs to be able to contain sectioning content descendents, most importantly "nav". Under the current specification, I will just end up using div class="footer" so my footers can contain sectioning content.
[Bug 7484] head/@profile holds a white-space separated list of URIs
[Bug 7489] I wanted to know what a fallback entry is so I clicked on the "fallback entries" link. This took me to a section that describes fallback entries as "Resources that were listed in the cache's manifest as fallback entries". But that's a recursive definition
[Bug 7491] Unspecified: quotation punctuation in the blockquote element
[Bug 7497] Add an example to <aside> that shows it being used to hold a blogroll.
[Bug 7499] <keygen> should not be defined as a requirement for a conforming HTML5 user agent and should be removed from the spec
[Bug 7502] The clarification that the footer can be used as a site-wide footer or a section footer is not inherently clear via the spec. I suggest specifically stating just that: use for a section or an entire site.
[Bug 7504] Occurrences of the terms "Raw text elements", "RCDATA elements", "Foreign elements" and "Normal elements" in the prose of this section should link to their definitions in the definition list above.
[Bug 7511] The implicit mechanism doesn't fire onsubmit or validate as written today. The exception for when the submitter is the form should be changed to just be a flag for .submit() specifically.
[Bug 7522] <math> should also be phrasing and flow content, like <img> and <svg>.
[Bug 7524] The list of forbidden Unicode characters in the authoring requirements does not match the list that generates parse errors in #tokenizing-character-references
[Bug 7526] spelling: Before this task is run, *sa* part of the event loop mechanism, the rendering will have been updated to resize the video element if appropriate.
[Bug 7539] Since @summary is an official part of the table element, it is no longer obsolete. Suffienct warning language exists in it's definition that this entry should be removed
[Bug 7542] Remove Section 5. Microdata
[Bug 7543] Consensus on ietf-http-wg was that repetition of relations is meaningless and we should rather use numbering (e.g. "up2"), names (e.g. "great-grandparent") or an attribute (e.g. level="3").
[Bug 7544] Atom (RFC 4287) further specifies that "The image SHOULD have an aspect ratio of one (horizontal) to one (vertical) and SHOULD be suitable for presentation at a small size". Consider doing the same here.
[Bug 7546] "HTML 5" Editor's draft misnamed and suboptimal for HTML content authors unless refactored into HTML (main) and DOM API (appendix).
[Bug 7548] replace <dialog> with advice
[Bug 7552] Add <article> examples illustrating how to use the element, without an unnecessary <section> wrapper inside.
[Bug 7558] "MIME type" not xreffed in "and any MIME type ending ..."
[Bug 7575] <meter> example isn't highlighted
[Bug 7577] meta/@name=descriptions vs invisible metadata
[Bug 7578] "If the defer attribute may be specified": this phrasing is confusing, should "may be specified" be "is specified"
[Bug 7579] Could "interactive widget" in the context of a web application be defined, expanded upon or an example provided? This seems too vague.
[Bug 7581] Should the select() method set focus? MSIE+Opera does not. FF+Chrome sets focus. It should probably be specified to set focus.
[Bug 7583] IE8 won't run click events on a label's associated input if the input is hidden via CSS with "display:none" or "visibility:hidden". Other browsers will. There doesn't seem to be an appropriate platform behavior to emulate here, so the exact behavior sho
[Bug 7584] The <meter> example doesn't have any highlighting, whereas all the other elements do
[Bug 7585] Link relations should refer to IANA registry (draft-nottingham-http-link-header)
[Bug 7590] The sentence about HTMLUnknownElement should s/this specification/this specification (or other appliciable specifications)/ to allow delta specs to define HTML elements
[Bug 7593] Use of the "q.v." abbreviation here, while correct, is fairly obscure. Consider dropping "q.v." or rephrasing.
[Bug 7595] editorial: "represents" should be a link
[Bug 7598] s/character data/character data, attribute values and comments/
[Bug 7601] refer to pronunciations for TTS PLS with link rel value "pronunciation"
[Bug 7603] If the attributes list is supposed to be sorted alphabetically, @hidden needs to be placed before @id.
[Bug 7606] the current behaviour in firefox on a disable input type='submit' is not to show the tooltip, in IE it will appear and then disappear but only when hovering over the text. Should the behaviour of the tooltip be more specifically defined when the element
[Bug 7608] RenderingâIntroduction: s/normaly/normally
[Bug 7614] why was this changed again?
[Bug 7616] Move requirement about obsolete doctypes
[Bug 7617] editorial: "reflect" under HTMLDocument should be a link
[Bug 7618] "Whether a document is an HTML document or an XML document affects the behavior of certain APIs, as well as a few CSS rendering rules." - actually, i think it doesn't affect CSS rendering anymore, just selector matching
[Bug 7621] editorial: add example for pushState() - it's not clear what to use as the data
[Bug 7626] Spec says: "Note: Removing an event handler content attribute does not reset the corresponding event handler attribute.". In fact browsers will remove or "deactivate" the listener when you remove the HTML attribute. Some browsers reset it to null or undef
[Bug 7628] The later 'block' box container should simply map to the first/last dd element. This makes UA implementations easier and script emulation of the feature in contemporary UAs as well. Both can simply toggle the display property between block and none.
[Bug 7631] Don't invoke resource selection algorithm when inserting <source> if src="" is present
[Bug 7633] The use of @summary should be encouraged when circumstances warrant
[Bug 7636] shouldn't dom-table-summary be part of the HTMLTableElement interface proper?
[Bug 7638] editorial: Add a pointer to the supplemental interface behind a class=impl for all interfaces that have a supplemental interface in this spec (in the obsolete section)
[Bug 7641] The rendering of <details> says everything but the first dt will be hidden, but the element definition says the first dd represents the details. Also, having overflow:hidden when the details are open probably has unintended side-effects like clipping cont
[Bug 7642] which attribute wins if both pointsize and size are specified?
[Bug 7643] Why not use display:none instead of overflow:hidden; height:0? display:none seems to have the desired behavior in terms of exposure to AT and keyboard navigation in browsers.
[Bug 7652] Is it fine for <nav> to link to a bunch of external pages? E.g. your Flickr/Facebook/Twitter/etc. profiles?
[Bug 7655] having overflow:hidden when the details are open probably has unintended side-effects like clipping content and affecting floats. display:none/block seems better in terms of AT exposure and keyboard nav
[Bug 7658] s/the requisite element/the requested element/
[Bug 7659] Clarify what "other applicable specifications" means to say http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2009Sep/0045.html
[Bug 7663] search
[Bug 7668] 7.9.6 should explain which events are actually dispatched when copying/cutting/pasting
[Bug 7669] Redefining dt and dd, recommend new element as caption for Figure
[Bug 7672] </p> shouldn't be ignored in "before html", "before head", "in head", "in head noscript", "after head". It should be reprocessed through to "in body" like </br>.
[Bug 7674] are the chunks for inputs having the content-type header for each chunk specified appropriately? e.g. file inputs should set the header according to the file selected by the user
[Bug 7677] Is there any behavior defined for setting the src property. For example, is the expectation that object should (A) load the src if autobuffer is true (B) stop playing if currently playing (C) something else (D) nothing at all?
[Bug 7679] editorial: "The following content attributes must not be specified" applies to authors but is hidden behind class=impl. It would be helpful if each state listed the attributes that are allowed to be specified for that state.
[Bug 7685] States of ApplicationCache objects are inconsistent with application caches
[Bug 7688] 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case
[Bug 7690] Incompletely defined priority of fallback over explicit entries
[Bug 7694] object@classid is missing from list of Content attributes, even though it is essential
[Bug 7697] The type attribute should ammend the Accept header accordingly. HTTP spec is in accordance with the rules here, in terms of the Accept header being non-authorative. script and style elements already ammend accept header (in firefox) but not for other link
[Bug 7699] define reset event
[Bug 7700] define abort event
[Bug 7701] Step 6.2 tells you to remove node from the stack of open elements and then go to step 6.1. 6.1 requires that you set node to be the node above node in the stack of open elements. However node is no longer in the stack of open elements
[Bug 7706] This section should reference "matches a fallback namespace" in step 3.
[Bug 7709] Prevent PUT/DELETE cross-origin
[Bug 7710] "Any byte or sequences of bytes [...] that is misinterpreted [...]" - s/sequences/sequence/
[Bug 7712] oncontextmenu
[Bug 7717] If the user does not give permission it is not stated explicitly what will happen. It would be nice if the specification did state that the algorithm will be terminated at that point. (Should an event be dispatched?)
[Bug 7721] Drag and Drop is not keyboard accessible
[Bug 7725] It should be made more clear that only the "disk representation" is changed, not the "memory representation". I.e. images are not suddenly reloaded etc.
[Bug 7727] legacy doc type does not need to be discouraged by "SHOULD NOT"
[Bug 7730] The note starting "The algorithm described..." should end with the word "limitations" or "constraints" or something
[Bug 7734] open being an attribute of the section rather than the content area means you can never use this to mark up content which has multiple control/detail areas which are opened or closed independently like tabs or accordion
[Bug 7735] perhaps open could be an int rather than boolean, indicating which content area was open to make using this model for tabs easier
[Bug 7739] Add ids to author notes to allow direct linking
[Bug 7741] First set of examples of alternative stylesheets have stylesheet titles marked up with href attributes rather than title attributes
[Bug 7748] Does it have to be an absolute path or can it be a relative one, too?
[Bug 7751] "the user agent instantiate a Java Language runtime plugin" misses a SHOULD-level requirement after "user agent".
[Bug 7753] The order of section headers and data lines should be aligned.
[Bug 7754] Make it clear that the URLs entered for online whitelist sections are in fact namespaces as well.
[Bug 7760] appcache event summary for error is wrong
[Bug 7762] If I'm reading the algorithm in step 17 correctly you never get a process event when all files have been downloaded.
[Bug 7763] The information given in the progress event may not be useful if the user agent decides to skip a URL. It seems that the URLs to skip should be determined beforehand.
[Bug 7765] Maybe progress should be named fetchcachefile or some such
[Bug 7766] Fallback namespace overlap/repetition ignored
[Bug 7768] Manifest download error means obsolete or idle cache group?
[Bug 7771] matching fallback namespaces
[Bug 7773] Suggestion for "Updating an application cache"
[Bug 7775] are the extra events needed when status is checking or downloading
[Bug 7779] Missing task source for application cache events
[Bug 7780] simplify appcache terminology
[Bug 7781] forbid duplicate online whitelist namespaces
[Bug 7784] "cache failure steps" feedback
[Bug 7786] change priority for online whitelist namespaces other than *
[Bug 7792] async on inline script is gratuitously backwards-incompatible, should be ignored
[Bug 7799] If the fragid doesn't match an ID or a name in the document, then surely the browser should revert to doing a text search for the fragid text in the document
[Bug 7804] In Firefox and Safari .text returns the value of the child text nodes -- not textContent
[Bug 7807] term "new master" can be ambiguous
[Bug 7809] The character ranges in this section should follow the conventions of other ranges. I.e. "to" instead of ".." and the name of the character directly after the Unicode code point.
[Bug 7810] Maybe it's just me, but this paragraph is unclear to me. It is too difficult to understand. What is transparent content?
[Bug 7816] editorial: stray colon here in author view
[Bug 7824] It would be very helpful to have a brief mention here of *why* the WindowProxy object exists.
