from February 2010 by subject

[Bug 5758] insufficient accessibility fallback for <audio> or <video>

[Bug 5807] User Agent display of title attribute content not defined

[Bug 5822] The headers attribute should be able to reference a td

[Bug 5823] Scope allowable on a td

[Bug 6181] Process table feedback (including headers='" issue)

[Bug 6462] Self-reference and cyclic references in headers=''

[Bug 6494] Make the requiredness about alt more obvious

[Bug 6496] [blocked on aria] Allow <img aria-labelledby> to act as a caption

[Bug 6501] should obsolete elements be omitted from h:tml draft?

[Bug 6502] should the canvas element be omitted from h:tml draft?

[Bug 6503] to what degree should formalisms be used (if at all) in the h:tml draft?

[Bug 6506] should h:tml draft include descriptions of element-specific APIs?

[Bug 6630] Optionalness of start tags when element is empty

[Bug 7011] [in off-bug discussion] canvas accessible fallback provision is under specified

[Bug 7144] I am not sure if we are ditching ALT in favour of legend. You don't make this clear here. Some of your alt examples here resemble longdesc, which I am in favour of ditching completely. I'd be interested to see your answer on whatwg list about this

[Bug 7260] Create testsuite for table headers association

[Bug 7362] inclusion of the title as a case where the alt may be omitted is problematic

[Bug 7386] SharedWorkerGlobalScope

[Bug 7404] "but only if the element is being rendered" needs to take into account <canvas> descendants if we're making them focusable

[Bug 7539] Since @summary is an official part of the table element, it is no longer obsolete. Suffienct warning language exists in it's definition that this entry should be removed

[Bug 7616] Move requirement about obsolete doctypes

[Bug 7633] The use of @summary should be encouraged when circumstances warrant

[Bug 7657] Redefining dt and dd

[Bug 7669] Redefining dt and dd, recommend new element as caption for Figure

[Bug 7670] Use of prefixes is too complicated for a Web technology

[Bug 7721] Drag and Drop is not keyboard accessible

[Bug 7740] Authoring advice for canvas is bad for accessibility

[Bug 7744] Is sniffing required?

[Bug 7896] Specify pageshow and pagehide events

[Bug 8000] ARIA roles added to the a element should be conforming in HTML5

[Bug 8088] Change back the meaning of <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="FOO, BAR">

[Bug 8118] Remove the Hidden Attribute

[Bug 8144] Is a 'visibility: hidden' element being rendered?

[Bug 8171] Implement the text alternatives proposal from WAI

[Bug 8187] Section 4.8.7 on video makes no reference to audio description

[Bug 8207] Change definition of URL to normative reference to IRIBIS

[Bug 8238] Add support for X3D

[Bug 8252] HTTP caching rules are _ignored_? What's wrong with extending Cache-Control to support user-agent caching instead of coming up with an entirely new mechanism?

[Bug 8321] change controller for HTML media type

[Bug 8325] Please remove requirements that errors "must be reported to the user" and "should be reported to the user" throughout; "may be reported to the user" is appropriate. [sp]

[Bug 8331] Move the Canvas 2D context API into a separate spec

[Bug 8357] Possible Compromise solution for namespaces in HTML5

[Bug 8375] Mention that when in "in select in table", there is always a "select" element in table scope

[Bug 8379] Remove Section 4.11.1 The Details Element

[Bug 8404] Refocus the figure element back to being a figure

[Bug 8436] "granularity that is expected (and required) of the value, by limiting the allowed values" -- granularity requirments may often be different for validation versus usability/ui-control purposes. There should be a 'step' for possible GUI controls and an oth

[Bug 8449] Remove extraneous material from Table section

[Bug 8486] Define inheritance of lang, dir, style, and presatational attributes (HTML4 § "Inheritance of alignment specifications") [ms]

[Bug 8490] Shouldn't postMessage throw SYNTAX_ERR when targetOrigin is a relative URL (e.g. '/')? [sp]

[Bug 8506] The value of a hidden-state input element as defined here does not have a concept of a defaultValue.

[Bug 8522] Authoring Tool editing mechanisms

[Bug 8523] WYSYWYG tools should gather semantic information

[Bug 8524] Guidance for Authoring Tool Markup Generators

[Bug 8525] Authoring Tools are exempt from using elements only for their specified purpose

[Bug 8549] Define bgsound, multicol. [ms]

[Bug 8554] <progress> element should be labelable with a label

[Bug 8590] can empty string be a valid keyword?

[Bug 8591] list document.html under DOM tree accessors?

[Bug 8600] include header and footer when printing

[Bug 8600] include header when printing

[Bug 8601] include footer when printing

[Bug 8606] ambiguous ampersand does not include character references

[Bug 8608] W3C Validator errors reported on HTML5 spec

[Bug 8617] Purpose of the icon attribute

[Bug 8619] Problematic for assistive technologies

[Bug 8620] No concept of interoperability beyond the site

[Bug 8621] Orphan nodes in content models

[Bug 8622] Activation behaviour and pre-click activation

[Bug 8623] Graceful degradation when using the style element

[Bug 8632] typo: last line of says "do nothing where where"

[Bug 8633] In step 3 of the setTimeout() algorithm, either delete "either" or add an "or" clause to it. Also, in step 5, the context variable is undefined (unless the definition from the "get the timed task" subroutine applies here).

[Bug 8634] typo: "was the most recently became"

[Bug 8637] You mean HTMLDocument, not DocumentHTML, right? DocumentHTML appears twice in this section.

[Bug 8638] typo: "is represents" right below the box of IDL

[Bug 8639] queryCommandIndeterm() always returns false for all commands defined by the spec. So either remove the method or add a note explaining its purpose so that vendor extensions can use it in the way intended.

[Bug 8641] use type="image/" for windows.ico

[Bug 8643] Headings out of sequence

[Bug 8644] Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 8645] Alt text for images

[Bug 8646] Private communication exception

[Bug 8647] Define tab order for IFrame

[Bug 8648] Title attribute on the IFrame element

[Bug 8649] Resize IFrame

[Bug 8650] Is there any need to add additional information about the video file (bitrate, for example) that would help the UA determine if it can play the file?

[Bug 8652] what to display when images are not available is not well specified

[Bug 8656] Allow user to select fallback content for the object element

[Bug 8657] Allow UA to reload fallback content if it fails to load

[Bug 8658] Availability of captions or additional audio tracks

[Bug 8659] Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions

[Bug 8660] Context for areas on an image map

[Bug 8661] Contradiction of dimension attributes

[Bug 8664] Media error code typo

[Bug 8665] Spec currently says "Here is an of a range control" - seems like it should say "Here is an example of a range control"

[Bug 8666] Keyboard accessible date pickers

[Bug 8667] Ability to style validation errors

[Bug 8668] Clarify default behavior for the details element

[Bug 8669] Ability to wrap a command around a larger group of elements

[Bug 8670] Parent for radiobuttons with same radiogroup

[Bug 8671] Requiring the label attribute

[Bug 8672] Synthetic clicks same as real clicks

[Bug 8673] Restriction on command element as part of a menu

[Bug 8674] Add popup as a value for the type attribute for menu element

[Bug 8675] visibility:hidden and visibility:collapse should probably also mean it's not "being rendered" [sp]

[Bug 8676] can the placeholder text be styled via css? for example, if I believe the shade of gray is too light, can I make it darker easily?

[Bug 8679] Menu example contains a violation of WCAG 2.0

[Bug 8680] Meaningful label in menu example

[Bug 8681] Separator menu items

[Bug 8682] Tab and reading order for context menus

[Bug 8683] UA context menu when author context menu shown

[Bug 8684] Ensuring user can always access UA's default context menus

[Bug 8685] "JavaScript libraries may use the custom data attributes,": fix xref [ms]

[Bug 8686] Space ship example: s/<code class="attr-class">class</code>/<code title="attr-class">class</code>/ [ms]

[Bug 8688] Second example uses ALLCAPS for elements

[Bug 8689] Consider moving the Links subsection into the Elements section, since the Elements subsection these days has lots of processing model subsections.

[Bug 8690] move WindowProxy under the Window section rather than making it a peer, since it's just an implementation detail.