[Bug 7826] Should mention that <hgroup> is a valid context for <hx>.
[Bug 7830] Does the spec handle selecting multiple objects to drag (holding shift, or command keys)
[Bug 7832] The 'for' attribute could point to a element (eg. form) to indicate progress without need for scripting.
[Bug 7835] It's not defined what the ownerDocument should be for the created HTMLAudioElement. Similarly for new Image() and new Option()
[Bug 7837] "space separated list" in ping="" isn't properly xreffed
[Bug 7839] Missing (unbalanced) quotemark before "checkbox" keyword.
[Bug 7840] Index of attributes lacks global attributes
[Bug 7843] Please make 'abort', ' loadend' and 'emptied' use "queue a task". Firing them sync is annoying to implement and doesn't seem to solve any problem.
[Bug 7845] javascript
[Bug 7846] javascript
[Bug 7849] Check whether .search should or shouldn't work with data: URLs
[Bug 7850] Trying out loud
[Bug 7851] Some (perhaps all) scripts with a for="" attribute should be ignored
[Bug 7852] DOM Events has dropped namespaces. Drop all init*EventNS methods.
[Bug 7853] metadata
[Bug 7855] Define fragment parsing when the context is not an HTML, SVG or MathML node
[Bug 7857] "Wait for the browsing context to be closed" should be explicit about spinning a nested event loop
[Bug 7858] All the current entries should merge into one current entry in the joint session history. (imagine a series of nested iframes that haven't been navigated, and call go(-1)... it should go back at the top-level, not do something weird with the iframes)
[Bug 7861] requirements for meta/http-equiv extensions
[Bug 7862] Support Extended Processing Behavior via @profile/@version
[Bug 7866] so much more simple to work with!
[Bug 7867] How should a browser render this? Give examples for "typical" or "good" implementations, maybe even for different device types. Should specify that a desktop browser should give a calendar widget, because airlines etc. want that (implement it in JS, but b
[Bug 7868] what about time zones? which one is used? local (may be difficult to find out)? is this communicated to the user? can he change it?
[Bug 7870] how does a user enter a "week"? calendar widget? how would he enter it as text?
[Bug 7872] I have no idea how a "search field" would look like, on any platform. describe.
[Bug 7876] "A synchronous section never mutates the DOM, runs any script, or have any other side-effects." should say "has any other".
[Bug 7881] 'undo', 'redo' events have a different interface than it says in the index
[Bug 7883] s/defind/defined/
[Bug 7884] s/defind/defined/
[Bug 7885] "â¦the element does not have an async attribute, or": s/, or//
[Bug 7887] Drop HTMLTableDataCellElement and HTMLTableHeaderCellElement
[Bug 7888] s/Computer input/User input/
[Bug 7890] "When no more character are": s/character/characters/
[Bug 7892] typo
[Bug 7894] what is
[Bug 7896] Specify pageshow and pagehide events
[Bug 7897] One can argue that "Any (namespace-less) attribute may be specified ..." contradicts with obsolete feature section where use of some attributes is disallowed
[Bug 7901] ijhugytfd
[Bug 7902] ijhugytfdsdfgdsd
[Bug 7903] yhjrth
[Bug 7904] sex and moooooore seeeex
[Bug 7906] The venn diagram is all black in the PDF copy
[Bug 7910] Since IANA considerations is an appendix, its subsections should be marked as such as well.
[Bug 7915] âitemrefâ element is missing, <http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/semantics.html#itemref>
[Bug 7917] document.close() should attempt to tokenize
[Bug 7918] prefetching: allow site to deny
[Bug 7920] media queries ref
[Bug 7923] What about local files access?
[Bug 7926] Undefine insertion point if parser on call stack doing anything other than running script element
[Bug 7927] widht/height says "map to the dimension properties" but the link goes to "maps to the pixel length property"
[Bug 7931] The "loop" label in the 'A start tag whose tag name is "li"' is misplaced, or there is something else wrong that is making the loop useless.
[Bug 7937] er might return the document with one paragraph modified as follows: <p>I also have some <mark>kitten</mark>s who are visiting me these days. They're really cute. I think they like my garden! Maybe I should adopt a <mark>kitten</mark>.</p>
[Bug 7939] stalled is a simple event according to the resource fetch algorithm in Loading the media resource
[Bug 7940] Under "content model", it isn't clear what the significance of the italic "or" is. If it is intended to signify a higher precidence "or", consider using bullet points to clarify the nesting of conjuctions.
[Bug 7944] vCard: agent: avoid power-of-attorney implication
[Bug 7945] Add a reference to [PROGRESS] here, or make |progress| a simple event (twice)
[Bug 7947] s/script's global scope/script's global object/g, s/script browsing context/script's browsing context/g
[Bug 7949] This should be marked as a willful violation to RFC 2616 where missing of the charset parameter is interpreted as iso-8859-1
[Bug 7951] First example: http://example.com/jon/ & http://example.com/~jon/ are used
[Bug 7954] s/<span>valid URLs</span>/<span title="valid-url">valid URLs</span>/
[Bug 7956] It is not obvious if or how a caption can be placed below a table instead of above the table. This section might benefit from a sentence or two clarifying that.
[Bug 7958] "(end-1)th position": add title=""
[Bug 7960] s/<span title="absolute URLs">absolute URL</span>/<span title="absolute URL">absolute URLs</span>/
[Bug 7962] s/<span>last event ID string</span>/<span title="concept-event-stream-last-event-id">last event ID string</span>/g
[Bug 7965] "ASCII case-sensitive" in "Markup declaration open state" is a broken xref
[Bug 7967] ertertert
[Bug 7971] <base> UA requirements (determining base URL of a Document object)
[Bug 7973] atom ID format
[Bug 7977] Define whether application/octet-stream with parameters is a type that the user agent knows it cannot render
[Bug 7978] Form foster parenting introduces extra space to layout
[Bug 7980] "presented by" should be "represented here by"
[Bug 7989] nextid, rb and spacer should use HTMLUnknownElement (like isindex)
[Bug 7991] "This specification ... include ... a full duplex client-server communication channel" - I assume that refers to Web Sockets, which is no longer included in this spec
[Bug 7992] Original insertion mode concept doesn't work well when SVG with HTML content embedded in non-body context
[Bug 7995] "The attribute value can be left unquoted if it doesn't contain any of " ' ` = < or >." - should also mention space characters
[Bug 7996] "any MIME type ending with the four characters "+xml"" - even the 'valid MIME type' "text/html; charset=utf8+xml", and not "application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf8"? Probably this should require the MIME type's *subtype* to end with +xml
[Bug 7997] "if it matches the media-type token" - s/token/rule/ (to use the correct ABNF terminology)
[Bug 7998] "any of the DOM and WebAPI specifications" - what's a WebAPI specification? (Presumably this refers to Web IDL, but I can only tell that by looking at the Web IDL spec's URL in the references section, so it's not very clear.)
[Bug 8000] ARIA roles added to the a element should be conforming in HTML5
[Bug 8003] line breaks in attributes (especially title)
[Bug 8005] For control and permanently undefined characters no action is given: Whould they be replaced my fffd?
[Bug 8007] The step that skips "+" does not say '(The "+" is ignored, but it is not conforming.)', whereas the rules for signed integers do say that (and it seems a helpful comment)
[Bug 8009] "Add the value of the current character" - is the 'current character' the same as the 'next character'? Why use a different term? Seems better to be consistent. (Same for signed integers)
[Bug 8010] A valid floating point number was defined as a string, and I'd assume valid ones are a subset of all floating point numbers, so this is the best representation of a string. Applying ToString to a string isn't very interesting. It needs to be clear that it
[Bug 8012] This says "Collect a sequence of characters ... interpret the resulting sequence as a base-ten integer", whereas the signed and unsigned integers had a whole five-step loop to do precisely the same thing. They should all use the simpler phrasing, since it
[Bug 8013] "string is guaranteed to be a valid floating point number" - no it's not - it could be "0." which is not valid
[Bug 8015] "skip all White_Space characters" - should xref to "skip White_Space characters"
[Bug 8019] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLICa> throws two parse errors.
[Bug 8020] "return value as an integer" - that number needs to be categorised as either a percentage or a length, as stated in the introduction
[Bug 8021] The step with dividing by 10^{length} is phrased very differently to the fraction loop for parsing floating point numbers, but seems to be achieving the same result. They should be phrased the same, to make it clear they're computing the same thing.
[Bug 8024] "the time zone in use on the east coast of North America during daylight saving time." - should say USA, not North America. (e.g. Nova Scotia looks like it's on the east coast of North America, but it's UTC-3 in DST.)
[Bug 8025] "Dates before the year zero can't be represented as a datetime in this version of HTML." - s/zero/one/ (though I suppose that's not precisely correct since 0001-01-01T00:00+23:59 is almost a day earlier than the year 1)
[Bug 8028] If the first character is not Z or + or -, the subalgorithm returns undefined values. It should explicitly fail and return nothing.
[Bug 8029] From RCDATA state, & goes to char ref in data, which then goes to data state. Should go back to RCDATA state.
[Bug 8030] "either 52 weeks or 53 such seven-day periods" - s/weeks//
[Bug 8032] Wouldn't it be better to show video/audio controls by default? Otherwise you might end up with media visible on the page that is impossible to play.
[Bug 8034] It appears that there is no way to draw more than one line of text per call to fillText/strokeText, so what is the point of discarding any line-height value set in the font attribute?
[Bug 8035] HTMLAllCollection should inherit from HTMLCollection
[Bug 8036] HTMLOptionsCollection should inherit from HTMLCollection
[Bug 8038] Permit closing tag for new, void elements - for legacy compatibility = XHTML alignment
[Bug 8041] Should say "This algorithm will return either a number, or a number and a denominator character, or two numbers, or nothing", for consistency with other algorithms
[Bug 8044] The document's current address can contain fragments. HTTP says the Referer must not contain fragments. Presumably HTML5 ought to say to strip the fragment. (document.referrer is affected the same way.)
[Bug 8045] Should be called "limited to only non-negative numbers", because it allows 0 (which is not a positive number)
[Bug 8046] Reflecting floats: The IDL attribute types include +/-Infinity, so it doesn't make sense to talk about floats being "out of range" because everything is within the infinite range
[Bug 8048] "The same DOMTokenList object must be returned every time for each attribute" - should say "DOMTokenList or DOMSettableTokenList"
[Bug 8051] "The following DOMException codes are defined in DOM Core." - no they're not (only 1..17 are defined in the referenced document)
[Bug 8052] The spec should not allow <map name=a> when there is <map name=A>
[Bug 8054] lastModified could perhaps return a date like "10/25/0002009". It should say that the year is the "*shortest possible* string of four or more digits ..."