[Bug 8691] Consider moving Timers, User prompts, System state and capabilities, and Offline Web applications into a "Web application APIs" section, and renaming the remaining material from that section to "Core" or some such, to split up that section and make it mor

[Bug 8692] |datagrid| is not commented out in Special set

[Bug 8695] Spec currently says " because the order is not particular important" - should say " because the order is not particularly important" or " because the order is not of particular importance"

[Bug 8696] "close tag" -> "end tag" for consistency

[Bug 8698] add conformance criteria info to header/banner

[Bug 8699] the second note is not always true: script.innerHTML = '<!--' does raise a parse error if the "script data" state is used but does not if the PLAINTEXT state is used

[Bug 8700] modify contentinfo mapping and conformance

[Bug 8701] modify main role conformance info

[Bug 8702] "Within a single dl element, there should not be more than one dt element for each name" - intention of this requirement is unclear; is this a machine-checkable requirement, or a requirement on semantics? What will be used to compare "name"s, textContent

[Bug 8703] please disallow charset parameter in type="" (it is disallowed in script's type="")

[Bug 8704] please disallow attributes for form submission unless the |type| attribute is in the Submit Button state

[Bug 8705] "The request must include a Referer (sic) HTTP header [sic]" [sic] [ms]

[Bug 8709] "If the current outlinee is null." ends in a full-stop, the rest of the list does not.

[Bug 8710] option . text: c/p'd too much; also add a line in the IDL [ms]

[Bug 8711] Conversion of blockquote and q elements to RDF (sec 5.5.2, step 4) states that the subject should be the document address, but it should be an identifier for the quote.

[Bug 8715] Scrolling elements into view

[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives

[Bug 8717] Usability and Element-level-focus-apis

[Bug 8718] Typo in "and thus typically encodings" should say "and thus typical encodings"

[Bug 8720] define rendering for wbr [sp]

[Bug 8721] Getting an error that the local database can't be found..And how is the privacy being handled? And should i be worried about security leaks?

[Bug 8722] focus behaviour should be same for canvas regions as for elements

[Bug 8723] image map is underspecified

[Bug 8725] text/sandboxed-html vs <iframe sandbox> and backcompat

[Bug 8726] the <figure/> element should be under 4.5 Grouping content and not here (4.8 Embedded content)

[Bug 8727] registration procedure for meta/@name values

[Bug 8728] s/<code title="attr-font-style">style</code>/<code title="attr-style">style</code>/ [ms]

[Bug 8729] dataTransfer for dragenter and dragover can't really be Empty if the drop target is to actually determine whether it can accept the drag. In an ideal world, files would exist but only make the mime type of the file available.

[Bug 8730] Buffering should not be a boolean "autobuffer" tag - but something along the lines of "buffermax= n%" There should also be a "no-cache" attribute - this will overcome expected objections from copyright holders

[Bug 8731] Consider expanding buffering control for media elements

[Bug 8733] Add examples: <video src onerror>; <video><source ...><source ...><source ... onerror> (see [sp]

[Bug 8735] Add rel="edit" to list of defined types

[Bug 8736] Decision to playback for media should be left to the user agent

[Bug 8737] Allowing option with no value to be a command

[Bug 8738] Role-based navigation

[Bug 8739] Link element with active pseudo-class

[Bug 8740] How do pseudo-class selectors interact with WAI-ARIA?

[Bug 8741] Isn't pre-order the same as depth-first? That would make "pre-order, depth-first" redundant.

[Bug 8742] User informed when URI can#t be resolved

[Bug 8743] Auditory icons clashing with AT

[Bug 8745] Deprecation of the use of TABLE for Layout

[Bug 8746] Text separator between links in markup example

[Bug 8747] Defining how a license applies to elements

[Bug 8748] Differentiating hyperlinks referring to the same tag in different scopes

[Bug 8749] Conveying the hierarchy or relationship between the links to AT

[Bug 8750] User able to override the hidden attribute in incorrectly rendered pages

[Bug 8751] User should have ability to override automatic scrolling

[Bug 8752] Allow user to manage focus changes

[Bug 8753] Undo for drag and drop

[Bug 8754] Overflow when text is resized

[Bug 8755] Automatic reduction of text-size is unnecessary

[Bug 8757] This section shouldn't be marked as impl, it's mainly for authors. [ms]

[Bug 8760] No codec is suggested for baseline for standardization. A codec that is able to be freely licensed (gratis and libre) for any purpose needs to be chosen at least as a "strong suggestion or recommendation."

[Bug 8764] The first instance of the term "needs a date" should be marked up with <dfn> so cross references work.

[Bug 8767] <svg><font>x</font>y</svg>z is not parsed as intended. the in body insertion mode processes </font> as HTML formatting element, not as a foreign element's tag.

[Bug 8768] The attribute value can be left unquoted if it doesn't > The attribute value can stay unquoted if it doesn't (in order to prevent thinking about unquoting left-side-part of the "=" character)

[Bug 8769] Can there be a link to the XML proper syntax-level requirements? This specification does not define any syntax-level requirements beyond those defined for XML proper.

[Bug 8772] "This doesn't apply to Document.setAttributeNS()and Document.setAttributeNodeNS()." Is that because there are no such methods on *Document*? [ms]

[Bug 8773] there is should be public property array transformMatrix []

[Bug 8774] Double newline after getItems [ms]

[Bug 8781] 'being closed' -> 'was closed'

[Bug 8782] reinvestigate what parts of session history should be sync and what parts should be async

[Bug 8784] politics in <param> example

[Bug 8787] how to handle session in html

[Bug 8788] Should the compact IDL attribute on (ul|ol|dl|dir|menu) be boolean as in DOM2HTML? [ms]

[Bug 8789] What characters can be used in a name?

[Bug 8792] getElementsByName and getElementsByClassName allow returning the same NodeList repeatedly

[Bug 8793] registration procedure for@rel values

[Bug 8794] It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin

[Bug 8798] It seems Opera and Firefox now have coordinate (0,0) at the content edge instead of the border edge (and allow negative coordinates if clicking on the border). Consider revising this requirement to match Opera and Firefox. (Haven't tested IE.) [sp]

[Bug 8800] Cut/copy/paste should use dedicated events instead of overloading drag and drop

[Bug 8802] The drawImage function should be able to handle animated pictures by adding an additional parameter 'restart'. If restart is set to true, then the first frame is loaded - otherwise, it moves one frame forward from the last time drawImage was called on the

[Bug 8803] scope=rowgroup or scope=colgroup header cells should not be added to /header list/ if the header cell is the /principal cell/ itself (substeps 5. and 6.)

[Bug 8804] I see no value in making the reader go through a paragraph saying what not to do. Despite that the list is infinite, authors will do whatever they want. And ultimately if they are using certain elements for a putpose different from the original it usually

[Bug 8806] iframe srcdoc examples

[Bug 8807] If the "body" attribute no longer exists, "body" should be removed from the list of IDL attributes that reflect their respective content attributes of the same name

[Bug 8808] extraneous colon in author view

[Bug 8811] itemtype should be

[Bug 8813] "mime type of plugin"

[Bug 8816] Need to define that setting HTMLOptionsCollection.length fires mutation events accordingly.

[Bug 8818] Remove the srcdoc attribute

[Bug 8821] discarding a doc that hasn't gone through the unload steps should run the steps that clear timeouts, databases, etc

[Bug 8822] should make cookie setting dependent on whether the document has a URL, not on whether it has a browsing context; and should fail silently (set does nothing, get returns "") when there isn't one.

[Bug 8825] "begin to use the bytes provided for the document as the input stream for that parser" is way too vague -- it should relate to the parsing tasks mentioned in the event loop section ("one per byte" etc)

[Bug 8826] about:blank should use standards mode

[Bug 8827] Inappropriate spec text and advice where images are not known

[Bug 8828] definition of "plugin"

[Bug 8830] cut-n-paste error: in the "agent" paragraph you can read: "Any number of properties with the name _logo_ may...." -- Gianmarco Armellin

[Bug 8833] Please allow the title of the spec currently known as "HTML5" to be changed to an accurate title.

[Bug 8834] Please remove the subtitle from the spec known as "HTML5"

[Bug 8835] Clarifcation of the purpose of "Markup" spec and possible renaming of it.

[Bug 8836] "The Selectors specification, in conjunction with CSS, can be used to style text selections using the ::selection pseudo-element.": Not anymore. [ms]

[Bug 8837] Initial about:blank should fire DOMFrameContentLoaded and load events when not navigated immediately

[Bug 8841] Section 2.7.8 Exceptions: The DOMException codes with code number >= 18 do not appear in the referenced document [DOMCORE]. So it should be noted that these codes were introduced by HTML5

[Bug 8842] id="dome" should be id="home"

[Bug 8843] Is <pre> element a phrasing content? An example of <figure> element shows a <pre> element in <figure> element.

[Bug 8844] Since this section is shared with the XML parser should this be its own generic section rather than a subsection of the HTML parser? [avk]

[Bug 8845] Reference for (US-)ASCII

[Bug 8847] srcdoc should be listed after src, not autoplay; in attributes overview table

[Bug 8849] The ability for an author to completely disable javascript on their webpage - an html scripts="no" attribute

[Bug 8850] “himself” assumes all authors are male, which is incorrect (and misogynistic). “themself” is correct.

[Bug 8851] "vevent" example: "dtend" value and accompanying text inconsistent? (20 vs 19)

[Bug 8853] New: sessionStorage

[Bug 8853] sessionStorage

[Bug 8854] New: opendatabase

[Bug 8854] opendatabase

[Bug 8855] New: tel URI reference

[Bug 8855] tel URI reference

[Bug 8856] New: url parameter in register*Handler

[Bug 8856] url parameter in register*Handler

[Bug 8857] New: references to openDatabase and localStorage

[Bug 8857] references to openDatabase and localStorage

[Bug 8863] I need a way of interrogating features drawn onto a canvas. I would like to use a canvas to represent layers/groups of features...which i control wholistically as well as interrogate individually. Think of a map for has layers...where each l

[Bug 8863] New: I need a way of interrogating features drawn onto a canvas. I would like to use a canvas to represent layers/groups of features...which i control wholistically as well as interrogate individually. Think of a map for has layers...where each l

[Bug 8864] If there are two <param>s with the same name, the last one should be used, apparently. [sp]

[Bug 8864] New: If there are two <param>s with the same name, the last one should be used, apparently. [sp]

[Bug 8865] New: The order of the attributes need to be the same as the source order when passing as parameters to the plugin, apparently. [sp]

[Bug 8865] The order of the attributes need to be the same as the source order when passing as parameters to the plugin, apparently. [sp]

[Bug 8866] definition of "same-origin policy"

[Bug 8866] New: definition of "same-origin policy"

[Bug 8868] content model should say "if the span attribute is specified: empty. otherwise: zero or more col elements." [sp]

[Bug 8868] New: content model should say "if the span attribute is specified: empty. otherwise: zero or more col elements." [sp]

[Bug 8869] Fetch algorithm should specify that no Referer is sent when the origin is a unique identifier

[Bug 8869] New: Fetch algorithm should specify that no Referer is sent when the origin is a unique identifier

[Bug 8870] Firefox 3.5.7 was non responsive on a 15' Macbook Pro running OSX 10.5.8 after visiting this page

[Bug 8870] New: Firefox 3.5.7 was non responsive on a 15' Macbook Pro running OSX 10.5.8 after visiting this page

[Bug 8871] Empty attribute syntax definition seems incorrect.

[Bug 8871] New: Empty attribute syntax definition seems incorrect.

[Bug 8872] New: split out and modify parts of Section the img element

[Bug 8872] split out and modify parts of Section the img element

[Bug 8878] "Otherwise, the user agent must must split the attribute's value on spaces, and let keys be the resulting tokens." - Double "must" at the second point.

[Bug 8878] New: "Otherwise, the user agent must must split the attribute's value on spaces, and let keys be the resulting tokens." - Double "must" at the second point.

[Bug 8880] line feed

[Bug 8880] New: line feed

[Bug 8883] insert number

[Bug 8883] New: insert number

[Bug 8885] Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 8885] New: Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 8888] maybe this should have id="loading-web-pages" instead of id="browsers"

[Bug 8888] New: maybe this should have id="loading-web-pages" instead of id="browsers"

[Bug 8889] New: Web application APIs link points to Loading Web pages

[Bug 8889] Web application APIs link points to Loading Web pages

[Bug 8891] New: No change or so-called zero edit proposals

[Bug 8891] No change or so-called zero edit proposals

[Bug 8892] HTML5 editor should propose changes within email list

[Bug 8892] New: HTML5 editor should propose changes within email list

[Bug 8893] New: Clarify how Change Proposals get reviewed and what happens to Change Proposals that do not meet requirements

[Bug 8894] New: Document process for counter-proposals and alternate proposals

[Bug 8895] Document policy for First Public Working Drafts

[Bug 8895] New: Document policy for First Public Working Drafts

[Bug 8896] New: Clarify that anyone who is dissatisfied with a bug resolution may reopen or escalate

[Bug 8897] New: note: W3C markup validation tool (for HTML5 and not HTML 4.01) gives two errors in the case of height = width = 0

[Bug 8897] note: W3C markup validation tool (for HTML5 and not HTML 4.01) gives two errors in the case of height = width = 0

[Bug 8898] New: please make title element optional if higher-level protocol provides similar information (e.g. as email Subject: header field)

[Bug 8898] please make title element optional if higher-level protocol provides similar information (e.g. as email Subject: header field)

[Bug 8899] it should define how to parse or compare mime types because http spec does not define it but html UAs have to know how to treat invalid input such as type="text/css; incomplete-parameter"

[Bug 8899] New: it should define how to parse or compare mime types because http spec does not define it but html UAs have to know how to treat invalid input such as type="text/css; incomplete-parameter"

[Bug 8902] New: Sentence 2 "When ..." is unclear to me.For instance, what does 'that' refer to?

[Bug 8902] Sentence 2 "When ..." is unclear to me.For instance, what does 'that' refer to?

[Bug 8903] Algorithm given is missing a final check to reject strings with trailing non-digits, like "123A", which the initial definition appears to exclude.

[Bug 8903] New: Algorithm given is missing a final check to reject strings with trailing non-digits, like "123A", which the initial definition appears to exclude.

[Bug 8904] New: synchronous version of fetch algorithm

[Bug 8904] synchronous version of fetch algorithm

[Bug 8905] New: will we be able to stream data from a device through a socket?

[Bug 8905] will we be able to stream data from a device through a socket?

[Bug 8906] New: terminlogy "URL"

[Bug 8906] terminology "URL"

[Bug 8910] "If the user has requested the user of particular focus rings" -- should probably be "requested the use"?

[Bug 8910] New: "If the user has requested the user of particular focus rings" -- should probably be "requested the use"?

[Bug 8911] "Pause until" if implemented literally would lock the browser up since fetch tasks can't be processed while paused.

[Bug 8911] New: "Pause until" if implemented literally would lock the browser up since fetch tasks can't be processed while paused.

[Bug 8912] New: Why can't defer be used on inline scripts? If the script execution is slow (which can include loading of preceeding style sheets), the browser will have to wait until it can continue parsing and start downloading subsequent external resources.

[Bug 8912] Why can't defer be used on inline scripts? If the script execution is slow (which can include loading of preceeding style sheets), the browser will have to wait until it can continue parsing and start downloading subsequent external resources.

[Bug 8914] Are there cases other than the fragment id where the current address can change during the lifetime of a Document

[Bug 8914] New: Are there cases other than the fragment id where the current address can change during the lifetime of a Document

[Bug 8915] "the active document of the script's browsing context" -- is there more author-friendly terminology we can use here (in addition to the existing)

[Bug 8915] New: "the active document of the script's browsing context" -- is there more author-friendly terminology we can use here (in addition to the existing)

[Bug 8916] "effective script origin" links to "Relaxing the same-origin restriction" but the term is not used. At the very least, the linked-to section should say that .domain sets the "effective script origin" -- perhaps a reference to the same origin policy here w

[Bug 8916] New: "effective script origin" links to "Relaxing the same-origin restriction" but the term is not used. At the very least, the linked-to section should say that .domain sets the "effective script origin" -- perhaps a reference to the same origin policy here w

[Bug 8917] New: This could use an introduction. What does "resource metadata management" mean?