[Bug 8056] "Replace any sequence of two or more consecutive space characters in value with a single U+0020 SPACE character." - should be "one or more", so that single newlines etc get turned into spaces too
[Bug 8058] "The hgroup element should be used in these kinds of situations:" - shouldn't use normative keywords in non-normative text
[Bug 8060] Why must class be a set of unique tokens? It's quite common to have duplicates (~0.5% of dotbot pages), and convenient when you're programmatically generating HTML, and harmless
[Bug 8063] "correponding"
[Bug 8065] "Otherwise, let new children be targets returned." - s/targets/the nodes/
[Bug 8067] "Otherwise, let new children be targets returned." - s/targets/the nodes/
[Bug 8073] "For example, redirects must be followed" - examples are non-normative, so this should not use normative keywords
[Bug 8080] Event firing section still talks about namespaces
[Bug 8081] There should be an example of the content="0; url=http://example.com/" style syntax, because it's particularly hard to deduce from the definition of valid syntax
[Bug 8082] "a HTTP header" - s/a/an/
[Bug 8083] "Pragma directions" - s/ons/ves/
[Bug 8085] The list of known dangerous encodings should include JOHAB and CP1361, both of which encode characters to sequences with the byte "<", and both of which are supported by iconv (and presumably other implementations)
[Bug 8088] Change back the meaning of <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="FOO, BAR">
[Bug 8091] What must the flag initially be, when it wasn't set by the HTML parser?
[Bug 8094] It's not very clear whether or not this includes word-style, squiggly-line, as-you-type spell-checking. This feature sounds like more of a manual spell-check done after a body of text is completed. Should a spell-check option be added to the CSS spec for
[Bug 8095] link's "type" attribute could be used to advertise available representations if it were linked to the Accept: header per Mike Kelly's thread(s)
[Bug 8097] Link relation types should use the IANA registry per draft-nottingham-http-link-header
[Bug 8101] typo: doubled "the"
[Bug 8102] typo: doubled "the", and that two times.
[Bug 8105] typo: doubled "the"
[Bug 8106] typo: doubled "the"
[Bug 8110] <table border=adsf> should also have 1px border
[Bug 8113] checking should be cancelable
[Bug 8114] Section "months" should be renamed to "year-months". This is clearer, and allows the spec to add a section just handling months (without years) in the future.
[Bug 8117] "trusted" is underlined but not a link -- missing definition? Or does the following 'i.e.' define it?
[Bug 8121] what does this do?
[Bug 8122] This is a test
[Bug 8125] Can it be specified somewhere that script can define a variable named "top" with 'var top' in a global context? This is currently inconsistent across browsers.
[Bug 8126] gfgfdg
[Bug 8135] "The script element has a src attribute set where previously the element had no such attribute." - should probably only happen if the script is in a document at the time, else http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/298 would break (th
[Bug 8136] "the DOM text attribute" - s/DOM/IDL/ [pt]
[Bug 8139] In #the-section-element the graduation programme example code formatting is strangeâclosing brackets have been moved to the subsequent line, elements have been first-letter capitalised
[Bug 8140] Consider adding color IDL attribute (IE, Gecko). [ms]
[Bug 8141] Add hr color content attribute [ms]
[Bug 8142] title: "abbr; dfn;" - remove ";" [ms]
[Bug 8144] Is a 'visibility: hidden' element being rendered?
[Bug 8145] Unclear: "Certain algorithms in this specification spoon-feed the parser characters one *string* at a time." Better: "one character at a time"?
[Bug 8149] Why put the > signs at the beginning of the line here? It distracts from the example.
[Bug 8152] Remove the <progress> and <meter> fallback magic
[Bug 8154] Make it clear that serving polyglot documents as text/html is OK
[Bug 8155] jvndjnvfdjnvdfb
[Bug 8156] I think the "the" is extraneous. Should be "It indicates that no referrer information is to be leaked..."
[Bug 8171] Implement the text alternatives proposal from WAI
[Bug 8174] FF, SeaMonkey and Google Chrome crashed
[Bug 8187] Section 4.8.7 on video makes no reference to audio description
[Bug 8188] Has any thought been put into changing "Fetching an external script must delay the load event..." for async scripts? It seems reasonable to at least provide a way for scripts to not block window.onload.
[Bug 8189] [WA] "reset the connection" should probably be rephrased to "reestablish the connection" to be less confusing ("does it mean reset the TCP connection?")
[Bug 8197] This design might work for JavaScript, but it won't work well in static-typed languages like Java or C#. Instead of overridding "namedItem", a better design would be to add a new method called "allNamedItems" which always returns an HTMLCollection. "nam
[Bug 8207] Change definition of URL to normative reference to IRIBIS
[Bug 8209] The term "XML document" needs xreffing throughout.
[Bug 8212] gggfgfgfgfgfgfg
[Bug 8216] editorial: Hide "The name must be one that is terminated by a U+003B SEMICOLON character (;)." and relevant rows in the entity table from the author view. [sp]
[Bug 8218] No, this algorithm cannot be aborted, as there are no synchronous events from which to call load()
[Bug 8220] Remove microdata
[Bug 8223] Won't this Doctype trigger Quirks Mode?
[Bug 8226] inline review is goddamn annoying
[Bug 8228] The formatting of the example is very screwed up. Needs to be reformatted to be readable.
[Bug 8230] It might be good with a comment in script's Content attributes section mentioning onload/onerror being defined in Global attributes (I've had the question come up several times about script.onload missing from html5).
[Bug 8233] [gsnedders] "datagrid" parsing rules should be removed now the element is gone.
[Bug 8235] Given that Gecko and Webkit don't support them in XML, I think that named properties in HTMLDocument objects should be restricted to HTML documents, given that this feature is only included for backward compatibility and is horribly designed.
[Bug 8240] Quote: "The value attribute must not be present unless the form attribute is present." This doesn't make sense, since the button can also belong to a form by being put between the form element tags. It should read: "The value attribute must not be prese
[Bug 8244] can you make RDF statements where the subject is another resource here? Metadata has previously been normally where subject is the current resource (or object with rev) but general RDF does not constrain this.
[Bug 8246] what about IE parsing problems? http://html5doctor.com/dd-details-wrong-again/
[Bug 8249] gjfhjkffffkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[Bug 8255] Channel messaging is missing a description of purpose
[Bug 8256] [gs] Is form.submit() async or sync? I don't see where this is defined. From my reading it should be sync, as it should just run the steps to completion.
[Bug 8260] The name apparently must be compared in an ASCII case-insensitive manner, even though it is guaranteed to already be all ASCII lowercase from the tokenizer. It would make more sense to compare it case-sensitively (like it is earlier in the "initial" mode)
[Bug 8263] "dimenson" should be "dimension"
[Bug 8266] I would like to suggest that the id attribute should be allowed to start with characters 0-9
[Bug 8268] XMLHttpRequest fails for documents with named entities due to doctype
[Bug 8307] It would be nice if there were a way to draw an image with a color key. The only other way I can think of doing this is by a for loop and pixel by pixel copying... which probably isn't fast
[Bug 8310] script block's source initialization: please honor the specified charset and type
[Bug 8311] Typo error in algorithm to calculate ratios
[Bug 8313] The case for U+003E (">") is redundant here, as it'll be processed in the same way in "anything else".
[Bug 8314] the <figure><dd></dd><dt></dt><figure> as in your example does not pass validation. it says that dd is not allowed in this format.
[Bug 8321] change controller for HTML media type
[Bug 8324] Browsers are supposed to apply styles to all cells in a column, if the respective col or colgroup has a class attribute, right?
[Bug 8328] kljhklhlkhj
[Bug 8330] object tag requirements language confusing
[Bug 8331] Move the Canvas 2D context API into a separate spec
[Bug 8332] websocket
[Bug 8333] In the example: I do not understand why the URL that the user is accessing starts with upper case characters. If the point is, that this part is case insensitive, it should be spelled out instead of this example.
[Bug 8335] the stadandard shall explicity cite an example of a url based on RTSP to promote this standard. Today LIVE sreaming is too often achieved with improper "tricks" like HTTP streaming...
[Bug 8337] This implies that the dragleave event is only fired in the case of an unsuccessful drag, but it's very useful to bubble a dragleave event regardless of success or failure of the drag.
[Bug 8339] why html5 should have also presentational tags?
[Bug 8341] "an URL property element" - s/an/a/. [pt]
[Bug 8344] Please give the detailed information and the pupose why we are using . with out that no one can understand sorry if any thing wrong with me
[Bug 8348] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/content-models.html#transparent
[Bug 8349] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/links.html#hyperlink
[Bug 8350] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/content-models.html#annotations-for-assistive-technology-products-(aria)
[Bug 8351] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/content-models.html#run-canceled-activation-steps
[Bug 8360] Is there any equivelent for 'required' here? In case there are multiple options but no good default.
[Bug 8361] Dropping the noscript element from XHTML is problematic. E.g., in the provided example, the calculate button cannot be removed before it the browser displays it, causing a graphical glitch, whitch can be quite large depending on the size of the alterative
[Bug 8362] Comparing the doctype name case-insensitively is useless, because the tokenizer has already lowercased it anyway. (hsivonen)
[Bug 8365] Remove the Web Browsers Section 5
[Bug 8366] 123456
[Bug 8369] What about pull quotes (which are not from another source)?
[Bug 8372] Restore <spacer> parsing as void element
[Bug 8375] Mention that when in "in select in table", there is always a "select" element in table scope
[Bug 8381] I greatly appreciate the addition of custom user attribute values, but take strong exception to the particular notation.
[Bug 8387] The max value should be extended to 24:00 in order to allow time slices like 22:30-24:00 instead of 22:30-23:59 or 22:30-00:00.
[Bug 8390] defaultPlaybackRate / playbackRate
[Bug 8392] there's no need to "set the string being modified to output", it is already the empty string.
[Bug 8411] If a video@src is present, where is the @type info for that @src?
[Bug 8412] To prevent sites from loading gigabytes of data, shouldn't the user agent explicitly mention the size of the files in the manifest. (This would also require a check during the downloading process, as to whether the provided sizes are real)
[Bug 8414] Shouldn't the example pattern be "^[0-9][A-Z]{3}$"? The current example would succeed with any string containing a part number, and not just a string that is one.
[Bug 8416] The "Fragment identifier loop" part of the "update the session history with the new page" algorithm should spin the event loop instead of just hanging the browser... Also, the last step in that algorithm should jump back to the frag id loop step, not the
[Bug 8417] "user agents must yield to whatever script invoked the navigation steps" should also allow tasks to continue, with the rest of the algorithm being async, so that the event loop doesn't block waiting for data.
[Bug 8418] Consider coining the term "entry script" instead of the confusing "first script".
[Bug 8419] Maybe use a different attribute value than "be evil"
[Bug 8423] Shouldn't the datalist element be allowed to contain optgroup elements as well as option elements?
[Bug 8425] Cloning a DOMString with unpaired surrogates should throw SYNTAX_ERR, to allow UAs to serialise structured clones as UTF-8.
[Bug 8436] "granularity that is expected (and required) of the value, by limiting the allowed values" -- granularity requirments may often be different for validation versus usability/ui-control purposes. There should be a 'step' for possible GUI controls and an oth
[Bug 8443] aadsafdsaf
[Bug 8445] the picture from wf2 showing url autocomplete seems to have disappeared
[Bug 8446] we should add an example here showing a webmail client providing autocomplete suggestions for <input multiple type=email list=contacts> while the UA adds its own suggestions from the platform's native contacts database.
[Bug 8447] Tighter definition on the aside element
[Bug 8448] There's an extra word (marked with ***) in this sentence: "It indicates that ***the*** no referrer information is to be leaked when following the link."
[Bug 8452] It would be really helpful if the current mouse position could be derived from the drag event.
[Bug 8455] "></samp>" lines in Zork example try to close an already-closed tag
[Bug 8457] "scripts and form controls in such sections still render execute and submit respectively" - s/render// [pt]
[Bug 8459] "For instance, a user agent might wait 500ms or 512 bytes, whichever came first." -- IMO this is a bad example, over a satellite link the typical RTT might be 600-1500ms. Or is the assumption that the counting starts after the first packet of data is rece
[Bug 8461] valid MIME type vs parameters
[Bug 8462] "fetch the resulting absolute URL"
[Bug 8465] style element in the example is missing scoped attribute
[Bug 8470] The "Running a script" section has "If either:" and 3 bullets; should be "If:".
[Bug 8472] Reference http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-style-attr/ now that's in a useful state [ms]
[Bug 8473] Sentence about the effect of changing src/async/defer on <script> is wrong
[Bug 8479] http content-type override mandatory for <object>
[Bug 8485] "Otherwise, if the col element has no span attribute, or if trying to parse the attribute's value resulted in an error, then let span be 1.": This should account (again) for span=0. [ms]
[Bug 8489] before the page loaded, so maybe the head section..
[Bug 8490] Shouldn't postMessage throw SYNTAX_ERR when targetOrigin is a relative URL (e.g. '/')? [sp]
[Bug 8492] Re: example "<span itemscope><span itemprop="name">The Castle</span></span>" Is "<span itemscope itemprop="name">The Castle</span>" allowed. This wasn't clear to me.
[Bug 8496] Shouldn't a loop in structured clone throw INVALID_STATE_ERR instead? [sp]
[Bug 8501] should make it clearer that fragment identifiers are not conforming if they don't match an id.
[Bug 8506] The value of a hidden-state input element as defined here does not have a concept of a defaultValue.
[Bug 8509] ll for
[Bug 8513] AFAICT from WebIDL, ports can never be null, so step 3 is a no-op. If the sequence should be nullable, it has to be written with a question mark in the IDL, I think. [sp]
[Bug 8514] Shouldn't port1 and port2 be start()ed when the constructor in called? [sp]
[Bug 8516] hi there. this is a test comment.
[Bug 8522] Authoring Tool editing mechanisms
[Bug 8524] Guidance for Authoring Tool Markup Generators
[Bug 8527] Syntax for |:lang('xyzzy')| and |:lang('abcde')| is wrong, should be |:lang(xyzzy)| and |:lang(abcde)|. [ms]
[Bug 8530] fallback content
[Bug 8533] "Throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception the arguments have invalid values (e.g., in the case of XML documents, if the given string is not well-formed)." Should read "Throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception IF the arguments have invalid values (e.g., in the case of XML docum
[Bug 8539] Define nobr, wbr and their interfaces [ms]
[Bug 8540] Make sure to define the interfaces for all these elements (center, etc.) [ms]
[Bug 8541] release date of HTML5
[Bug 8542] release date of HTML5
[Bug 8544] Define HTMLAnchorElement.text [ms]
[Bug 8545] Remove "Window implements WindowModal; /* sometimes */" as it doesn't add anything and it contradicts the definition of "implements" in WebIDL [ms]
[Bug 8546] "...can only do so because they have the two Document object have the same origin.": s/they have the two Document object/the two Document objects/ [ms]
[Bug 8548] Move this section ("Namespaces") out of "9 The HTML syntax" and into "2 Common infrastructure", as it is relevant to other sections as well [ms]
[Bug 8550] Add document.createElement("<div>") (Gecko quirks, IE)? [ms]
[Bug 8554] <progress> element should be labelable with a label
[Bug 8556] "types with unknown parameters must be assumed to be unsupported" - <style type="text/css; charset=xxx"> should be assumed to be unsupported as well?
[Bug 8558] a text node that is a descendant of |style| or |script| element should not be counted as well as |del| element descendants
[Bug 8560] Define HTMLElement.style as ElementCSSInlineStyle.style (CSSOM)? [ms]
[Bug 8565] The word "trusted" does not appear in the DOM Level 3 Events specification
[Bug 8566] The 1st paragraph of this section doesn't match the parsing rules in the last paragraph. Also, the first para seems to refer to document type rather than element type. Change "element in the document" to "document element" maybe?
[Bug 8569] I just checked Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and IE, and Firefox seems to be the only browser treating two subsequent HYPHEN-MINUS characters in a comment as a signature of comment end. I suggest to allow subsequent HYPHEN-MINUS characters in comments, a
[Bug 8572] erkotop@wp.pl
[Bug 8576] ", meaning that by default styles apply to all media" This last part seems to be only appropriate if the imported resource would be a stylesheet, not a media file. It should be left out or replaced by something like: ", meaning that this resource is suita
[Bug 8577] http://porn-z.org/
[Bug 8580] Broken link for body element test : http://ms2ger.freehostia.com/tests/html5/dom-tree-accessors/doc-body-set-01.html
[Bug 8582] http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=14429&uid=171807349209#/profile.php?id=100000469327089
[Bug 8585] http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=14429&uid=171807349209#/profile.php?id=100000469327089http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=14429&uid=171807349209#/profile.php?id=100000469327089http://www.facebook.com/groups/edit.php?members&gid=171807349209#/r
[Bug 8587] HTML5 Recommendation document has Tidy warnings
[Bug 8589] invalid value default needs markup as definition
[Bug 8590] can empty string be a valid keyword?
[Bug 8592] and/or phrasing in Semantics paragraph
[Bug 8595] svg and math elements listed under Interactive content?
[Bug 8598] API return values listed as upper case, should be lowercase?
[Bug 8601] include footer when printing
[Bug 8603] blockquote element needs example
[Bug 8604] missing </li>
[Bug 8606] ambiguous ampersand does not include character references
[Bug 8608] W3C Validator errors reported on HTML5 spec
[Bug 8619] Problematic for assistive technologies
[Bug 8621] Orphan nodes in content models
[Bug 8623] Graceful degradation when using the style element
[Bug 8627] Will protocols (e.g., RTP/RTSP) for streaming to remote clients also be part of the spec? TCP-based HTTP isn't ideal for real-time video conferencing.
[Bug 8628] The term "boolean attribute" gives readers wrong ideas
[Bug 8632] typo: last line of says "do nothing where where"
[Bug 8633] In step 3 of the setTimeout() algorithm, either delete "either" or add an "or" clause to it. Also, in step 5, the context variable is undefined (unless the definition from the "get the timed task" subroutine applies here).
[Bug 8638] typo: "is represents" right below the box of IDL
[Bug 8639] queryCommandIndeterm() always returns false for all commands defined by the spec. So either remove the method or add a note explaining its purpose so that vendor extensions can use it in the way intended.
[Bug 8642] iframe use to 3
[Bug 8643] Headings out of sequence
[Bug 8646] Private communication exception
[Bug 8647] Define tab order for IFrame
[Bug 8649] Resize IFrame
[Bug 8650] Is there any need to add additional information about the video file (bitrate, for example) that would help the UA determine if it can play the file?
[Bug 8657] Allow UA to reload fallback content if it fails to load
[Bug 8659] Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions
[Bug 8660] Context for areas on an image map
[Bug 8661] Contradiction of dimension attributes
[Bug 8664] Media error code typo
[Bug 8666] Keyboard accessible date pickers
[Bug 8669] Ability to wrap a command around a larger group of elements
[Bug 8670] Parent for radiobuttons with same radiogroup
[Bug 8671] Requiring the label attribute
[Bug 8673] Restriction on command element as part of a menu
[Bug 8674] Add popup as a value for the type attribute for menu element
[Bug 8675] visibility:hidden and visibility:collapse should probably also mean it's not "being rendered" [sp]
[Bug 8679] Menu example contains a violation of WCAG 2.0
[Bug 8680] Meaningful label in menu example
[Bug 8682] Tab and reading order for context menus
[Bug 8684] Ensuring user can always access UA's default context menus
[Bug 8687] "[HTML5CORE] ⦠December 2010." doesn't sound right. [ms]
[Bug 8688] Second example uses ALLCAPS for elements
[Bug 8690] move WindowProxy under the Window section rather than making it a peer, since it's just an implementation detail.
[Bug 8691] Consider moving Timers, User prompts, System state and capabilities, and Offline Web applications into a "Web application APIs" section, and renaming the remaining material from that section to "Core" or some such, to split up that section and make it mor
[Bug 8693] is <output> a valid html element?
[Bug 8695] Spec currently says " because the order is not particular important" - should say " because the order is not particularly important" or " because the order is not of particular importance"
[Bug 8696] "close tag" -> "end tag" for consistency
[Bug 8698] add conformance criteria info to header/banner
[Bug 8702] "Within a single dl element, there should not be more than one dt element for each name" - intention of this requirement is unclear; is this a machine-checkable requirement, or a requirement on semantics? What will be used to compare "name"s, textContent
[Bug 8704] please disallow attributes for form submission unless the |type| attribute is in the Submit Button state
[Bug 8705] "The request must include a Referer (sic) HTTP header [sic]" [sic] [ms]
[Bug 8712] dosn't understund this timer
[Bug 8715] Scrolling elements into view
[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives
[Bug 8717] Usability and Element-level-focus-apis
[Bug 8719] "Referer (sic) HTTP header [sic]" s/[sic]//
[Bug 8720] define rendering for wbr [sp]
[Bug 8725] text/sandboxed-html vs <iframe sandbox> and backcompat
[Bug 8727] registration procedure for meta/@name values
[Bug 8729] dataTransfer for dragenter and dragover can't really be Empty if the drop target is to actually determine whether it can accept the drag. In an ideal world, files would exist but only make the mime type of the file available.
[Bug 8730] Buffering should not be a boolean "autobuffer" tag - but something along the lines of "buffermax= n%" There should also be a "no-cache" attribute - this will overcome expected objections from copyright holders
[Bug 8731] Consider expanding buffering control for media elements
[Bug 8733] Add examples: <video src onerror>; <video><source ...><source ...><source ... onerror> (see http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/help-whatwg.org/2010-January/000391.html) [sp]
[Bug 8735] Add rel="edit" to list of defined types
[Bug 8737] Allowing option with no value to be a command
[Bug 8738] Role-based navigation
[Bug 8740] How do pseudo-class selectors interact with WAI-ARIA?
[Bug 8741] Isn't pre-order the same as depth-first? That would make "pre-order, depth-first" redundant.
[Bug 8743] Auditory icons clashing with AT
[Bug 8746] Text separator between links in markup example
[Bug 8748] Differentiating hyperlinks referring to the same tag in different scopes
[Bug 8750] User able to override the hidden attribute in incorrectly rendered pages
[Bug 8752] Allow user to manage focus changes
[Bug 8753] Undo for drag and drop
[Bug 8755] Automatic reduction of text-size is unnecessary
[Bug 8756] The word "trusted" does not appear in the current editor's draft of the referenced DOM Events specification
[Bug 8757] This section shouldn't be marked as impl, it's mainly for authors. [ms]
[Bug 8759] nice idea
[Bug 8761] No codec is suggested for baseline for standardization. A codec that is able to be freely licensed (gratis and libre) for any purpose needs to be chosen at least as a "strong suggestion or recommendation."
[Bug 8764] The first instance of the term "needs a date" should be marked up with <dfn> so cross references work.
[Bug 8769] Can there be a link to the XML proper syntax-level requirements? This specification does not define any syntax-level requirements beyond those defined for XML proper.