[Bug 8917] This could use an introduction. What does "resource metadata management" mean?

[Bug 8918] Are there other cases than coming from no referrer (just typing into the UA) and the noreferrer link that will result in a blank document.referrer?

[Bug 8918] New: Are there other cases than coming from no referrer (just typing into the UA) and the noreferrer link that will result in a blank document.referrer?

[Bug 8919] New: Should be clearer that the setter actually appends, and not replaces

[Bug 8919] Should be clearer that the setter actually appends, and not replaces

[Bug 8920] "sandboxed into a unique origin" means in an iframe with the seamless attribute? Are there other cases?

[Bug 8920] New: "sandboxed into a unique origin" means in an iframe with the seamless attribute? Are there other cases?

[Bug 8921] Is there a way to get the time zone of the server?

[Bug 8921] New: Is there a way to get the time zone of the server?

[Bug 8922] "Returns what might be the user agent's default character encoding" -- when might it not be? What are the caveats here?

[Bug 8922] New: "Returns what might be the user agent's default character encoding" -- when might it not be? What are the caveats here?

[Bug 8923] New: The "document's character encoding" link does not go anywhere.

[Bug 8923] The "document's character encoding" link does not go anywhere.

[Bug 8924] Custom attribute names in dataset

[Bug 8924] New: Custom attribute names in dataset

[Bug 8925] Can we link NodeList here to the NodeList specification?

[Bug 8925] New: Can we link NodeList here to the NodeList specification?

[Bug 8926] How does an author *get* an object implementing DOMHTMLImplementation?

[Bug 8926] New: How does an author *get* an object implementing DOMHTMLImplementation?

[Bug 8927] Instead of a list of on* elements, perhaps have a general-purpose event table we can use over and over? And then describe the actual events here?

[Bug 8927] New: Instead of a list of on* elements, perhaps have a general-purpose event table we can use over and over? And then describe the actual events here?

[Bug 8928] A listing of which events were fired on which elements, and at what times, would be extremely useful. For instance, the table in claims that the volumechange event is

[Bug 8928] New: A listing of which events were fired on which elements, and at what times, would be extremely useful. For instance, the table in claims that the volumechange event is

[Bug 8929] In the assistive technology section, explicitly mention role and aria-* (as we do a few lines above for "custom data attributes")

[Bug 8929] New: In the assistive technology section, explicitly mention role and aria-* (as we do a few lines above for "custom data attributes")

[Bug 8930] In HTML, an element's "home subtree" is the set of descendants from the HTML node. Perhaps say that?

[Bug 8930] New: In HTML, an element's "home subtree" is the set of descendants from the HTML node. Perhaps say that?

[Bug 8931] New: The description for getting the lang from an ancestor is different from the description for getting the title, even though it appears they would behave identically.

[Bug 8931] The description for getting the lang from an ancestor is different from the description for getting the title, even though it appears they would behave identically.

[Bug 8932] "The attribute has no defaults" is inconsistent with "otherwise, the element's directionality is the same as its parent element, or 'ltr' if there is no parent element"

[Bug 8932] New: "The attribute has no defaults" is inconsistent with "otherwise, the element's directionality is the same as its parent element, or 'ltr' if there is no parent element"

[Bug 8933] Add a forms intro section that walks the user through creating a form, and discusses what would be submitted, and how to do client-side form validation.

[Bug 8933] New: Add a forms intro section that walks the user through creating a form, and discusses what would be submitted, and how to do client-side form validation.

[Bug 8934] New: The Atom specification example could be rewritten as: "For example, the Atom specification defines a content element. When its type element has the value xhtml, the specification requires that it contain a single HTML div element. Thus ..."

[Bug 8934] The Atom specification example could be rewritten as: "For example, the Atom specification defines a content element. When its type element has the value xhtml, the specification requires that it contain a single HTML div element. Thus ..."

[Bug 8935] New: The Atom specification example could be rewritten as: "For example, the Atom specification defines a content element. When its type element has the value xhtml, the specification requires that it contain a single HTML div element. Thus ..."

[Bug 8935] The Atom specification example could be rewritten as: "For example, the Atom specification defines a content element. When its type element has the value xhtml, the specification requires that it contain a single HTML div element. Thus ..."

[Bug 8936] A summary table of the types of content and what elements belong to each would be helpful

[Bug 8936] New: A summary table of the types of content and what elements belong to each would be helpful

[Bug 8937] New: setAttribute should specify the parameters (at least how many, but probably also a short description of each)

[Bug 8937] setAttribute should specify the parameters (at least how many, but probably also a short description of each)

[Bug 8938] New: We should explicitly say that using document.write after a document has been fully parsed results in the document being replaced. It's currently implicit in "calls the open() method implicitly first" but it would be nice to be clearer

[Bug 8938] We should explicitly say that using document.write after a document has been fully parsed results in the document being replaced. It's currently implicit in "calls the open() method implicitly first" but it would be nice to be clearer

[Bug 8939] New: so nice

[Bug 8939] so nice

[Bug 8940] New: so nice

[Bug 8940] so nice

[Bug 8941] "Wherever a subdocument fragment is allowed in a compound document" -- what cases are these exactly?

[Bug 8941] New: "Wherever a subdocument fragment is allowed in a compound document" -- what cases are these exactly?

[Bug 8942] "Only the newest application cache in an application cache group can have its completeness flag set to incomplete, the others are always all complete." s/,/;/ (thanks DanC)

[Bug 8942] New: "Only the newest application cache in an application cache group can have its completeness flag set to incomplete, the others are always all complete." s/,/;/ (thanks DanC)

[Bug 8943] "Each browsing context, including nested browsing context, has a distinct session history." is missing an "s" in the middle clause. (Thanks DanC.)

[Bug 8943] New: "Each browsing context, including nested browsing context, has a distinct session history." is missing an "s" in the middle clause. (Thanks DanC.)

[Bug 8944] "Where metadata content is expected" -- Where is that defined?

[Bug 8944] New: "Where metadata content is expected" -- Where is that defined?

[Bug 8945] Missing <del> in the interfaces index (Thanks Mike)

[Bug 8945] New: Missing <del> in the interfaces index (Thanks Mike)

[Bug 8946] H:TML title is confusing

[Bug 8946] New: H:TML title is confusing

[Bug 8948] New: text/richtext is obsolete; it is inappropriate as an example

[Bug 8948] text/richtext is obsolete; it is inappropriate as an example

[Bug 8949] New: The exact behavior for links to external resources depends on the exact relationship, as defined for the relevant link type. Some of the attributes control whether or not the external resource is to be applied (as defined below). For external resources th

[Bug 8949] The exact behavior for links to external resources depends on the exact relationship, as defined for the relevant link type. Some of the attributes control whether or not the external resource is to be applied (as defined below). For external resources th

[Bug 8950] Apparently the codebase attribute on object should not be passed to the plugin. (This does not apply to embed or applet.) [sp]

[Bug 8950] New: Apparently the codebase attribute on object should not be passed to the plugin. (This does not apply to embed or applet.) [sp]

[Bug 8951] "When the labeled control is not being rendered, then the label element's activation behavior must be to do nothing." - doesn't match opera/webkit/firefox: . (Regarding focus management, visi

[Bug 8951] New: "When the labeled control is not being rendered, then the label element's activation behavior must be to do nothing." - doesn't match opera/webkit/firefox: . (Regarding focus management, visi

[Bug 8953] New: URL decomp. IDL attributes when parsing fails

[Bug 8953] URL decomp. IDL attributes when parsing fails

[Bug 8954] browser support

[Bug 8954] New: browser support

[Bug 8955] "were the only form with a validity constraint problem" should be the only form _control_.

[Bug 8955] New: "were the only form with a validity constraint problem" should be the only form _control_.

[Bug 8956] New: what is this?

[Bug 8956] what is this?