[Bug 8772] "This doesn't apply to Document.setAttributeNS()and Document.setAttributeNodeNS()." Is that because there are no such methods on *Document*? [ms]
[Bug 8773] there is should be public property array transformMatrix []
[Bug 8776] REPLACE element.labels[0].textContent WITH element.textContent
[Bug 8777] review the example code, doesnt work on fox3.5
[Bug 8778] should convert this to actual rdf statements (using equivalentProperty, sameAs, etc)
[Bug 8781] 'being closed' -> 'was closed'
[Bug 8782] reinvestigate what parts of session history should be sync and what parts should be async
[Bug 8784] politics in <param> example
[Bug 8786] Fix meee... fix meee! All my tags are messed up.
[Bug 8787] how to handle session in html
[Bug 8788] Should the compact IDL attribute on (ul|ol|dl|dir|menu) be boolean as in DOM2HTML? [ms]
[Bug 8789] What characters can be used in a name?
[Bug 8792] getElementsByName and getElementsByClassName allow returning the same NodeList repeatedly
[Bug 8794] It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin
[Bug 8796] So is an attribute with no value valid? Like <input type="file" multiple /> ? Because writing multiple="" isn't really logical, nor is multiple="multiple". multiple="true" would be logical. This irks me...
[Bug 8797] <a type="..."> should influence Accept header sent by browsers
[Bug 8798] It seems Opera and Firefox now have coordinate (0,0) at the content edge instead of the border edge (and allow negative coordinates if clicking on the border). Consider revising this requirement to match Opera and Firefox. (Haven't tested IE.) [sp]
[Bug 8802] The drawImage function should be able to handle animated pictures by adding an additional parameter 'restart'. If restart is set to true, then the first frame is loaded - otherwise, it moves one frame forward from the last time drawImage was called on the
[Bug 8805] canvas
[Bug 8806] iframe srcdoc examples
[Bug 8807] If the "body" attribute no longer exists, "body" should be removed from the list of IDL attributes that reflect their respective content attributes of the same name
[Bug 8809] attributterne
[Bug 8812] attributter
[Bug 8816] Need to define that setting HTMLOptionsCollection.length fires mutation events accordingly.
[Bug 8817] attribute
[Bug 8818] Remove the srcdoc attribute
[Bug 8820] use <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> instead of <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title>
[Bug 8822] should make cookie setting dependent on whether the document has a URL, not on whether it has a browsing context; and should fail silently (set does nothing, get returns "") when there isn't one.
[Bug 8823] properties
[Bug 8824] properties
[Bug 8826] about:blank should use standards mode
[Bug 8827] Inappropriate spec text and advice where images are not known
[Bug 8831] section text box
[Bug 8834] Please remove the subtitle from the spec known as "HTML5"
[Bug 8836] "The Selectors specification, in conjunction with CSS, can be used to style text selections using the ::selection pseudo-element.": Not anymore. [ms]
[Bug 8837] Initial about:blank should fire DOMFrameContentLoaded and load events when not navigated immediately
[Bug 8839] dsfsdfsd
[Bug 8840] dsfsdfsd
[Bug 8842] id="dome" should be id="home"
[Bug 8843] Is <pre> element a phrasing content? An example of <figure> element shows a <pre> element in <figure> element.
[Bug 8845] Reference for (US-)ASCII
[Bug 8846] Wording
[Bug 8847] srcdoc should be listed after src, not autoplay; in attributes overview table
[Bug 8848] there is no dom-iframe-body; remove this IDL attribute
[Bug 8849] The ability for an author to completely disable javascript on their webpage - an html scripts="no" attribute
[Bug 8850] âhimselfâ assumes all authors are male, which is incorrect (and misogynistic). âthemselfâ is correct.
[Bug 8853] sessionStorage
[Bug 8854] opendatabase
[Bug 8856] url parameter in register*Handler
[Bug 8857] references to openDatabase and localStorage
[Bug 8864] If there are two <param>s with the same name, the last one should be used, apparently. [sp]
[Bug 8866] definition of "same-origin policy"
[Bug 8868] content model should say "if the span attribute is specified: empty. otherwise: zero or more col elements." [sp]
[Bug 8872] split out and modify parts of Section the img element
[Bug 8878] "Otherwise, the user agent must must split the attribute's value on spaces, and let keys be the resulting tokens." - Double "must" at the second point.
[Bug 8880] line feed
[Bug 8883] insert number
[Bug 8888] maybe this should have id="loading-web-pages" instead of id="browsers"
[Bug 8889] Web application APIs link points to Loading Web pages
[Bug 8898] please make title element optional if higher-level protocol provides similar information (e.g. as email Subject: header field)
[Bug 8903] Algorithm given is missing a final check to reject strings with trailing non-digits, like "123A", which the initial definition appears to exclude.
[Bug 8905] will we be able to stream data from a device through a socket?
[Bug 8906] terminology "URL"
[Bug 8910] "If the user has requested the user of particular focus rings" -- should probably be "requested the use"?
[Bug 8911] "Pause until" if implemented literally would lock the browser up since fetch tasks can't be processed while paused.
[Bug 8915] "the active document of the script's browsing context" -- is there more author-friendly terminology we can use here (in addition to the existing)
[Bug 8916] "effective script origin" links to "Relaxing the same-origin restriction" but the term is not used. At the very least, the linked-to section should say that .domain sets the "effective script origin" -- perhaps a reference to the same origin policy here w
[Bug 8918] Are there other cases than coming from no referrer (just typing into the UA) and the noreferrer link that will result in a blank document.referrer?
[Bug 8920] "sandboxed into a unique origin" means in an iframe with the seamless attribute? Are there other cases?
[Bug 8923] The "document's character encoding" link does not go anywhere.
[Bug 8926] How does an author *get* an object implementing DOMHTMLImplementation?
[Bug 8929] In the assistive technology section, explicitly mention role and aria-* (as we do a few lines above for "custom data attributes")
[Bug 8931] The description for getting the lang from an ancestor is different from the description for getting the title, even though it appears they would behave identically.
[Bug 8932] "The attribute has no defaults" is inconsistent with "otherwise, the element's directionality is the same as its parent element, or 'ltr' if there is no parent element"
[Bug 8934] The Atom specification example could be rewritten as: "For example, the Atom specification defines a content element. When its type element has the value xhtml, the specification requires that it contain a single HTML div element. Thus ..."
[Bug 8935] The Atom specification example could be rewritten as: "For example, the Atom specification defines a content element. When its type element has the value xhtml, the specification requires that it contain a single HTML div element. Thus ..."
[Bug 8937] setAttribute should specify the parameters (at least how many, but probably also a short description of each)
[Bug 8939] so nice
[Bug 8940] so nice
[Bug 8942] "Only the newest application cache in an application cache group can have its completeness flag set to incomplete, the others are always all complete." s/,/;/ (thanks DanC)
[Bug 8943] "Each browsing context, including nested browsing context, has a distinct session history." is missing an "s" in the middle clause. (Thanks DanC.)
[Bug 8944] "Where metadata content is expected" -- Where is that defined?
[Bug 8945] Missing <del> in the interfaces index (Thanks Mike)
[Bug 8948] text/richtext is obsolete; it is inappropriate as an example
[Bug 8949] The exact behavior for links to external resources depends on the exact relationship, as defined for the relevant link type. Some of the attributes control whether or not the external resource is to be applied (as defined below). For external resources th
[Bug 8951] "When the labeled control is not being rendered, then the label element's activation behavior must be to do nothing." - doesn't match opera/webkit/firefox: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/371 . (Regarding focus management, visi
[Bug 8953] URL decomp. IDL attributes when parsing fails
[Bug 8954] browser support
[Bug 8955] "were the only form with a validity constraint problem" should be the only form _control_.
[Bug 8956] what is this?
[Bug 8958] The constraint on "low" and "high" should be expressed as the others: "low ≤ high (if low and high are both specified)"
[Bug 8959] Shouldn't the headers in the second example's comments be footers? "A footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote it" makes it confusing.
[Bug 8963] img url
[Bug 8964] is INDEX_SIZE_ERR fired if value is less than zero also?
[Bug 8966] Consider "<svg><desc><div><svg><desc><b>X" â Should we change "Pop elements from the stack of open elements until the current node is in the HTML namespace." in the in-foreign-content mode to actually be "Pop elements until there's no element in scope t
[Bug 8967] Why is the optional argument in the middle? Isn't it more convenient when copy/pasting code to make optional modifications at either end without having to precisely place the cursor somewhere in the middle? Particularly for piecing together arguments, too
[Bug 8969] "If the entry in the list of active timeouts that was added in the earlier step has been cleared, then abort this algorithm" should be done in the task that is queued, not before the task is queued. Same for setInterval().
[Bug 8970] Should "Empty the Document's Window's list of active timeouts and its list of active intervals." actually happen if the document is to be salvaged?
[Bug 8972] Would a <figcaption> that is the last element of a <figure> be a candidate for this list? The validator doesn't think so, but I it would be convenient.
[Bug 8973] Make sure "script's browsing context" is not used to define an origin, since browsing contexts don't have origins. It has to be the script's browsing context's active document.
[Bug 8974] Check why the last sentence of "script's URL character encoding" is an xref error (same with the next <dd> too).
[Bug 8975] trees are good
[Bug 8999] Change the .cookie API to be based on the actual Origin of the document (vs its URL) and not on the sandboxed origin flag, so that text/html-sandboxed is handled as well. (But beware that data: URLs still have to fail silent, not throw SECURITY_ERR.)
[Bug 9000] datasrc, <script event>, <script for> and so on are missing
[Bug 9003] Tag should be closed
[Bug 9004] Tag should be closed
[Bug 9006] help on mnie gryzie
[Bug 9008] canvas is sick
[Bug 9013] "Empty attribute syntax" doesn't actually say that the value is the empty string.
[Bug 9015] Opera now sends PARAM:"" to the plugin for compat with mozilla
[Bug 9018] Should "origin" be marked up as "<i>origin</i>" just like the synchronous flag?
[Bug 9021] perhaps mention here semantic alternatives to common use cases: <strike> â <del>, <tt> â <code>, &c.
[Bug 9024] fetch should be referenced from algorithms in Web workers.
[Bug 9028] "(either because of a fatal error during load that's about to be reported, or because the load() method was invoked while the resource selection algorithm was already running, in which case it is fired synchronously during the load() method call)." - empt
[Bug 9033] In the green box, please clarify that event.state contains a clone of the object passed to pushState
[Bug 9034] Is there any "white-space avoiding rule"? If not, Some HTML Editor may insert evil-poorlooked white-space.
[Bug 9036] Can we explain what setAttribute and setAttributeNode actually do?
[Bug 9038] can we explain what getAttribute and and getAttributeNode do?
[Bug 9040] "Wherever a subdocument fragment is allowed in a compound document" -- What's an example of this?
[Bug 9043] Must the href attribute of <base> be a full URL, including http://...; if so, what is the correct terminology for that? I tried following the "valid URL" link and it goes down a rabbit hole to http://www.w3.org/html/wg/href/draft, which does not define "v
[Bug 9045] The term "valid URL" is used here, but following the link does not lead to a definition
[Bug 9046] What, if anything, are UAs allowed to do with the advisory "type" attribute of <link>?
[Bug 9048] "If either name, http-equiv, or itemprop is specified, then the content attribute must also be specified. Otherwise, it must be omitted." Might be more clearly stated as "If charset is specified, then the content attribute must be omitted. Otherwise it mu
[Bug 9052] All DOCTYPE variants that trigger standards mode pre-HTML5 should continue to trigger standards mode in HTML5
[Bug 9053] Should the "name=size" attributes in the "Pizza Size" radio buttons also be included in the <strong> markup which immediately follows them?