[Bug 8957] comments about HTTP requirements on redirects

[Bug 8957] New: comments about HTTP requirements on redirects

[Bug 8958] New: The constraint on "low" and "high" should be expressed as the others: "low ≤ high (if low and high are both specified)"

[Bug 8958] The constraint on "low" and "high" should be expressed as the others: "low &#8804; high (if low and high are both specified)"

[Bug 8959] New: Shouldn't the headers in the second example's comments be footers? "A footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote it" makes it confusing.

[Bug 8959] Shouldn't the headers in the second example's comments be footers? "A footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote it" makes it confusing.

[Bug 8961] HTMLImageElement does not inherit from HTMLMediaElement?

[Bug 8961] New: HTMLImageElement does not inherit from HTMLMediaElement?

[Bug 8963] img url

[Bug 8963] New: img url

[Bug 8964] is INDEX_SIZE_ERR fired if value is less than zero also?

[Bug 8964] New: is INDEX_SIZE_ERR fired if value is less than zero also?

[Bug 8966] Consider "<svg><desc><div><svg><desc><b>X" — Should we change "Pop elements from the stack of open elements until the current node is in the HTML namespace." in the in-foreign-content mode to actually be "Pop elements until there's no element in scope t

[Bug 8966] New: Consider "<svg><desc><div><svg><desc><b>X" — Should we change "Pop elements from the stack of open elements until the current node is in the HTML namespace." in the in-foreign-content mode to actually be "Pop elements until there's no element in scope t

[Bug 8967] New: Why is the optional argument in the middle? Isn't it more convenient when copy/pasting code to make optional modifications at either end without having to precisely place the cursor somewhere in the middle? Particularly for piecing together arguments, too

[Bug 8967] Why is the optional argument in the middle? Isn't it more convenient when copy/pasting code to make optional modifications at either end without having to precisely place the cursor somewhere in the middle? Particularly for piecing together arguments, too

[Bug 8968] New: typo: "comparedi" should, I presume, be "compared".

[Bug 8968] typo: "comparedi" should, I presume, be "compared".

[Bug 8969] "If the entry in the list of active timeouts that was added in the earlier step has been cleared, then abort this algorithm" should be done in the task that is queued, not before the task is queued. Same for setInterval().

[Bug 8969] New: "If the entry in the list of active timeouts that was added in the earlier step has been cleared, then abort this algorithm" should be done in the task that is queued, not before the task is queued. Same for setInterval().

[Bug 8970] New: Should "Empty the Document's Window's list of active timeouts and its list of active intervals." actually happen if the document is to be salvaged?

[Bug 8970] Should "Empty the Document's Window's list of active timeouts and its list of active intervals." actually happen if the document is to be salvaged?

[Bug 8971] Keygen example <form> has type in enctype - should be "multipart/form-data", not "multipart/formdata".

[Bug 8971] New: Keygen example <form> has type in enctype - should be "multipart/form-data", not "multipart/formdata".

[Bug 8972] New: Would a <figcaption> that is the last element of a <figure> be a candidate for this list? The validator doesn't think so, but I it would be convenient.

[Bug 8972] Would a <figcaption> that is the last element of a <figure> be a candidate for this list? The validator doesn't think so, but I it would be convenient.

[Bug 8973] Make sure "script's browsing context" is not used to define an origin, since browsing contexts don't have origins. It has to be the script's browsing context's active document.

[Bug 8973] New: Make sure "script's browsing context" is not used to define an origin, since browsing contexts don't have origins. It has to be the script's browsing context's active document.

[Bug 8974] Check why the last sentence of "script's URL character encoding" is an xref error (same with the next <dd> too).

[Bug 8974] New: Check why the last sentence of "script's URL character encoding" is an xref error (same with the next <dd> too).

[Bug 8975] New: trees are good

[Bug 8975] trees are good

[Bug 8976] Modifying the Input Document section is labeled as informative but include normative requirements

[Bug 8976] New: Modifying the Input Document section is labeled as informative but include normative requirements

[Bug 8977] New: Some conformance keywords are used prior to the Conformance Requirements section

[Bug 8977] Some conformance keywords are used prior to the Conformance Requirements section

[Bug 8978] Document conformance requirements does not state that extensions to HTML5 syntax are allowed

[Bug 8978] New: Document conformance requirements does not state that extensions to HTML5 syntax are allowed

[Bug 8979] New: Please reconsider should-level requirement for version attribute

[Bug 8979] Please reconsider should-level requirement for version attribute

[Bug 8980] HTML+RDFa has should-/may-level requirements for undefined constructs

[Bug 8980] New: HTML+RDFa has should-/may-level requirements for undefined constructs

[Bug 8981] Conforming documents are not required to use RDFa constructs in a conforming way

[Bug 8981] New: Conforming documents are not required to use RDFa constructs in a conforming way

[Bug 8982] New: Unclear what features are required for user agents

[Bug 8982] Unclear what features are required for user agents

[Bug 8983] New: Section 4.1 is unclear about language requirements

[Bug 8983] Section 4.1 is unclear about language requirements

[Bug 8984] Invalid XMLLiteral definition of namesspace-well-formed XML fragments is too weak

[Bug 8984] New: Invalid XMLLiteral definition of namesspace-well-formed XML fragments is too weak

[Bug 8985] Inclear if requirement to ensure namespace well-formed fragments is separate from other transformation requirements

[Bug 8985] New: Inclear if requirement to ensure namespace well-formed fragments is separate from other transformation requirements

[Bug 8986] Link to "Section 5.4, CURIE and URI Processing" points to the wrong place

[Bug 8986] New: Link to "Section 5.4, CURIE and URI Processing" points to the wrong place

[Bug 8987] New: Processing requirements for attributes starting with xmlns: are undefined

[Bug 8987] Processing requirements for attributes starting with xmlns: are undefined

[Bug 8988] Extensions to HTML5 syntax should be described as extensions, not modifications

[Bug 8988] New: Extensions to HTML5 syntax should be described as extensions, not modifications

[Bug 8989] Allowance for attributes starting with xmlns: should be stated as a requirement on documents and conformance checkers, not on the HTML5 spec

[Bug 8989] New: Allowance for attributes starting with xmlns: should be stated as a requirement on documents and conformance checkers, not on the HTML5 spec

[Bug 8990] Attributes starting with xmlns: are conforming even if illegal per Namespaces in XML

[Bug 8990] New: Attributes starting with xmlns: are conforming even if illegal per Namespaces in XML

[Bug 8991] Change to "coercion to infoset" rules is underdefined

[Bug 8991] New: Change to "coercion to infoset" rules is underdefined

[Bug 8992] Coercion to Infoset extensions mean that HTML document could produce different infosets in an HTML5 UA and an HTML+RDFa UA

[Bug 8992] New: Coercion to Infoset extensions mean that HTML document could produce different infosets in an HTML5 UA and an HTML+RDFa UA

[Bug 8993] New: Spec says that mapping from DOM to tree-model is not necessary, but later gives such a mapping

[Bug 8993] Spec says that mapping from DOM to tree-model is not necessary, but later gives such a mapping

[Bug 8994] HTML+RDFa will process attributes in the XHML namespace as well as the null namespace; XHTML+RDFa does not

[Bug 8994] New: HTML+RDFa will process attributes in the XHML namespace as well as the null namespace; XHTML+RDFa does not

[Bug 8995] DOM processing of xmlns: attributes should look at namespace URI, not namespace prefix

[Bug 8995] New: DOM processing of xmlns: attributes should look at namespace URI, not namespace prefix

[Bug 8996] New: Typo in DOM processing rules

[Bug 8996] Typo in DOM processing rules

[Bug 8997] New: Sections 6 and 7 are informative but appear to give normative requirements

[Bug 8997] Sections 6 and 7 are informative but appear to give normative requirements

[Bug 8998] New: There is no requirement that the values of attributes starting with xmlns: conform to Namespaces in XML

[Bug 8998] There is no requirement that the values of attributes starting with xmlns: conform to Namespaces in XML

[Bug 8999] Change the .cookie API to be based on the actual Origin of the document (vs its URL) and not on the sandboxed origin flag, so that text/html-sandboxed is handled as well. (But beware that data: URLs still have to fail silent, not throw SECURITY_ERR.)

[Bug 8999] New: Change the .cookie API to be based on the actual Origin of the document (vs its URL) and not on the sandboxed origin flag, so that text/html-sandboxed is handled as well. (But beware that data: URLs still have to fail silent, not throw SECURITY_ERR.)

[Bug 9000] datasrc, <script event>, <script for> and so on are missing

[Bug 9000] New: datasrc, <script event>, <script for> and so on are missing

[Bug 9001] Consistent "Status" sections for Microdata and RDFa

[Bug 9001] New: Consistent "Status" sections for Microdata and RDFa

[Bug 9002] @sandbox should not allow content with text/html MIME type to force authors to change type to secure one.

[Bug 9002] New: @sandbox should not allow content with text/html MIME type to force authors to change type to secure one.

[Bug 9003] New: Tag should be closed

[Bug 9003] Tag should be closed

[Bug 9004] New: Tag should be closed

[Bug 9004] Tag should be closed

[Bug 9006] help on mnie gryzie

[Bug 9006] New: help on mnie gryzie

[Bug 9007] New: Clarify that bugs should not be reopened when escalating to the tracker

[Bug 9008] canvas is sick

[Bug 9008] New: canvas is sick

[Bug 9010] New: There are one or more alternate methods of adding data without using RDFa, such as [microdata].

[Bug 9010] There are one or more alternate methods of adding data without using RDFa, such as [microdata].

[Bug 9011] New: There are discussions of alternate extensibility mechanisms, covered in [issue-41], which might allow other ways of integrating RDFa.

[Bug 9011] There are discussions of alternate extensibility mechanisms, covered in [issue-41], which might allow other ways of integrating RDFa.

[Bug 9012] New: There is concern that continued development of HTML+RDFa belongs in a different working group.

[Bug 9012] There is concern that continued development of HTML+RDFa belongs in a different working group.

[Bug 9013] "Empty attribute syntax" doesn't actually say that the value is the empty string.

[Bug 9013] New: "Empty attribute syntax" doesn't actually say that the value is the empty string.

[Bug 9014] New: should probably wait with instantiating a plugin until the end tag has been parsed, otherwise the <param>s might not have been parsed yet

[Bug 9014] should probably wait with instantiating a plugin until the end tag has been parsed, otherwise the <param>s might not have been parsed yet

[Bug 9015] New: Opera now sends PARAM:"" to the plugin for compat with mozilla

[Bug 9015] Opera now sends PARAM:"" to the plugin for compat with mozilla

[Bug 9016] Make parameters on applet use the same rules as object (except for codebase="")

[Bug 9016] New: Make parameters on applet use the same rules as object (except for codebase="")

[Bug 9017] New: The origin argument should be used to determine whether Referer is to be omitted for XMLHttpRequest. I'm not a 100% sure at the moment when that would matter, but it seems safer.

[Bug 9017] The origin argument should be used to determine whether Referer is to be omitted for XMLHttpRequest. I'm not a 100% sure at the moment when that would matter, but it seems safer.

[Bug 9018] New: Should "origin" be marked up as "<i>origin</i>" just like the synchronous flag?

[Bug 9018] Should "origin" be marked up as "<i>origin</i>" just like the synchronous flag?

[Bug 9020] "When a control has a pattern attribute,": xref pattern

[Bug 9020] New: "When a control has a pattern attribute,": xref pattern

[Bug 9021] New: perhaps mention here semantic alternatives to common use cases: <strike> → <del>, <tt> → <code>, &c.

[Bug 9021] perhaps mention here semantic alternatives to common use cases: <strike> → <del>, <tt> → <code>, &c.

[Bug 9022] New: spec author names

[Bug 9023] Dependency on Document does not work for Web Workers.

[Bug 9023] New: Dependency on Document does not work for Web Workers.

[Bug 9024] fetch should be referenced from algorithms in Web workers.

[Bug 9024] New: fetch should be referenced from algorithms in Web workers.

[Bug 9025] "the first five character removed" - should be "characters". [pt]

[Bug 9025] New: "the first five character removed" - should be "characters". [pt]

[Bug 9027] doubled "as possible"

[Bug 9027] New: doubled "as possible"

[Bug 9028] "(either because of a fatal error during load that's about to be reported, or because the load() method was invoked while the resource selection algorithm was already running, in which case it is fired synchronously during the load() method call)." - empt

[Bug 9028] New: "(either because of a fatal error during load that's about to be reported, or because the load() method was invoked while the resource selection algorithm was already running, in which case it is fired synchronously during the load() method call)." - empt

[Bug 9029] New: Steps 2 and 3 should be in the relevant specifications, rather than inline

[Bug 9029] Steps 2 and 3 should be in the relevant specifications, rather than inline

[Bug 9030] Add more dfns (more helpful list coming)

[Bug 9030] New: Add more dfns (more helpful list coming)

[Bug 9033] In the green box, please clarify that event.state contains a clone of the object passed to pushState

[Bug 9033] New: In the green box, please clarify that event.state contains a clone of the object passed to pushState

[Bug 9034] Is there any "white-space avoiding rule"? If not, Some HTML Editor may insert evil-poorlooked white-space.

[Bug 9034] New: Is there any "white-space avoiding rule"? If not, Some HTML Editor may insert evil-poorlooked white-space.

[Bug 9035] Interfaces for URL manipulation: concept of "hierarchical"

[Bug 9035] New: Interfaces for URL manipulation: concept of "hierarchical"

[Bug 9036] Can we explain what setAttribute and setAttributeNode actually do?

[Bug 9036] New: Can we explain what setAttribute and setAttributeNode actually do?

[Bug 9037] can we explain what getAttribute and and getAttributeNode do?

[Bug 9037] New: can we explain what getAttribute and and getAttributeNode do?

[Bug 9038] can we explain what getAttribute and and getAttributeNode do?

[Bug 9038] New: can we explain what getAttribute and and getAttributeNode do?

[Bug 9039] Can we explain what getElementsByTagName does (and specifically, that it returns a NodeList)?

[Bug 9039] New: Can we explain what getElementsByTagName does (and specifically, that it returns a NodeList)?

[Bug 9040] "Wherever a subdocument fragment is allowed in a compound document" -- What's an example of this?

[Bug 9040] New: "Wherever a subdocument fragment is allowed in a compound document" -- What's an example of this?

[Bug 9041] Is it worth mentioning that while there's no DOM API for the "manifest" attribute itself, there is an API for the cache manifest?

[Bug 9041] New: Is it worth mentioning that while there's no DOM API for the "manifest" attribute itself, there is an API for the cache manifest?

[Bug 9042] In neither section 4.2.1 or 4.8.2 is the reason for leaving out the title in an iframe srcdoc clarified. Is this because it's inherited from the parent? Because it's irrelevant? What does document.title return in this case?

[Bug 9042] New: In neither section 4.2.1 or 4.8.2 is the reason for leaving out the title in an iframe srcdoc clarified. Is this because it's inherited from the parent? Because it's irrelevant? What does document.title return in this case?

[Bug 9043] Must the href attribute of <base> be a full URL, including http://...; if so, what is the correct terminology for that? I tried following the "valid URL" link and it goes down a rabbit hole to, which does not define "v

[Bug 9043] New: Must the href attribute of <base> be a full URL, including http://...; if so, what is the correct terminology for that? I tried following the "valid URL" link and it goes down a rabbit hole to, which does not define "v

[Bug 9044] New: The context of <base> is "In a head element containing no other base elements" -- there are additional restrictions specified below that are not reflected here

[Bug 9044] The context of <base> is "In a head element containing no other base elements" -- there are additional restrictions specified below that are not reflected here

[Bug 9045] New: The term "valid URL" is used here, but following the link does not lead to a definition

[Bug 9045] The term "valid URL" is used here, but following the link does not lead to a definition

[Bug 9046] New: What, if anything, are UAs allowed to do with the advisory "type" attribute of <link>?

[Bug 9046] What, if anything, are UAs allowed to do with the advisory "type" attribute of <link>?

[Bug 9047] New: Should UAs print a page in a <link media=print> if no stylesheet with media=print is provided?

[Bug 9047] Should UAs print a page in a <link media=print> if no stylesheet with media=print is provided?