[Bug 9055] There is no direct replacement for a frameset. This supports some functionality and features that can't be emulated 100% by other methods. Server side includes cannot dynamically udpate pages, nor can new pages be loaded with javascript. This is a crit
[Bug 9057] status section, ref to "HTML specifications"
[Bug 9059] can I use wildcards to cache the whole directory?
[Bug 9060] Add "in" into: "the user agent must act as if the element was" ...in... "a stack of open elements."
[Bug 9066] You state "many users disable scripting"... the most reliable stats I can find indicate that at most 1-2% of users have JS diabled. So using "many" is rather misleading.
[Bug 9068] Windows-31J preferred name is with the "W" uppercase, not as given in the overrides where it is lowercase. (w00t! consistency!)
[Bug 9071] Handling of "[" in between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers-state may not be ideal
[Bug 9072] There's inconsistent quoting of attributes between the highlighted and non-highlited parts of this section
[Bug 9073] "Configuring o form"? [pt]
[Bug 9074] Ogg Theora and Vorbis should be set as standard.
[Bug 9077] Lady of Shalott example doesn't really "enhance the themes or subject matter of the page content"
[Bug 9084] Opera's implementation of this treats the comma as a delimiter (i.e. if you select Abyssinian from the drop-down and type a ',' after that, it gives you the drop-down again to select another item). I like this feature but want to make sure it is interopab
[Bug 9086] "If the playback has ended, seek to the earliest possible position of the media resource." - should also check if direction is forwards, since if direction is backwards we're already at the earliest position
[Bug 9091] <span itemprop="fn">David Junger</span>
[Bug 9092] </br><frameset>text would generate a frameset per spec, since the frameset-ok flag should be ok after </br> is seen. But an IE8 test shows otherwise
[Bug 9093] </p>text would ignore </p>, but it does not on IE8.
[Bug 9096] Mapping U+0000 to U+FFFD regresses rendering of pages
[Bug 9098] Correct the img element definition. Replace with suggested text.
[Bug 9099] suggestion; use list for <br> non-conforming example form alternative
[Bug 9101] How noHref "reflect"s nohref is not well defined; nohref is not explicitly mentioned as a "boolean attribute"
[Bug 9102] this CSS style sheet does not work because "type" attribute values are compared case-insensitively according to the "Matching HTML elements using selectors" section
[Bug 9104] there were <link urn=""> and <link methods="">, too. [RFC1866]
[Bug 9106] Description of the commandType attribute talks about a value of "checked". Should be "checkbox".
[Bug 9109] its fucke
[Bug 9110] http://whatwg.org/html5 link failed to load
[Bug 9115] What's this bar?
[Bug 9116] Will we be to manipulate the address via JavaScript without the # to get true deeplinking?
[Bug 9118] "If either of the radii are negative throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception." - s/throws/, throws/ [pt]
[Bug 9120] "The allowed values for repeat are repeat" - should be "allowed values for <var>repetition</var>" [pt]
[Bug 9122] Obsolete but Conforming
[Bug 9124] missing formatBlock candidates
[Bug 9125] missing formatBlock candidates
[Bug 9126] Please make the bug filing dialog ignoreable (e.g. make it a single-line box above or instead of the comment box). Consider moving focus so that pressing enter in an attempt to close the dialog doesn't file a dup bug.
[Bug 9129] The terms used from the DOM specification need some <code> love.
[Bug 9134] I'm strongly opposed to having "willful violations" of the specs, and of mandating the use of platform-specific Windows encodings in preference to standardised ISO ones, on the grounds of supporting "legacy" content; isn't this supposed to be a new spec f
[Bug 9144] should expand to CR
[Bug 9148] "either does not expect the user to need the media resource, but that" -- "either ... but" is wrong, this needs to be reworded.
[Bug 9149] Don't require set-cookie2; see <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=472529#c129>
[Bug 9151] The first item in the list seems truncated or not in item list form. It ends "and,"
[Bug 9153] The element list isn't in alphabetical order (unlike the same element list further down).
[Bug 9155] "The attribute must be ignored if the autoplay attribute is present." - seems wrong when the user has set a pref to make autoplay="" not autoplay
[Bug 9157] What does this mean for <a>? What does it mean for <a target=_blank>? Following links should probably always work.
[Bug 9159] metadata keyword description - "Hints to the user agent that the author either does not expect the user to need the media resource...". The word "either" seems to be unnecessary.
[Bug 9160] input['type=checkbox'].checkValidity ought to work like the radio type, testing the whole checkbox group, not each checkbox individually
[Bug 9161] it should explicitly say alt="" MUST NOT be blank unless it MAY be left blank
[Bug 9163] The domintro box only has document.dir, and ought to have element.dir too. [pt]
[Bug 9165] Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS
[Bug 9166] Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS . example in html id="name.last" in CSS selectors is imposible to select it because will search form id name class last.
[Bug 9172] "© Copyright 2004-2009" - s/2009/2010/ [pt]
[Bug 9177] Can the script element please allow the scope attribute in the same semantic way as the style element? The dom would be limited to only elements under that node.
[Bug 9178] add definition of "conforming document"
[Bug 9179] <body><section> results in <section> being associated with the <body> element's section. I'd expect <section> to be associated with its own section.
[Bug 9180] "The event thus is not to be fired faster than about 66Hz or slower than 4Hz." - unless the event handler is still running, in which case it could be slower
[Bug 9185] typo: search for |(such as Cookie")|
[Bug 9186] @abbr (td/th): may authors use @title instead?
[Bug 9192] test sdgfdsfg dfsgdfsg dsgd
[Bug 9194] hello android
[Bug 9197] Remove unnecessary editorialization in acknowledgement section
[Bug 9198] <embed hspace> and <embed vspace> should not be allowed
[Bug 9200] xref document.getElementById(), and clarify on which document it should be called.
[Bug 9201] xref getElementById()
[Bug 9205] I'm missing a specification on the relation between onreadystatechange and onload. Will they be used interchangeably? When will they fire? Will onreadystatechange fire multiple times during downloading an external resource (readystate="loading")?
[Bug 9207] Anything else: This part of the spec is problematic, for example, a query string variable &lang_id=1 in as part of an attribute of say an img tag, will get converted into an character token when it shouldn't be. Why is the set of characters a-z, A-Z, 0-
[Bug 9208] âisn'tâ â either âs notâ or âisnâtâ
[Bug 9210] colSpan: there is no default value (rowSpan has one)
[Bug 9212] Change the Generator Mechanism for img from Document Level to Element Level
[Bug 9215] Provide a Webcam example that is in accord with WCAG 2 or Defer to "HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives"
[Bug 9217] Remove the Paragraph-Section-Heading loophole for not providing a text alternative.
[Bug 9221] still unclear definition of "plugin"
[Bug 9222] If this state does not conform to RFC 5322, how IS it of practical use?
[Bug 9224] It should be mentioned that setting playbackRate can be ignored. I.e. if playing backwards is not supported by the codec, if hardware acceleration does not support it, etc.
[Bug 9225] lax interpretation of legacy encoding decl allows attackers to change encoding of a page
[Bug 9227] Setting IDL attributes that map enumerated content attributes to invalid values should not throw
[Bug 9228] The i and b elements should not be included. Fundamentally they are visual markup elements and that should be accomplished in CSS, not using element.
[Bug 9232] name=size should also be highlighted
[Bug 9234] some comment
[Bug 9237] html5
[Bug 9241] Explicitly state, "For guidance on accessibility requirements for text alternatives authors should consult WCAG 2.0" and link to WCAG 2.0
[Bug 9243] This section should print the character in addition to its unicode number.
[Bug 9245] Poster should somehow also be able to define a frame (or timeline position) to be used as the frame.
[Bug 9247] last note states small does not de-emphasize. This naturally leads to the question what does. Answer that question
[Bug 9249] Step 9.4 s/is are/are/
[Bug 9255] why the hell is it uppercase in the longer exemple?
[Bug 9259] clarification needed: "one big page with a scrollbar would be equivalent" Many readers might think as I did, "equivalent to what?" On reflection, I understand -- to the tabbed interface -- but the language could be clearer.
[Bug 9261] Copying all the attributes would include the "id" attribute. Doesn't this allow multiple duplicate ID attributes? This is what current browsers do, so I guess which element gets selected in this situation by CSS or getElementById should be specified in th
[Bug 9264] There should be a link/border between META content-language algorithm and HTTP content-language headers
[Bug 9267] Allow alternative of simple <h> element that uses ancestors to determine hierarchy. (Or take a lesson from DocBook and reuse the <title> element, allowing its semantic meaning to change depending on the context.)
[Bug 9278] "...with the same argument, the user agent **may** return the same object as the object returned by the earlier call.": Make this a must. To quote hsivonen, "The Web leaves no edge case unexercised."
[Bug 9279] Align the English isindex prompt with Firefox and Chrome
[Bug 9280] Add default button option/attribute for forms
[Bug 9282] The sentence "When used to include data blocks..." would benefit from clarification: "When used to include non-JavaScript data blocks..."
[Bug 9286] marginheight and topmargin are missing from the list of obsolete elements
[Bug 9289] What about polyglot documents which are *both* HTML5 and XHTML5 ? I think it would make a lot of sense to spend a few words on that because virtually nobody will use XHMTL5 with the correct MIME-type because of the legacy browsers.
[Bug 9300] Remove the requirement to close NCR and entities with a semicolon
[Bug 9301] Don't support style like "Solid" "ShortDash" "ShortDot"?
[Bug 9311] Two instances of "(unless this has been overrriden as described above)" where: s/overrriden/overriden
[Bug 9322] dsdfs fe efefaafd asd
[Bug 9326] HTML elements mapping to ARIA and A11y APIs
[Bug 9329] drawImage filtering when dx and dy aren't integers needs defined
[Bug 9332] It's not clear that the (implied) HTML 4.01 use of tfoot is prohibited (which seems to demand content identical to thead). Or should duplicate thead content be allowed in tfoot? Section should also have a tfoot example with meaningful content (a failing o
[Bug 9336] Remove concept of views as per discussion at last TPAC in the WebApps WG. At some point DOM Level 2 Views will be updated to recommend that implementors not implement the concept.
[Bug 9338] Why can't I have the resource files (CSS file, images, JavaScript files) be cached without caching the whole page? I hacn't have a different HTML tag for just the sign-on page, and the other pages need to not be cached due to private, frequently changing
[Bug 9339] " Until the manifest is changed, those pages will not be fetched from the server again." WHAAAA? In order to get the benefits of app cached images and scripts and css, I have to have HTML pages that are never updated with fresh info, except when I change
[Bug 9340] "RCDATAs element" should be "RCDATA elements" (or rephrase to refer to a single element)
[Bug 9344] "constrolled" [pt]
[Bug 9347] s/title="attr-href"/title="attr-a-href"/
[Bug 9348] s/<span title="event-click">/<code title="event-click">/
[Bug 9349] Make <nobr> element conforming
[Bug 9350] Make <wbr> element conforming
[Bug 9351] Do not interpret & followed by an entity name followed by = as an entity reference in attribute values (maybe in text content too)
[Bug 9353] autocomplete=off should be allowed and should work on non-<input> form controls
[Bug 9355] Obsolete presentational markup should be conforming
[Bug 9356] Presumably "Errors that encourage a correct understanding of the spec" should read "an incorrect" instead of "a correct".
[Bug 9357] input element color state should be able to suffer from a type mismatch
[Bug 9358] Explanation of content model requirements could be improved
[Bug 9361] script element should be allowed essentially anywhere
[Bug 9362] <embed> should fire 'load' event so that it's more useful for e.g. SVG
[Bug 9365] Attribute selectors for HTML5 audio and video should be listed as case insensitive
[Bug 9371] I misinterpreted "represents a paragraph-level thematic break" to mean "should occur between paragraphs". Might be nice to add "can be used anywhere the p element is used", or to mention "for rendering or analysis purposes" or "most flow elements are para
[Bug 9374] implementation of dash-styles for lines as seen in the pdf-specification would be nice (would require two additional parameters, "dashStyle" and "dashLength", for example)
[Bug 9375] progress uses ProgressEvent
[Bug 9378] It is confusing that rank is defined in terms of h1-h6 elements and then later the behaviour for hgroup is tacked on. It would be clearer to define rank further down for everything all at once
[Bug 9386] margintop dfn has wrong text
[Bug 9388] this section is missing "view this example online" links
[Bug 9391] What about a CR character token after <pre> or <listing>?
[Bug 9392] The ABNF looks wrong. Trailing periods shouldn't be allowed before the @. Shouldn't it be: 1*atext *("." 1*atext) ?
[Bug 9393] "If the datetime attribute is present, the user agent should convey the attribute's value to the user when rendering the element." seems to not quite match the rendering section, which says that it's only bound if the element is :empty.
[Bug 9396] Make meta http-equiv="PICS-Label" conforming
[Bug 9397] midi support
[Bug 9400] Native support for dashed and dotted lines. This is highly desirable, especially in charting.
[Bug 9401] Poonanny time! Yes please.
[Bug 9404] Email address regexp should not allow first part to end in dot
[Bug 9406] Reset buttons should be non-conforming
[Bug 9407] zxczxc asd asdf
[Bug 9410] Say that 'default-style' can be set via HTTP (in addition to via HTTP-EQUIV)
[Bug 9417] Make the algorithm treat an empty META content-language and an empty lang="" the same way.
[Bug 9418] Good sample
[Bug 9421] please remove this "comment" thing. It throws errors and gets in the way.
[Bug 9423] Modern browsers have converged on giving <hr> vertical margins of .5em. The spec should reflect this.
[Bug 9425] This section incorrectly specifies what happens when size > 1 but the multiple attribute is not set
[Bug 9426] Define an algorithm for how to extract a language/languages from a comma separated content-language list
[Bug 9427] Suggestion: Deprecate Legend Element
[Bug 9430] [URL-terminology] "If it does not, then results in the following components": "then it results in", or "then it returns"?
[Bug 9434] precedence between charset and http-equiv
[Bug 9436] Telephone state note should mention pattern attribute
[Bug 9438] several issues with the hidden attribute
[Bug 9439] UA should not change values of input elements in telephone state
[Bug 9440] Add window.stop()?
[Bug 9441] Graduation program example HTML formatting (while valid) seems broken
[Bug 9443] nee test
[Bug 9450] very olufy f ouf
[Bug 9452] Handling of additional tracks of a multitrack audio/video resource
[Bug 9453] this is cool
[Bug 9454] sdfsdf sd
[Bug 9455] sdfsdf sdf
[Bug 9456] sdfsdf sdfsd
[Bug 9457] sdfsdf sdfsdfsd
[Bug 9458] sdfsdf sdfsdfsdf
[Bug 9459] sdfsdf sdfsdfsdfsdf
[Bug 9460] sdfsdf sdfsdfsdfsdfdsf sdfsdf
[Bug 9461] sdfsdf sdfsdfsdfsdfdsf sdfsdf
[Bug 9462] sdfsdf sdfsdfsdfsdfdsf sdfsdf
[Bug 9464] last example (empty element) is not described in prose
[Bug 9466] That should be http://home.comcast.net/~johnjbarton/ubicomp/Publications/SensorEnhancedWebClients.PDF (published in WWW2003)
[Bug 9468] code hilite is a usecase for 'mark', not 'span'
[Bug 9470] Boolean attribute reflecting
[Bug 9471] Introduce declarative markup to associate timed text resources with media elements
[Bug 9472] deal with broken links in dynamic author view of spec by prompting users to choose to switch to full view
[Bug 9473] add wording to explicitly indicate that option/@selected cannot be used unless as a descendant of select/@multiple
[Bug 9474] Renaming hgroup to h would be better (like XHTML2), so we can deprecate 'h*' in the future without the "group" sounding strange
[Bug 9475] please add (script-based) syntax highlighting to examples
[Bug 9478] change src
[Bug 9480] the type for getter WindowProxy() by index or name should be any, not WindowProxy, to match the description of its behavior below
[Bug 9481] Should there be a step between 3 and 4: Otherwise, if elements has no elements, return undefined?
[Bug 9484] <audio> should have width (and height) as well. <video> has it, so it's pointless for <audio> not to. Currently, <audio> not having this breaks page layouts such as wikipedia, unless you workaround the problem by using <video> to play back audio content,
[Bug 9486] autocomplete form element attribute should be a DOMString attribute
[Bug 9488] selection . getRangeAt(index) <== Exception name is inccorrect should be INDEX_SIZE_ERR (Chris Apers)
[Bug 9489] Range object methods/properties is not described here. Should link to the related DOM Level 2 Reference http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html (Chris Apers)
[Bug 9491] Suggested wording improvement for <section> and <article> definitions
[Bug 9493] NAME attribute value rules need clarifying
[Bug 9495] Need links to text syntax in attributes index
[Bug 9498] gfds gsfdgds
[Bug 9499] derp derp derp derp derp derp derp
[Bug 9500] 2010-3-25 msn messenenger
[Bug 9501] so 'hr' is (almost) like empty 'h#' with # being the next applicable level ('h2' in the first example) and the first one being left out -- this section should point to the element's role (or non-role) in generating the document outline
[Bug 9502] @bug 9186: "abbr on td and th elements" -> "Use text ... <ins>or use the title attribute instead</ins>"
[Bug 9504] "text ... highlighted for reference purposes" sounds to me as if code syntax highlighting was one application, but #the-span-element and bug 9468 say otherwise
[Bug 9507] what the
[Bug 9510] Allow a meta content-language element to occur more than once
[Bug 9512] 4.6.5: the cite element when a person's name is the work's name
[Bug 9514] [Selection] Specify Selection.modify()
[Bug 9514] Specify Selection.modify()
[Bug 9516] space characters
[Bug 9518] Should reference W3C Recommendation 01 April 2010 "XML Entity Definitions for Characters"
[Bug 9519] Is it me, or is this a big deal not to support dates before year one?
[Bug 9521] Window Object
[Bug 9522] Window Object
[Bug 9523] <figcaption> should allow <p>s (change content model to flow)
[Bug 9524] "...the user agent is 7configured to block access" s/7//
[Bug 9526] Replace "text/javascript" with "application/ecmascript"
[Bug 9527] tags and syntax
[Bug 9529] output element reset algorithm should set value mode flag to default _before_ setting textContent
[Bug 9530] Validity of meta "pragmas"
[Bug 9534] audio element
[Bug 9535] Consider the poem example of figure. It should be possible to omit the </p> tag there. Maybe we should make <figcaption> imply </p> in the parser.
[Bug 9542] Recommended rendering for table alignment does not match reality
[Bug 9545] frameborder attribute on <iframe> should be obsolete but conforming
[Bug 9547] If more than one element has the autofocus attribute specified, only the first one should be focused
[Bug 9550] not all work with chrome
[Bug 9551] the clipping region are cool but how select one
[Bug 9556] Spelling Check: "Let current outlinee be null" Outlinee should be Outline?
[Bug 9559] "Color well control" should be "color wheel control" I think.
[Bug 9564] s/<span title="dom-output-wrap">htmlFor</span>/<span title="dom-output-htmlFor">htmlFor</span>/
[Bug 9572] test for gears, i like it
[Bug 9575] header lacks footerâs reference to scoping (nearest ancestor sectioning element/body)
[Bug 9576] just say "an ASCII case-insensitive match for "URL"" instead of "either a U+0055 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U character (U) or a U+0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U character (u), a U+0052 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R character (R) or a U+0072 LATIN SMALL LETTER R character
[Bug 9577] Define the x and y attributes. Both Gecko and WebKit have them and apparently some sites depend on them :/
[Bug 9578] On http-state it was mentioned that browsers support Set-Cookie here. Ugh!
[Bug 9579] An element should not suffer from pattern mismatch if the pattern attribute value is the empty string
[Bug 9580] Steps for handling end tags in the "in foreign" mode walk past the root node in the stack
[Bug 9582] Steps for handling end tags in the "in foreign" mode get stuck in an infinite loop
[Bug 9586] need support for changing tracks - especially audio tracks in the case of multilingual video media types
[Bug 9589] HTML5 should give examples for how to present @title when the user can't use a pointing device
[Bug 9590] Consider "prefix--" instead of "_prefix-" as a pattern for proprietary extensions
[Bug 9591] itemref should say "HTML elements"
[Bug 9592] user agents should provide an indication that an image has not been rendered
[Bug 9593] Anchors in spec are not consistent
[Bug 9594] iphone icon size is 57x57, not 59x60
[Bug 9596] lol lol lol lol wut
[Bug 9601] ose corners are the four points (sx, sy), (sx+sw, sy), (sx+sw, sy+sh), (sx, sy+sh). If the source rectangle is not entirely within the source image, or if one of the sw or sh arguments is zero, the implementation must raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception.
[Bug 9603] If the origin parameter does not match the Document origin the Referer header should also be excluded. Alternatively a way to omit the Referer header would be good for CORS.
[Bug 9615] this is sexy
[Bug 9621] How do we read the current Transform applied to the context?
[Bug 9622] How do we set the clip region for a draw operation?
[Bug 9625] select element should be able to suffer from being missing
[Bug 9627] be more specific in external references
[Bug 9628] Algorithm for detecting the charaset="" parameter.
[Bug 9631] Change name of <figcaption> to <summary>
[Bug 9634] Most enumerated attributes are not limited to only known values
[Bug 9636] autocomplete IDL attribute should be limited to only known values
[Bug 9638] Freeze while scrolling
[Bug 9639] step 31: ..."as a post-oad task". Obviousy misses a L ;)
[Bug 9643] <rp> should be able to used outside of rubies, for cases where CSS is used to present content. For example, in a chatting application: <span>John Doe<span><rp> [</rp>12:30am<rp>]</rp></span><span> where the inner <span> is floated right and the <rp> is hi
[Bug 9644] <marquee truespeed> is a boolean attribute
[Bug 9649] It doesn't look like any browser supports document.innerHTML
[Bug 9650] WHATWG Spec Web Site Freeze
[Bug 9652] Help me get thia resolved
[Bug 9657] Content model of object
[Bug 9659] Initial U+0000 should not set frameset-ok to "not ok"
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 19 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 15 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 14 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 12 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 7 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Monday, 4 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 1 October)
[Bug 9663] Should sequences of bytes be replaced by a single U+FFFD, or one U+FFFD per input byte?