[Bug 9048] "If either name, http-equiv, or itemprop is specified, then the content attribute must also be specified. Otherwise, it must be omitted." Might be more clearly stated as "If charset is specified, then the content attribute must be omitted. Otherwise it mu

[Bug 9048] New: "If either name, http-equiv, or itemprop is specified, then the content attribute must also be specified. Otherwise, it must be omitted." Might be more clearly stated as "If charset is specified, then the content attribute must be omitted. Otherwise it mu

[Bug 9049] New: What is the correct behavior if a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"> conflicts with <meta charset>?

[Bug 9049] What is the correct behavior if a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"> conflicts with <meta charset>?

[Bug 9051] feed autodiscovery for main feed on posts

[Bug 9051] New: feed autodiscovery for main feed on posts

[Bug 9052] All DOCTYPE variants that trigger standards mode pre-HTML5 should continue to trigger standards mode in HTML5

[Bug 9052] New: All DOCTYPE variants that trigger standards mode pre-HTML5 should continue to trigger standards mode in HTML5

[Bug 9053] New: Should the "name=size" attributes in the "Pizza Size" radio buttons also be included in the <strong> markup which immediately follows them?

[Bug 9053] Should the "name=size" attributes in the "Pizza Size" radio buttons also be included in the <strong> markup which immediately follows them?

[Bug 9054] New: There is no direct replacement for a frameset. This supports some functionality and features that can't be emulated 100% by other methods.

[Bug 9054] There is no direct replacement for a frameset. This supports some functionality and features that can't be emulated 100% by other methods.

[Bug 9055] New: There is no direct replacement for a frameset. This supports some functionality and features that can't be emulated 100% by other methods. Server side includes cannot dynamically udpate pages, nor can new pages be loaded with javascript. This is a crit

[Bug 9055] There is no direct replacement for a frameset. This supports some functionality and features that can't be emulated 100% by other methods. Server side includes cannot dynamically udpate pages, nor can new pages be loaded with javascript. This is a crit

[Bug 9057] New: status section, ref to "HTML specifications"

[Bug 9057] status section, ref to "HTML specifications"

[Bug 9058] New: there is not CURIE or PREFIX?

[Bug 9058] there is not CURIE or PREFIX?

[Bug 9059] can I use wildcards to cache the whole directory?

[Bug 9059] New: can I use wildcards to cache the whole directory?

[Bug 9060] Add "in" into: "the user agent must act as if the element was" "a stack of open elements."

[Bug 9060] New: Add "in" into: "the user agent must act as if the element was" "a stack of open elements."

[Bug 9061] allow image maps on the canvas element.

[Bug 9061] New: allow image maps on the canvas element.

[Bug 9066] New: You state "many users disable scripting"... the most reliable stats I can find indicate that at most 1-2% of users have JS diabled. So using "many" is rather misleading.

[Bug 9066] You state "many users disable scripting"... the most reliable stats I can find indicate that at most 1-2% of users have JS diabled. So using "many" is rather misleading.

[Bug 9068] New: Windows-31J preferred name is with the "W" uppercase, not as given in the overrides where it is lowercase. (w00t! consistency!)

[Bug 9068] Windows-31J preferred name is with the "W" uppercase, not as given in the overrides where it is lowercase. (w00t! consistency!)

[Bug 9071] Handling of "[" in between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers-state may not be ideal

[Bug 9071] New: Handling of "[" in between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers-state may not be ideal

[Bug 9072] New: There's inconsistent quoting of attributes between the highlighted and non-highlited parts of this section

[Bug 9072] There's inconsistent quoting of attributes between the highlighted and non-highlited parts of this section

[Bug 9073] "Configuring o form"? [pt]

[Bug 9073] New: "Configuring o form"? [pt]

[Bug 9074] New: Ogg Theora and Vorbis should be set as standard.

[Bug 9074] Ogg Theora and Vorbis should be set as standard.

[Bug 9077] Lady of Shalott example doesn't really "enhance the themes or subject matter of the page content"

[Bug 9077] New: Lady of Shalott example doesn't really "enhance the themes or subject matter of the page content"

[Bug 9078] "only the first verse is included in this snippet" inaccurate

[Bug 9078] New: "only the first verse is included in this snippet" inaccurate

[Bug 9079] Mis-use of <h2> in The Lady of Shalott examples

[Bug 9079] New: Mis-use of <h2> in The Lady of Shalott examples

[Bug 9080] Confusing alt text in the second The Lady of Shalott example

[Bug 9080] New: Confusing alt text in the second The Lady of Shalott example

[Bug 9081] Confusing alt text in the fourth The Lady of Shalott example

[Bug 9081] New: Confusing alt text in the fourth The Lady of Shalott example

[Bug 9082] New: Step 20. "the table" seems to be repeated unnecessarily

[Bug 9082] Step 20. "the table" seems to be repeated unnecessarily

[Bug 9083] New: This should mention that it includes framing overhead.

[Bug 9083] This should mention that it includes framing overhead.

[Bug 9084] New: Opera's implementation of this treats the comma as a delimiter (i.e. if you select Abyssinian from the drop-down and type a ',' after that, it gives you the drop-down again to select another item). I like this feature but want to make sure it is interopab

[Bug 9084] Opera's implementation of this treats the comma as a delimiter (i.e. if you select Abyssinian from the drop-down and type a ',' after that, it gives you the drop-down again to select another item). I like this feature but want to make sure it is interopab

[Bug 9085] "If the playback has ended, seek to the earliest possible position of the media resource." - should also check if direction is forwards, since if direction is backwards we're already at the earliest position

[Bug 9085] New: "If the playback has ended, seek to the earliest possible position of the media resource." - should also check if direction is forwards, since if direction is backwards we're already at the earliest position

[Bug 9086] "If the playback has ended, seek to the earliest possible position of the media resource." - should also check if direction is forwards, since if direction is backwards we're already at the earliest position

[Bug 9086] New: "If the playback has ended, seek to the earliest possible position of the media resource." - should also check if direction is forwards, since if direction is backwards we're already at the earliest position

[Bug 9088] New: test test test test

[Bug 9088] test test test test

[Bug 9091] <span itemprop="fn">David Junger</span>

[Bug 9091] New: <span itemprop="fn">David Junger</span>

[Bug 9092] </br><frameset>text would generate a frameset per spec, since the frameset-ok flag should be ok after </br> is seen. But an IE8 test shows otherwise

[Bug 9092] New: </br><frameset>text would generate a frameset per spec, since the frameset-ok flag should be ok after </br> is seen. But an IE8 test shows otherwise

[Bug 9093] </p>text would ignore </p>, but it does not on IE8.

[Bug 9093] New: </p>text would ignore </p>, but it does not on IE8.

[Bug 9094] It should be stylable (thru CSS markup)

[Bug 9094] New: It should be stylable (thru CSS markup)

[Bug 9096] Mapping U+0000 to U+FFFD regresses rendering of pages

[Bug 9096] New: Mapping U+0000 to U+FFFD regresses rendering of pages

[Bug 9097] Add wbr { content: "\200B"; } (ZWSP)?

[Bug 9097] New: Add wbr { content: "\200B"; } (ZWSP)?

[Bug 9098] New: Correct the img element definition. Replace with suggested text.

[Bug 9099] New: suggestion; use list for <br> non-conforming example form alternative

[Bug 9101] How noHref "reflect"s nohref is not well defined; nohref is not explicitly mentioned as a "boolean attribute"

[Bug 9101] New: How noHref "reflect"s nohref is not well defined; nohref is not explicitly mentioned as a "boolean attribute"

[Bug 9102] New: this CSS style sheet does not work because "type" attribute values are compared case-insensitively according to the "Matching HTML elements using selectors" section

[Bug 9102] this CSS style sheet does not work because "type" attribute values are compared case-insensitively according to the "Matching HTML elements using selectors" section

[Bug 9103] New: 'padding-left' here should be marked as LTR-specific

[Bug 9104] New: there were <link urn=""> and <link methods="">, too. [RFC1866]

[Bug 9105] New: instanceof HTMLLIElement) { // use the element's data-value="" attribute as the value to be moving: event.dataTransfer.setData(internalDNDType,; event.effectAllowed = 'move'; // only allow moves }

[Bug 9105] instanceof HTMLLIElement) { // use the element's data-value="" attribute as the value to be moving: event.dataTransfer.setData(internalDNDType,; event.effectAllowed = 'move'; // only allow moves }

[Bug 9106] New: Description of the commandType attribute talks about a value of "checked". Should be "checkbox".