[Bug 9667] assdadadada das da da d ad ads
[Bug 9668] teracts be shared by all thontent of the empty (collapsed, s
[Bug 9669] haloo asd as babrt
[Bug 9670] Allow "size" attribute for input-type "number"
[Bug 9672] "...whether or not the <user> can edit..."
[Bug 9673] Remove any reference to a specific Time Stamp format for video captioning from the specification at this time
[Bug 9674] "event" and "for" attributes are obsolete
[Bug 9688] ormat, as in "for HTML, ... (this does not apply to XHTML)". This specification uses the term document to refer to any use of HTML, ranging from short static documents to long essays or reports with rich multimedia, as well as to fully-fledged interactiv
[Bug 9690] Redefining elements can cause compatibility issues. What if some browsers read it the old way, and some the new way. This can lead to problems if someone uses the element the new way, only for it to be read the old way, or for old documents to require rew
[Bug 9692] var mboxCopyright = "© 2003-2009. Omniture, Inc. All rights reserved.";mboxUrlBuilder = function(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = new Array(); this.d = function(e) { return e; }; this.f = null;};mboxUrlBuilder.prototype.addParameter = functio
[Bug 9705] The use of the colon in the first sentence (â...within the page: a section with navigation links.â) may be confusing. Suggestion: âwithin the page. It is a section with navigation links.â
[Bug 9706] several bugs and comments on the draft
[Bug 9707] Obsolete permitted DOCTYPE strings: which MIME-type?
[Bug 9708] Remove step 20 from 'Forming a table' section ("table model error")
[Bug 9711] "The wbr element is expected to override the 'white-space' property and always provide a line-breaking opportunity." -- "In testing, I found that Gecko and WebKit allow <wbr> to override white-space: nowrap, but not white-space: pre." (from http://www.w3.
[Bug 9718] gjy khjk hkhjk hjk hh
[Bug 9719] ASsad asdawewfvdfqwe we qeased awe wdq
[Bug 9720] " method="post" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
[Bug 9724] value attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.
[Bug 9725] value attribute, if specified, must have a value that contains no U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters.
[Bug 9726] Spec the features argument
[Bug 9728] help me to get out of here!
[Bug 9730] The div.status.LC.current popup box for the <wbr>element refers to the <br> element.
[Bug 9731] please, add "nested forms, form nesting" words to the section (name or body) so search engines can find it, please!!!
[Bug 9732] Give more varied examples on the codecs parameter
[Bug 9733] one reason for having this not restricted to audiovisual streams would be the option of, say, reading a barcode scanning device to fill a shopping cart. This is something you currently need Java or a custom plugin for. rs232 and fs are the perfect thing f
[Bug 9735] Given that the media elements provide a clear fallback path, is there really a use case for canPlayType and its uncertainty?
[Bug 9741] enctype, formenctype, method and formmethod IDL attributes should be limited to only known values
[Bug 9742] vikram here to put a test comment
[Bug 9743] I misread this initially as pubdate or pubdate="pubdate" were allowed, then as pubdate="" or pubdate="pubdate" were allowed. providing an example of all three styles would be great
[Bug 9744] hiwhat the hell is this
[Bug 9748] There should also be a absolute time, a time from the media playing. For sync issues etc. See <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=566375>
[Bug 9749] document object model
[Bug 9750] Why may a content-type handler that isn't a plugin not handle a resource linked to by <embed>?
[Bug 9752] <p>What fruits do you like?</p> <ol ondragstart="dragStartHandler(event)" ondragend="dragEndHandler(event)"> ...as before... </ol> <script> function dragStartHandler(event) { // ...as before... } function dragEndHandler(event) { // remove t
[Bug 9753] yes yes yes
[Bug 9754] function dragEndHandler(event) { // remove the dragged element event.target.parentNode.removeChild(event.target); }
[Bug 9755] function dragEndHandler(event) { // remove the dragged element event.target.parentNode.removeChild(event.target); }
[Bug 9756] <p>What fruits do you like?</p> <ol ondragstart="dragStartHandler(event)"> <li draggable data-value="fruit-apple">Apples</li> <li draggable data-value="fruit-orange">Oranges</li> <li draggable data-value="fruit-pear">Pears</li> </ol> <script> var int
[Bug 9761] not fount problem
[Bug 9762] not found problem
[Bug 9767] Consider ignoring document.write() when IE ignores it if comes from the network task source
[Bug 9771] It's slightly strange that the Tokenizer keeps changing the "insertion mode" which appears to be parser-state. eric@webkit.org
[Bug 9783] I'd like to see a short explanation of online white list in this section and a link where it's used the first time.
[Bug 9785] Add a "filter" attribute. If set, the user agent will filter the datalist. If not, filter won't be filtered automatically (unless you do some sort of filtering by javascript or/and server-side)
[Bug 9794] typo. use -> user.
[Bug 9797] <meta http-equiv="Link"> not addressed by spec
[Bug 9798] The type attribute on <ol> and <ul> is semantic and should be permitted
[Bug 9799] Syntax of <ol@type> and <ul@type> should be aligned with CSS list-style-type
[Bug 9801] It would be useful to mention sectioning root elements with a link to 4.4.11 here
[Bug 9803] an sdas dkjasd kasd
[Bug 9804] "the alt attribute must be specified" so are you saying ALT is required?
[Bug 9810] How is the onLine parameter to be implemented? Here it is described, that it returns true if the user-agent might be online - I think it really has to be rewritten,
[Bug 9811] How is the onLine parameter to be implemented? Here it is described, that it returns true if the user-agent might be online - I think it really has to be rewritten,
[Bug 9817] Details element Focus problem
[Bug 9819] context hello, my name is john
[Bug 9820] How can I join the mailing list?
[Bug 9829] <button> should be scoping for the purpose of implicitly closing <p>
[Bug 9831] Handling of EOF in foreignContent mode causes all tags to be popped of stack of open elements
[Bug 9833] 4.6 Text-level semantics
[Bug 9839] "then set the foreign flag to true." - this would be easier to understand if it just said "set /foreign/ to true" since it is not called a flag when it is defined
[Bug 9841] input ="date" should allow pattern="" for national formats (ex: French date is dd/mm/yyyy )
[Bug 9843] Specced behavior for document.write("<link rel=stylesheet href=...><script>...</script>...") matches none of the top 4 engines
[Bug 9845] provide reference and info about HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives in html5 spec
[Bug 9847] legacy color value parsing algorithm should trim whitespace
[Bug 9852] fgdjggfhj fkg kjf
[Bug 9853] fgdjggfhj fkg kjf s dgsd hff g
[Bug 9854] multiple attribute
[Bug 9856] multiple attribute
[Bug 9861] drop |blink{text-decoration:blink}|; not supported by IE and WebKit, not needed for web compat
[Bug 9864] It would be nice to explicitly list what elements are media elements (video, audio, source)
[Bug 9865] Encrypted HTML5 forms
[Bug 9867] "To draw on the canvas, authors must first obtain a reference to a context": abuse of "must"
[Bug 9868] this is a good one
[Bug 9869] this is a good one
[Bug 9870] jasdfjasfsafas dfasdfasdfjasdjfasldfjasldfjals asldfjasldfj asdfj a;sldf asldfjasdf asdfl asflajsd flasjkdf aslfasdfajsdf
[Bug 9871] provide normative advice to conformance checkers about use of onevent handler attributes
[Bug 9872] trigger a conformance error when javascript is included in href attribute
[Bug 9873] hi i am here
[Bug 9875] what the fuck ?
[Bug 9876] Clarify that a figure can be any content with a caption
[Bug 9880] noticed the comment about per-source mutexes for storage. If that's not desired, an approach that has worked well in other API designs is an application-selectable mutex per context. Thus, each localStorage object could have a "_mutex" property, which by
[Bug 9881] The paragraph about setting a value with valueAsNumber is a bad copy/paste from valueAsDate. Some sentences should be changed with s/Date/Number/.
[Bug 9883] Notes on and request for references for Section 1.4: History
[Bug 9886] valueAsNumber is a double but the algorithm to convert a string to a number have to follow the rules for parsing float
[Bug 9887] parsing algorithm should allow HTML content in MathML <annotation-xml>
[Bug 9889] I wish the two states, Soft and Hard, were explained
[Bug 9892] s/specifically with regarding to/specifically regarding/
[Bug 9893] tabindex not listed in Table of Contents
[Bug 9895] HTMLImageElement's "complete" attribute definition implies immediate image decoding
[Bug 9896] need closing quote and /> for the p tag
[Bug 9897] need closing quote and /> for the very last p tag
[Bug 9904] <progress> element: max IDL attribute should return 1 not 0 when the content attribute is missing
[Bug 9905] this tag is inappropriate for the html spec. it does not follow philosophy of good semantic markup and should be removed.
[Bug 9906] Are RFC 2822 formatted dates valid?
[Bug 9908] in the example HTML for the "generator" attribute, the word generator is not quoted.
[Bug 9909] df fd
[Bug 9910] <basefont> and <bgsound> should not break out of 'in head', should be treated as a void elements within <head>
[Bug 9911] test yyy yeyey eeeeeey
[Bug 9912] test yyy yeyey eeeeeey
[Bug 9915] application cache progress event should also indicate how many more resources are yet to be downloaded
[Bug 9917] Often times the first non-blank frames are the least interesting. Poster images should do just that: show the most interesting part to entice the user to watch the video.
[Bug 9919] Remove kbd, samp, and maybe var, like acronym; expand <code>/<tt>/<i> or whatever to replace them
[Bug 9936] onclick attributes on any element that is not focusable should trigger a conformance error
[Bug 9941] If a script gets inserted into a document it will "run" and its "already started" flag will be set. How can the conditions of being in a document and child nodes being changed or src attribute being set ever apply?
[Bug 9943] Add a sudoku puzzle as an example table to demonstrate a table without headers.
[Bug 9945] usage of uppercase characters in element names
[Bug 9947] In the start tag whose tag name is "select" clause, the special behaviour if the insertion mode is "In Column Group" doesn't seem to be possible; that is you can never reach this clause in that insertion mode. Also there is a missing quote before in table
[Bug 9948] In "Any other end tag" the generate implied end tags should probably be excluding the name of the token otherwise we tend to pop everything off the stack
[Bug 9951] this is a test
[Bug 9961] View Source: Please base the markup of the polyglot spec on the polyglot spec
[Bug 9974] test test test
[Bug 9977] It shall be valuable if you add a "forcedownload" link type which forces the client to download the target document in the download window rather than opening the document in the same window of the browser as what is hapening right now
[Bug 9979] Why can't a value start out incomplete, e.g. "2010-" ?
[Bug 9981] let try this
[Bug 9983] [parser] Insertion point not saved for external scripts
[Bug 9986] add ability to add noscroll 'property' for objects like video. Right now when you scroll and your mouse hovers a video object it stops scrolling because it tries to scroll inside the video tag.
[Bug 9988] Seems the example does not match the description. Shouldn't the textarea (line 3) also be required?
[Bug 9990] this is very nice
[Bug 9993] this is a retarded web site
[Bug 9994] im bored and his is retarded
[Bug 9995] im being forced to read this and i dont understand it
[Bug 9996] this website isnt interesting and it takes too long to load
[Bug 9997] so how has your day been i wonder if your job is fun i mean what exactly do u do do you even get payed well enough
Last message date: Sunday, 31 October 2010 23:56:40 UTC