[Bug 9108] New: not necessary

[Bug 9108] not necessary

[Bug 9109] its fucke

[Bug 9109] New: its fucke

[Bug 9110] link failed to load

[Bug 9110] New: link failed to load

[Bug 9112] item/namedItem should return HTMLElement or Element

[Bug 9112] New: item/namedItem should return HTMLElement or Element

[Bug 9113] New: re: “axis on td and th elements” text could say “Use the scope attribute on the relevant th”

[Bug 9113] re: "axis on td and th elements" text could say "Use the scope attribute on the relevant th"

[Bug 9114] "If the second argument isn't one of the allowed values, throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception." - incorrect copy-and-paste from the createPattern text

[Bug 9114] New: "If the second argument isn't one of the allowed values, throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception." - incorrect copy-and-paste from the createPattern text

[Bug 9115] New: What's this bar?

[Bug 9115] What's this bar?

[Bug 9116] New: Will we be to manipulate the address via JavaScript without the # to get true deeplinking?

[Bug 9117] New: "Throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if the offset it out of range" - s/it/is/ [pt]

[Bug 9118] New: "If either of the radii are negative throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception." - s/throws/, throws/ [pt]

[Bug 9119] New: "Gradients must be painted only where ..." - this sentence applies to all gradients (not just radial), so it should be placed after the following sentence ("The points in the radial gradient ..."), so that all the radial-specific sentences are kept togthe

[Bug 9120] New: "The allowed values for repeat are repeat" - should be "allowed values for <var>repetition</var>" [pt]

[Bug 9121] New: "Returns the one-dimensional array containing the data." - should say "in RGBA order, as integers in the range 0 .. 255", so that it's giving the information authors need to know. [pt]

[Bug 9122] New: Obsolete but Conforming

[Bug 9122] Obsolete but Conforming

[Bug 9124] missing formatBlock candidates

[Bug 9124] New: missing formatBlock candidates

[Bug 9125] missing formatBlock candidates

[Bug 9125] New: missing formatBlock candidates

[Bug 9126] New: Please make the bug filing dialog ignoreable (e.g. make it a single-line box above or instead of the comment box). Consider moving focus so that pressing enter in an attempt to close the dialog doesn't file a dup bug.

[Bug 9126] Please make the bug filing dialog ignoreable (e.g. make it a single-line box above or instead of the comment box). Consider moving focus so that pressing enter in an attempt to close the dialog doesn't file a dup bug.

[Bug 9127] As others have pointed out: why have so many willfull violations to support legacy content if there is *no legacy HTML5 content to support?*

[Bug 9127] New: As others have pointed out: why have so many willfull violations to support legacy content if there is *no legacy HTML5 content to support?*

[Bug 9128] It seems a bad idea to willfully violate the character model specification for a new standard. New HTML documents should have the correct encoding and should not need to be mis-interpreted. Why not specify mandatory UTF-8 anyway?

[Bug 9128] New: It seems a bad idea to willfully violate the character model specification for a new standard. New HTML documents should have the correct encoding and should not need to be mis-interpreted. Why not specify mandatory UTF-8 anyway?

[Bug 9129] New: The terms used from the DOM specification need some <code> love.

[Bug 9131] New: please elaborate on "If there is no relevant pointing device" - how can you get the mouse position on the drag or dragend events?

[Bug 9131] please elaborate on "If there is no relevant pointing device" - how can you get the mouse position on the drag or dragend events?

[Bug 9132] New: "if it is a number between 0.0 and 1.0" - what is a number? Is it something that WebIDL converts to an IDL double value in its 'any' conversion? Or does toDataURL("image/jpeg", "0.5") count as a number too?

[Bug 9133] New: "if it is a number between 0.0 and 1.0" - does 'between' mean inclusive or exclusive?

[Bug 9134] I'm strongly opposed to having "willful violations" of the specs, and of mandating the use of platform-specific Windows encodings in preference to standardised ISO ones, on the grounds of supporting "legacy" content; isn't this supposed to be a new spec f

[Bug 9134] New: I'm strongly opposed to having "willful violations" of the specs, and of mandating the use of platform-specific Windows encodings in preference to standardised ISO ones, on the grounds of supporting "legacy" content; isn't this supposed to be a new spec f

[Bug 9135] New: provide an inline link in the canvas section to the 2d context spec

[Bug 9137] New: i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain

[Bug 9138] New: "Resolving Web addresses"

[Bug 9141] New: overriding explicitly declared encodings is a bad idea maybe make this only for when both HTTP and HTML didn't specify the encoding

[Bug 9143] New: I notice that under the definition for the-i-element it says "Authors are encouraged to use the class attribute on the i element to identify why the element is being used", but there's no similar text for b. Given the Note on both, it seems you'd want to

[Bug 9143] The b element lacks encouragement to use classes (cf i element)

[Bug 9144] New: &#13; should expand to CR

[Bug 9145] New: steps 1 to 3 could be merged into "A string that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "<!DOCTYPE""

[Bug 9146] is this useful?

[Bug 9146] New: is this useful?

[Bug 9148] New: "either does not expect the user to need the media resource, but that" -- "either ... but" is wrong, this needs to be reworded.

[Bug 9149] New: Don't require set-cookie2; see <>

[Bug 9151] New: The first item in the list seems truncated or not in item list form. It ends "and,"

[Bug 9152] New: The list of elements doesn't include elements like input, select (and probably others) that are includes in MSIE.

[Bug 9153] New: The element list isn't in alphabetical order (unlike the same element list further down).

[Bug 9154] New: the message in dom-intro boxes look like "issue" boxes. could you make them look less like issue boxes? e.g. be styled the same way as other "this section is non-normative" paragraphs; possibly have .impl style (so they get highlighted in highlight UA tex

[Bug 9155] New: "The attribute must be ignored if the autoplay attribute is present." - seems wrong when the user has set a pref to make autoplay="" not autoplay



[Bug 9157] New: What does this mean for <a>? What does it mean for <a target=_blank>? Following links should probably always work.

[Bug 9159] New: metadata keyword description - "Hints to the user agent that the author either does not expect the user to need the media resource...". The word "either" seems to be unnecessary.

[Bug 9160] New: Constraint validation ought to match a radio group; that is, if any checkbox in the group is checked, the whole control is valid. Not only would this change make the API consistent for mutually-exclusive (radio) and mutually-inexclusive (checkbox) widget

[Bug 9161] New: it should explicitly say alt="" MUST NOT be blank unless it MAY be left blank

[Bug 9162] New: please define authors' requirements and non-normative introduction for authors to HTML's fragment identifiers

[Bug 9163] New: The domintro box only has document.dir, and ought to have element.dir too. [pt]

[Bug 9164] New: If maxWidth = 0, repeatedly choosing smaller font sizes will never result in a zero-width piece of text, so steps 3-4 loop infinitely; there should be some way to e.g. abort and draw nothing if maxWidth is too small. [pt]

[Bug 9165] Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS

[Bug 9165] New: Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS

[Bug 9166] Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS . example in html id="name.last" in CSS selectors is imposible to select it because will search form id name class last.

[Bug 9166] New: Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS . example in html id="name.last" in CSS selectors is imposible to select it because will search form id name class last.

[Bug 9167] Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS . example in html id="name.last" in CSS selectors is imposible to select it because will search form id name class last. In html is possible use

[Bug 9167] New: Must not contain periods(".") de id and class, (and posible not #, :, {) because is not accesible from CSS . example in html id="name.last" in CSS selectors is imposible to select it because will search form id name class last. In html is possible use

[Bug 9168] New: iframeborder -> frameborder

[Bug 9169] Consider adding a CAPTCHA example

[Bug 9169] New: Consider adding a CAPTCHA example

[Bug 9170] New: Too good

Last message date: Sunday, 28 February 2010 19:32:26 UTC